Postion Paper India WHO Community

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Committee : Human Rights Council

Topic : Covid19

The India has issued a health advice for the whole country and feels proud in saying we have had been
able to recover out of that , these health guidelines are aimed at protecting people to catch coronavirus
, we have had been reaching out the vulnerable groups in the county and helping them to counter the
disease . In our guidelines we have mentioned everything starting from washing hands to covering
yourself with gears .

Health advice for everyone

1) Wash your hands.

2) Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, then dry them thoroughly.

3) Wash your hands often: before you go out, when you come home, after blowing your nose and of
course before meals and after going to the toilet.

Cough and sneeze into your elbow.

Use paper tissues to blow your nose and discard them after use.

Then wash your hands.

Don’t shake hands with others.

Stay 1.5 metres (2 arms lengths) away from other people.

This applies when you are outside, in shops and at work. It does not apply to family members or other
people that you live with.

Keeping a distance of 1.5 metres reduces the chance of people infecting each other.

Everyone in the India should stay at home as much as possible. Work from home if possible. Go outside
only when you need to: to buy groceries, walk the dog, get some fresh air or care for someone else. If
you must leave your home, go alone if possible and stay 1.5 metres away from others. People who work
in crucial sectors and critical processes can go to work if necessary. Indian government has imposed a
lockdown to let the people stay at home . Areas from where the corona patients have been found are
sealed to prevent further spread.

Even if you have mild cold-like symptoms, such as a sore throat, a runny nose, sneezing, a mild cough or
a temperature below 38 degrees Celsius, you should stay at home until you are fully recovered. Do not
go out to buy groceries and don’t have any visitors. Have others do the shopping for you, or have your
groceries delivered. Ask someone else to walk the dog. Household members without symptoms can
follow the rules that apply to everyone in India (see above). If you feel better and have not had any
symptoms for 24 hours, you are still requested to not go outside again. People who work in crucial
sectors and critical processes are often still allowed to work if they have mild symptoms. Talk to your
employer if you are in any doubt.

If you have cold-like symptoms and a fever above 38 degrees Celsius and/or shortness of breath,

stay at home until you are fully recovered. Do not go out to buy groceries and don’t have any visitors.
Others in your household must stay at home too. Only household members with no symptoms may
briefly go out to buy groceries. This restriction does not apply to people who work in crucial sectors and
critical processes. They can go to work unless they develop shortness of breath and/or a fever above 38
degrees Celsius. If no membeers of your household have had any symptoms for 24 hours, you can go
outside again.

Vulnerable groups
People over 70 and people with chronic health conditions have a higher risk of becoming seriously ill
with coronavirus. If you fall into one of these groups, stay at home, receive as few visitors as possible
and stay 1.5 metres away from others. You can still stay in touch with people by phone or in other
Plan of Action
From : India
Problem: Lockdown causing Anxiety and people are getting
 We have taken measures to stop the spread of fake new
 A councillor will be appointed 24/7 to help people with
 Entertainment programmes are being rebroadcasting

which had gone of in air earlier like Ramayana ,

Mahabharata etc.

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