UTS Bahasa Inggris Fahrul Sanjaya PDF

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Semester Ganjil Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021

Kampus PENS, Jalan Raya ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111

Mata Kuliah: Bhs Ing utk Karir Dosen : Imam Dui Agusalim
Kelas: PJJD3 AK A Sifat: Tertutup
Durasi/jam: 70 menit / 11.10-12.20 Hari/Tgl: Sabtu /04-04-2020

Part A. Identify the error existing in the sentence.

electronic equipment.
1. I would like to apply to the post of Trainee D
A B C 8. I feel confidence that my work experience
Service Engineer as advertised in the June issue A B
D together with my college qualification, make me
of Electronics Today. C
well suited for the post.
2. I enclose my Curriculum Vitae with the name of D
A B C 9. Experts predict that computers will play an ever-
two referees. A B C
D increasing role in the live of people around the
3. I consider I am good qualified for this post. D
A B C D world.
4. I will shortly complete my study in Electronics 10. Computers are able to manipulate certain kinds
engineering and will be available for of data very quick.
employed from the end of July.
D Part B. Fill in the blank spaces in the paragraph
5. My college work has been good and I have with appropriate choice.
completed all my module successfully to date. In 1950 it (11 A. is predicted, B. predicted, C.
C D predicts, D. was predicted) that eight or ten electronic
6. On leaving school, I worked for one year in the
computers would be (12 A. sufficient, B. suffered, C.
family garage. Although I decided not to stuff, D. steady) to handle all the scientific and
continue with this career, it gave us useful business needs of the United States. Likewise, the
B C chief executive officer of IBM (13 A. advises, B.
work experience.
D advise, C. advised, D. is advising) the company not to
7. Last year I spent two months of my vacation invest time or money in developing computers
work for a small company which repairs because (14 A. he, B. they, C. it, his) foresaw a limited
A B C commercial market. But these predictions (15 A. are
proved, B. were proved, C.
proved, D. proof) totally inacurrate as the computer ande making the hardware reliable , the operating

industry developed into a multimillion-dollar system solid, the compiler fast, and the data

business. Today the computer (16. A.plays, B. play, management powerful. Ideally, someone assures that

C. played, D. player) a vital role in the lives of many all these parts provide a useful system and works on

Americans and is seen as one of the greatest any components with which the user is not satisfied.

technolgical bevelopments of all times. But more often, the user is persuaded to live with the
system as it has been engineered.
Part C. Substitute appropriate terms for the 25. What aspects are recommended to build for ideal
underlined words or phrases in sentence. computer systems?
A. payroll, B. lease, C. tools, A. hardware engineering C. software engineering
D. transaction, E. categorize, F. stored, B. use of computer D. A and C
G. routine, H. Integral I. decision- 26. The solid computer system must be built
making, J. effectively according to the following, except :
17. Products are kept in warefhouses until they are A. the computer parts must be right reliable
shipped to wholesalers and retailers. B. the compiler must be fast
C. the component must be from any brand
18. When a business or an individual needs to use an D. the data management must be powerful
expensive piece of equipment, the decision is
often made to rent rather than buy it. 27. What is meant by the word ‘these’ in line 7?
A. the software of computer
19. Computers perform numerous common data B. someone using the computer
processing tasks in business. C. computers
D. parts of computer, system, compilation and data
20. Computers handle large amounts of data rapidly
and efficiently; they classify, process, and report 28. What does the word ‘it’ on the last line refer to?
this information. A. the computer
B. the computer system
21. Decision-making is an essential part of the C. the user
managerial process. D. the engineering

22. In order to operate efficiently at all administra- 29. Has the computer system been ideal yet?
tive levels, today’s managers need knowledge of A. Yes, it is B. Yes, it has not
computers and their business applications. C. No, it is not D. No, it hasn’t

23. Each piece of business involving the transfer of 30. Why?

money must be carefully recorded in the firm’s A. It has been perfect
books. B. It has already been engineered
C. It has not made the user satisfied yet
24. Computers functions as useful aids in the D. The system is often inappropriate with the user
analysis of data.

Part D. Read this text and answer the questions in Part E. Imagine that you have graduated from
brief. PENS. Write down the detail of your own
Hardware and software engineering have always been Educational Experience such as what is
important aspects of building computer systems. The written down in Skill Based Curriculum
emphasis is on building the parts right,
Name: Fahrul Sanjaya I was graduated from informatic engineering with high
GPA, has many of experience in making website or
Class/Nim: PJJ AK-A/2103197078 other application,
such as attendance application, marketplace and etc.
Signature: ............................... can use many third party libraries in developing an
application, available work in team and individual.
CROSS THE CHOICE - As web developer I’m working at PT Global
Informatika Indonesia, and my role is to assist the
1. A B C D project team in developing and testing client website,
2. A B C D and finish the project as soon as possible.
3. A B C D
4. A B C D
5. A B C D ..............................................................................

6. A B C D ..............................................................................
7. A B C D ..............................................................................
8. A B C D
9. A B C D ..............................................................................
10. A B C D ..............................................................................

11. A B C D ..............................................................................
12. A B C D ..............................................................................
13. A B C D
14. A B C D ..............................................................................
15. A B C D ..............................................................................

16. A B C D ..............................................................................
17. A B C D E F G H I J ..............................................................................
18. A B C D E F G H I J
19. A B C D E F G H I J ..............................................................................
20. A B C D E F G H I J ..............................................................................

21. A B C D E F G H I J ..............................................................................
22. A B C D E F G H I J ..............................................................................
23. A B C D E F G H I J
24. A B C D E F G H I J ..............................................................................
25. D
26. C ..............................................................................

27. D ..............................................................................
28. B
29. A ..............................................................................

30. B ..............................................................................

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