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Grammar - PAST SIMPLE - REGULAR VERBS (affirmative)

Answer Listen
Arrive Live
Ask Look
Bother Love
Call Match
Celebrate Move
Clean Need
Climb Open
Close Paint
Complete Park
Cook Plan
Dance Play
Decide Protect
Discover Push
Enjoy Rain
Fish Snow
Hate Start
Help Study
Invite Talk
Jump Walk
Learn Watch
Like Work

Grammar - PAST SIMPLE - REGULAR VERBS (affirmative)

Activity 1. Write in the correct place

finish - cry – start – play – like – pass – repeat – worry

tidy – decide – study – watch – listen – look – talk
live – climb – hate – love – miss – phone – enjoy – miss
clean – ask – stop – walk – travel – open – close – arrive

Double consonant

liked played cried passed

Grammar - PAST SIMPLE - REGULAR VERBS (affirmative)

Activity 1. Separate

1.- Mybrotherfinishedhishomeworkverylate.
2.- Mydadcookedthedinnerlastnight.
3.- Mybrotherbotheredmeyesterday.
4.- Ihelpedmygrandmaathome.
5.- Johnplayedtheguitarverywell.
6.- Itrainedalotlastweek.
7.- WelivedinLondonwhenIwassix.
8.- Shestudiedhardfortheexam.
9.- Theywalkedintheparkfortwohours.
10.- Mysisterinvitedallherfriendstotheparty.

Grammar - PAST SIMPLE - REGULAR VERBS (affirmative)

Activity 2. Write in order

1.- We football played match yesterday a

2.- She piano new a needed
3.- answered question difficult Susan very a
4.- uncle big fished fish a My
5.- parked mum the park car My in
6.- a lot We in class talked
7.- They Paris to three ago years moved
8.- He TV watched night last
9.- friends a cave discovered My
10.- They the weekend planned

Grammar - PAST SIMPLE - REGULAR VERBS (affirmative)

Activity 3. Circle TRUE or FALSE about yourself

1.- I played basketball last week. TRUE FALSE

2.- I studied maths yesterday at school. TRUE FALSE
3.- I listened to pop music last night. TRUE FALSE
4.- My mum cooked the lunch yesterday. TRUE FALSE
5.- I went to school yesterday. TRUE FALSE
6.- I celebrated my birthday last month. TRUE FALSE
7.- I lived in a city two years ago. TRUE FALSE
8.- I helped my parents at the weekend. TRUE FALSE
9.- I studied hard for the last exam. TRUE FALSE
10.- I walked to school with my brother. TRUE FALSE

Activity 4. Separate

1.- Theyjumpedtentimes. ___________________________

2.- Mysistersbotheredmelastnight. ___________________________
3.- Shecalledmeyesterday. ___________________________
4.- Itrainedalotlastyear. ___________________________
5.- TheylivedinTokyotwoyearsago. ___________________________
6.- Weparkedthecarinthegarage. ___________________________
7.- Theyaskedmealotofquestions. ___________________________
8.- Weenjoyedthebirthdayparty. ___________________________
9.- Hewalkedtoschool. ___________________________
10.- WewatchedTVathome. ___________________________


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