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2 entitled Redirenting the Functions and.Operations-of the- 9S\WB——————. SUBJECT: OMNIBUS GUIDELINES IN THE ACCREDITATION OF MARRIAGE COUNSELORS |. Rationale: The Department of -Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) through its Stendards Bureau issued Administrative Order No. 12 ‘Revised Guidelines in. the Accreditation of Marriage Counselors" in 2007. The Issuance is in compliance with the Pravision of the Family Code of the Philippines to promote the professional practice of marriage counselors as experts in assisting couples to decide on positive options in their marital relationships based on informed decision to achieve a stable and functional farnily = relationship. The DSWD, Commission on Population (POPCOM), Department of Health (20H) and Department of Interior and Local Governrdent (DILG) require the organization of inter- agency Pre Marriage Counseling (PMC). Teams whose members come from those agencies hased in every cities and municipalities in 2 Joint Memorandum Circular No. issued in 2002 "Revised Pre-Martiage Counseling Implementing Guidelines’. After two years of implementing the A.O. No. 12 series ‘of 2007, there are still some issues and concerns raised by members of the PMC: teams from the cities and municipalities regarding the educational qualifications of members of the PMC especially the midwives who are graduates of a two (2) year course and other religious lay ministers, church pastors who conduct marriage counseling services. N. Legal Bases A. Executive Order (EO) No. 15 series of 1998, as amended by EO 224 series of 2003 Section 3, (a) set standards, accredit, and provide consultative services to institutions, organizations and persons engaged in social welfare activities and monitor performance of institutions and persons engaged in social welfare activities, both public and private. B. Family Code of the Philippines Article 16, “In cases where parental consent or advise is needed, the party or parties concerned shall, in addition to the requirements of the preceding articles, attach ‘a certificate issued by a priest,:imam, or minister authorized to solemnize mariage under Article 7 of the Family Code of the Phillppines or a marriage « counselor duly accredited by proper government agency to the effect that the contracting parties have undergone maytiage counseling’. ‘The Civ Code Revision Committee, UP Law Center in its letter dated September 23, 1988 to the National Reg 08 : Mani 060 “poe 7. Accreditation ~ refers to the recognition bestowed by the DSWD to an individual's expertise to provide MCS as evidenced by a Certificate of Accreditation 1V. General Policies ‘This general policy is included to provide all concerned agencies guide and directions to accomplish the objectives of AO 12 series of 2007 A. All DSWD Field Offices (FOs) must advocate to all local government units (LGUs) the organization/establishment of Pre Martiage Counseling Team through the fi issuance of a Sangguniang Bayan/Panglunsod resolution, B. DSWD FO shall advocate to all LGUs through the Provincial/City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Offices (P/G/MSWDOs) to include in their Annual Work and Financial Plan the budget for the capability building activities of their staff specifically attendance to trainings related to marriage counseling (MC). C. Either half or whole day shall be allotted for purposes of accreditation assessment on PMC by all the members of the PMC teem in a designated venue. This arrangement must be suggested and recommended by the Standards Bureau in their communication with the local chief executive of the city/municipaiity. ©. Pre Marriage Counseling team are expected to discuss the assigned topics in the Marriage Counseling Service Manusl.’. In cases there is more than one applicant, only two-per agency will be allowed to share in the discussion of each topis. ‘The Pre Marriage Counseling Orientation/Manual shall be developed by the POPCOM together with DSWD and DOH. E, The certificate of accreditation Issuedsto an individual marriage counselor Is non- transferable F. All members of the city/municipal PMC team are required to apply for accreditation with the concerned DSWD FO. G. Only an accredited PMC Team member is authorized to sign the PMC certificate ¥. Composition of Pre Marriage Counseling (PMC) Team The Pre Marriage Counseling Team shall be composed of a minimum of three (3) * and a maximum of five (5) members from the following City and Municipality depending on their availability: imary Members (Mandatory) ‘ 4, Municipal/ City Social Welfare Development Officer 2, Municipal/ City Health Officer 3. Population Commission Officer 2. For Renewal