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James Stuart Sim Jordan Sim

Co-Owner Public Relations
(757) 865-1900 (757) 646-6610

Greatness from Within

VIRGINIA BEACH, VA – The late summer of Aug. brought a surprise to the home of

Martha and John Sim. While they had just pushed their third and thought to be last child out of

the nest came the news of another baby. The 40 and 45 year old parents strapped in for their final

child, James Stuart Sim. Although the news of their fourth child was celebrated, Martha and John

were in no way giving up their travel bug. While there was a lot of love in the Sim family, there

had not been a lot of presence at times. Stuart Sim grew up to become a successful partner in his

family legacy, Morgan Marrow Company, and then chose to use his business to support other

children who may not have had the most attention growing up. After some research Stuart hand-

picked to support The Boys and Girls Club of Southeast Virginia.

The Boys and Girls Club of Southeast Virginia is a place for children and teens to reach

their full potential regardless of their race, social class, status or abilities. “We all have greatness

inside but it’s how we are nurtured and taught that allows that greatness to shine,” Stuart once

said. This club strives to provide programs for children in five core areas.

Greatness from Within
These areas include character and leadership development, health and life skills, the arts, sports,

fitness and recreation and education and career.

All of these capacities are here to help aid children in their futures regardless if they have

people at home supporting them or not. Stuart is in full support of The Boys and Girls Club and

has used his company’s platform to publicly support and sponsor them on countless occasions.

This club’s vision and purpose is to encourage youth development while instilling healthy habits,

self-esteem, independence and interpersonal skills.

Everyone deserves a chance at opportunity and success but just because we deserve it,

doesn’t mean we always get that chance. This club gives children an outlet to hone their skills

and passions. It allows them the attention needed to thrive. The Rosemont Unit located at 1505

Competitor Court in Virginia Beach, VA 23453 is open Monday through Friday from 3 o’clock

in the afternoon to 8 o’clock in the evening with dinner included. This club not only supports

children who have had it rough in life but also children whose parents both work full time,

families with money problems, etc. To make things easier on parents and children, transportation

is offered to a large number of schools in the area.

Currently, there are 11 club locations with the hopes of expanding. “It’s a result-based

world, so why would we not support a cause giving children the best results possible to make it

in world as rough as this one…” said Stuart Sim when asked his thoughts about supporting and

encouraging the expansion of this club to places all over the country. To make this dream a

reality there will need to be more donations and sponsors. As of now there is so much support

from sponsors such as Dollar Tree, JCA Foundation, Loancare Company, Morgan Marrow

Company, as well as many others.

Greatness from Within
In addition to the support from sponsors there is also a lot of support from our local community.

There have been many successful events that Morgan Marrow along with other followers have

supported and donated to such as The Suffolk barbecue and Oyster Roast, Golf Tournaments,

Eastern Shore Swine and Wine Events, Hampton Roads STEM camp for children and so many

more. Children are the future and Morgan Marrow Company takes great joy in the small part

they play to keep The Boys and Girls Club alive and flourishing.

Stuart Sim has always talked about his childhood pleasantly but has further addressed

how nice it would have been to have had something like The Boys and Girls Club growing up.

To have a place that betters not only your education but your self-esteem and independence is a

remarkable contribution, one these children will always remember. There are many ways to help

this club continue to thrive. Some specific things we as individuals can do are to visit Michael’s

during the Back2School campaign from Aug. 4-31 and purchase school supplies that will be

donated to the different club locations or visit Buffalo Wild Wings in the month of Oct. where

the donations made will go toward supporting the club’s sports programming’s and team sports.

The Boys and Girls Club of Southeast Virginia enjoy the 31rst annual fishing day hosted by Knights of
Columbus where they group into teams for a friendly competition of who can catch the biggest fish.

Greatness from Within
The event referenced above raised $20 thousand as well as gave so many children a fun

memory to look back on. There are so many of these events but I wanted to include an image to

really depict how these children are positively affected by the contributions made by so many

people. I also enjoyed the fishing day event because it is something different that even the kids

can participate in and enjoy.

The Boys and Girls Club of Southeast Virginia’s priority outcomes are academic success,

good character and leadership and healthy lifestyles. Although Stuart loved his childhood and

appreciates his upbringing, he is honored to support something that enables more positivity into

the lives of children everywhere that may not have the love and support he had from his siblings

and family members. Morgan Marrow Company will continue to support the establishment of

more Boys and Girls Clubs around the country and donate their time and money to help

empower our future generations into success. For more information on how to support and

encourage involvement in The Boys and Girls Club of Southeast Virginia you can call (757)



About Morgan Marrow Company

Morgan Marrow Company is a family run insurance company created in 1907 that is currently
owned by James Stuart Sim, Michael Sim and Edwin Morgan. The company prides itself on
being there for its clients while supporting other endeavors such as the Seena Magowitz
Pancreatic Cancer Foundation as well as The Boys and Girls Club of Southeast Virginia.

About The Boys and Girls Club

The Boys and Girls Club is a place where children from any background can come and reach
their full potential through a variety of programs. These children are taught to believe in
themselves, their success, and maintain a healthy lifestyle that they will carry on for the rest of
their lives. This extraordinary place protects children and gives them the opportunity to reach
their dreams.

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