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The Passive

The passive voice is used to describe a process, because we want to the focus attention on
the person or thing affected by an action.

Passive Structure: Verb to be + Past Participle

Example: A letter was written.

A. Create sentences in the passive using the prompts.

1. (the office / clean / every day)


2. (glass / make / from sand)


3. (stamps / sell / in a post office)


4. (this room / not / use / very often)


5. (the car / park / on the second floor)


6. (the office / clean / yesterday)


7. (the house / paint / last month)


8. (three people / injure / in the accident)


9. (my bicycle / steal / three days ago)


10. (coffee / put / in the cup)

_________________________________________________________________________ ©20I5 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

I want to plan a party. What should I do?

B. To describe a process we also use sequence words. Use the sequence words in
the box and the passive voice to write about how to plan a party.

To begin with First of all First Second Third Then

Next After that Subsequently Eventually Finally








Describing a process means writing about how something is made, or how something is
done or used.


How to make a cake. (made)

How to get an 'A' on your English course. (done)

How to install software on a computer. (used)

Writing a process in stages or a chain makes it easier to understand.

Example Process: How to get a job.

There are five main stages to getting a job.

First, a job advert is seen in a newspaper or on the Internet.

Second, a resume and covering letter are written.

Then, the resume and covering letter are sent by email.

After that, a reply is received.

Finally, if successful, a job interview is attended. ©20I5 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

C. With a partner, write two processes using the passive. Choose two of the
processes below or use your own ideas.

How to become a good tennis player.

How to write an essay.

How to speak English well.

Process 1: ___________________________________________










Process 2: ___________________________________________










Present your processes to the class. ©20I5 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Exercise A: Answer key

1 (the office / clean / every day)

The office is cleaned every day.

2 (glass / make / from sand)

Glass is made from sand.

3 (stamps / sell / in a post office)

Stamps are sold in a post office.

4 (this room / not / use / very often)

This room is not used very often

5 (The car / park / on the second floor)

The car is parked on the second floor.

6 (the office / clean / yesterday)

The office was cleaned yesterday.

7 (the house / paint / last month)

The house was painted last month

8 (three people / injure / in the accident)

Three people were injured in the accident.

9 (my bicycle / steal / three days ago)

My bicycle was stolen three days ago

10 (Coffee / put / in the cup)

Coffee was put in the cup ©20I5 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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