of Accreditation 2.1 Certificates of attendance to at least eight (8) hours training every yea (24 2.2 23 24 hours training in three years) on topics such as but not limited to Human Maturity, Value Clarification, Authentic Love, Responsible Parenting and Gender Development. Accomplishment reports for the past three (3) years preceding the « application. Sample of summary documentation of PMC session/s conducted, Other documents to be made available during validation visit. + Compilation of client's intake forms; + Accomplished Marriage Expectation Inventory; * Documentation of the pre-marriage counseling sessions conducted within the three (3) years period; and * Summary documentation of pre-marriage counseling sessions conducted within three (3) years periog, B. Full Fiedged Marriage Counselor 1, For New Applicant fa 1.2 13 First two (2) requirements stated under Pre Marriage Counselor new applicant. Training certificates or Cartificate. of Attendance to marriage counseling/counseling interventions (Marriage Enrichment Counseling (MEC), Marital Crisis Counseling (MCC), Trial Separation Counseling (TSC) conducted by DSWD or other’ DSWD recognized training institutions. Sample of summary documentation of marriage counseling sessions for couples encountering marital issue-on the following + At Teast two (2) Marriage Enrichment Counseling (MEC) cases handled within the year; * Atleast two (2) Marital Crisis Counseling (MCC} every year; and * At least two (2) Trlal Separation Counseling (TSC) cases every year. 2. For Renewal of Accreditation 24 22 Certificate of attendance to at least elght (8) hours training every year or (4 hours training in three years) on topics related to Marriage ‘Counseling Other documentation to be made available during validation visit: * Documentation of counseling sessions (PMC, MEC, MCC and TSP); B, Validation Proper 1, When the service providers confirms their availability on the proposed date, te DSWD SB technical staff shall co-duct an on site accreditation assessment ir coordination with the DSWD-FO S*aff 2. During the validation assessment visit, the DSWD SB technical staff makes a courtesy call to the Local Chief Executive or his/her authorized representative with the presence of the City/MSWD Officer. The DSWD-S8 technical staff discusses the provisions of this guideline and the detalled activities to be conducted in relation to the accrec'tation assessment of the applicants for PMC or Full Fledged Marriage Counselcr. 3. Within ten working days after the on site accreditation assessment, the DSWD- SB shall send a confirmation report to the concerned DSWD FO, The DSWD. FO will in tum inform the C/MSW/D0 applicant on the result of the accreditation assessment, 4 4, In cases where the assessment fils below the standards, the said applicants Shall be given appropriate technical assistance on speciis areas needing improvement and a re-assessment shall be conducted eix (8) months thereafter C. Issuance of Accreditation Certificats and Identification Card (ID). Based on the types of accrecitaion applied for, corresponding certificate of accreditation and 1D shall be issued by the DSWD-SB through the concerned OSWD-FO within fifteen (15) working days after the on-site accreditation assessment. D. Renewal of Accreditation and Identification Card Accreditation certificate. and ID as Pre Marriage CounseloriFull Fledged Marriage Counselor shail re renewed every three (3) years. Application for renewal Shall be filed two (2) months before the expiration of the issued certificate and ID, Xl. Capability Buliding And Training To-enst ontinaods-amd-effective IMpeEMENatOT OF PTE Marage-Counseling, the DILG shall facilitate the conduct of PMS training to all local government employees identified as members of the PMC team: Resource persons of the training. will be provided by the national agencies represen‘éd in the LGUs. Xi, Benefits Of An Accredited Marriage Coutiselor (MC) if A. An Accredited Marriage Counselors siiall be a priority for: 1. Gontinuing technical assistance to include attendance to lecture series, seminars workshops and other forms of capability building: 2. Consultation meeting/s, program development, policy formulation and other related activities of the Department; and 2 Provision of reading/informative ‘materials on family trends and issues to accredited MCs, D Field Offices 1. Ensure compliance of involved serv'ce providers to existing guidelines; 2 Intensify conduct of advocacy through regular orientation/consultation and dialogue to promote the guidelines especially at LGU and NGO level. Bi-annual reports on these activities shall be.submitted to the Standards Bureau; 3. Coordinate with LGUs re; strategies that will encourage compliance and effective implementation of MCs e.g a resolution allocating percentage from the annual Income gathered from marriage license fees as additional monetary incentives/benefits to accredited MCs in 2 particular city/municipality; 4. Conduct of pre-accreditation assessment and filing of copies of all documents submitted by the applicants for refe'ence purposes; 8. Conduct of training for LGUINGO workers directly involved in the implementation of MCs; 8 Conduct regular meeting with accredted PMCSIMCs for updates on newly shacted laws, policies/guidelines and issues affecting families, among olners This will also be a venue for exchange of information and experiences on marriage counseling: 7. Assist in the training of LGU PMC Team per Joint MC no 1 s. 2002; 8. Provide LGUs a list of accredited PMCs/MCs with in their areas of jurisdiction: and 9. Submit to the DSWD-SB an updait inventory of accredited and not accredited PMCsIMCs. V._Decentralization Of Accraditation-Of Marriage-Gounsetors~ The accreditation of pre-marriage ang marriage counselors shall be decentrai ed to the DSWD — FO one (1) year after the effectivity of this guideline. A The DSWD-SB in partnership with: SWIDB shall conduct intensive training to DSWD-FO personnel on the following 1. Pre-NMarriage Counseling Orientation/Manual developed by DSWD and DOH, 2, Marriage counseling laws, policies, guidelines, 5. Process and administration of a citation assessment too! A eh immining. pilot testing of the accreditation of _pre-morriage counselorsimarriage counselors shali be conducted in four (4) regions with the 9 — Republic of the Philippines Department of Social Welfare and Development Batasan Pambansa Cotnplex, Constitution Hills Se ae ‘Telephone No. 951-8101 to 07 Administrative Order No, _12 Series of . 2007" SUBJECT : Revised Guidelines in the Accreditation of Marriage Counselors (MCs) A. RATIONALE The Department of Social Welfare and Development :(DSWO) through the Standards’ Buredu Issued Administrative Order 193 “Guidelines in the Accreditation of Marrlage Counselors (MCs) on September 23, 2002. It aims to promote the. professional practice of Marriage Counselors: thereby ensuring delivery of quality service. Through accreditation, corresponding recognition. [s- given to the Marrlage Counselors as experts In assisting couples achieve-a stable and functional family relationship. Since the implementation of the guidelines In 2002, several concerns/issues on the content of the guidelines have been raised through consultation meetings/dialogues and conduct of technical assistance . To ensure that the concerned service providers will be able to meet the set standards and thereby -uphold‘the couple or clalmholder’s rights to quality service, these Issues need to be responded to. Thus, a review on the implementation of AO 193 was conducted that became the basis for the enhancement of the guidelines to make the standards more accurate and attainable. B. MANDATE AND LEGAL BASES 1, Family Code of the Philippines: a. Article 16; In cases where parental consent or advise is needed, the party or. parties concerned ‘shall, in addition to the requirements of the preceding articles, attach a certificate issued by a priest, imam or minister authorized to solemnize marriage under Article 7 of this code or a marriage counselor duly accredited by proper government agency to the effect that the contracting parties have undergone marriage counseling.” The Civil Code Revision Committee, UP Law Center in its letter dated September 23,” 1988 to the National Statistics Office clarified this provision that DSWD is the proper government agency to accredit marriage counselors. d) Trial Separation Counseling (TSC) refers to: 1. Motivating the couple in making a final effort at reconciliation; 2. Accompanying the couple through a process of psycho: spiritual discernment; 2, Pre-Marriage Counselor: refers to an individual who. meets the requirements for accreditation set forth by the DSWD to provide PMC. 3. Full-Fledged Marriage Counselor - refers to an individual who meets the requirements for accreditation set forth by the DSWD to provide MCS interventions aside from PMC. 4. Accreditation - refers to the recognition bestowed by the DSWD to an individual's expertise to provide MCS as evidenced by a Certificate of Accreditation. . E. QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Must have a Bachelor's degree in Social Work or other behavioral and social science courses; 2. Must have attended training on PMC and/or “Marriage Counseling Service conducted by DSWD or its recognized institutions; 3. Must be able to demonstrate to the accreditor the skills in conducting marriage counseling such as but not limited to lecturing, — interviewing, facilitating, documenting and networking/coordinating. F. REQUIREMENTS Applicants for accreditation must submit a duly accomplished application form (Annex A) together with the following documents in 2 photocopies (original copies must be presente 1, Poe-Marriage Counselor New Applicant: a. Certificate of graduation /college diploma or transcript of college records from the school attended. b. Certificate of attendance. to PMC orientation program supervised by an accredited/recognized PMC. if unavailable, 2 certified true copy from the training provider will be accepted. c. Certification from immediate supervisor that the applicant is tasked to conduct PMC sessions and that a documentation of PMC sessions conducted by the applicant within the six months period was submitted. UAE ; y The venue can oe a public/private facility whid. 1s accessible and safe for both the counselor and counselee/s and must: J. Promote an atmosphere of privacy and interaction between the marriage counselor and the counselee /s; 2. Be ventilated, well lighted and free from any form of distraction and disturbance; 3. Contribute to the quality of communication between the counselor and counselee /s. H. PROCEDURES: 1. Application. The applicant shall file application specifying the type of accreditation applied for ( Pre-Marriage Counselor or Full- Fledged Marriage Counselor) to the concerned DSWD Field Office (FO) with photocopies of all documentary requirements stated in item F. Original copies of documents submitted shall be presented for verification/pre-assessment purposes. Once verified, the assigned FO staff shall acknowledge receipt within three working days the application with the photocopy of each document presented (Annex A). These shall be endorsed to the DSWD- Standard Bureau (SB) for final review and reference during the on- site accreditation assessment. Concerned DSWD-FO shall keep a file copy of all documents submitted for reference purposes. 2. On-site Accreditation Assessment. The Standards Bureau shall conduct an on-site accreditation assessment in coordination with the FO and the applicant. The following activities shall be undertaken: a. In-depth interview with the applicant to determine his/her level of knowledge/comprehension about Marriage Counseling; b. Validation of documents and review of cases, . Observation on the actual conduct of pre-marriage counseling session; and Review —of documents —on--marriage—eounseling—covering——— knowledge - skills ~ attitude (KSA) requirements of the specified interventions of marriage counseling applied for, to wit: Pre-Marriage Counseling Service (PMS) 1, Human maturity 2. Value Clarification 3. Authentic Love 4, Responsible Parenting Marriage Enrichment Counseling (MEC) 1. Building Each Other's Self-esteem; 2. Mutual Empathy and Effective Communication; + Inchign in the list of professiol,..s for scholarships, fellowships, and post graduate studies In regional, national and foreign level courses or training relative to marriage counseling. 2. Announcement of name in the DSWD website. 3. Recognition/appreciation for having been accredited during flag ceremony at FOs/LGUs. 4. Access to reading/informative materials on family trends and issues available at the Local Social Welfare and Development Office and DSWD Field Offices. J. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 1. Social Welfare and Institutional Development Bureau a. Provide FOs.a list of DSWD recognized training Institutions providing trainings/seminar on marriage counseling; b. Conduct of trainer’s training; c. Ensure continuity of training programs to further enhance the competence of service providers. :% 2. Standards Bureau a. Provide technical assistance to FOs on the Interpretation of the guidelines and ‘requirements for accreditation; b. Assess applicants for accreditation; c. Ensure nationwide dissemination of the guidelines and compliance of SWDAs; d. Maintain an updated inventory of accredited and not accredited MCs to facilitate monitoring of compliance and provision of technical assistance; 8 e. Issue ID card and Accreditation Certificate; _____-£.~Coordinate_-with_the—Civil_Registrar_Office_for_the_issuanceof. corresponding MC to the Local Civil Registrar's Office re: = marriage license to be issued only to those would-be -couples who have PMC certificates signed by accredited MCs; g. Posting the list of accredited MCs at the DSWD website. 3. Program Management Bureau a. Provide technical assistance to FOs on the implementation of Marriage Counseling Service. b. Provision of reading/informative materials on family trends and issues to accredited MCs. *

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