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Sharad mathur 22/12/10

Launch a new lebel


Or creating a new brand on 14 points

Hw do consumer make final selection

How do consumer order and purchase

-ease of purchase

-shopping exp

what happens when a product or service is delivered


-hw it is delivered

Hw is a product is delivered

Hw a prod is stored

Core brand values

Is a set of abstaract concepts or phrases that characterize define to most imp

dimensions of the mental map (tagline)

It sud be related to pops n pods

Mental maps=core brandd values=brand mantra

The mandate for effectiveness

-today ad is in a bind

-advertisers expects specific ressukts that lead to sell and hence it sud be affective

Then wat makes an ad effective

Effective ad works on 2 level-consumer n advertiser



-goal directive

Types of ad

• Brand ad
• Retail n local ad
• Political ad
• Directory ad
• Direct response ad
• B2b ad
• Institutionad (corporate ad means advertising a company, CSR)
• Public service ad(pulse polio)
• Interactive ad(on the net)




5 players of ad

• Advertisers
• Ad agency(ad dept, in house agency)
• Media
• Vendors
• Target audience

Functions of ad

• Provides prod n brand info

• Provides incentives 2 tk axn
• Provides reminders n reinforcement

Hw does a brand work?

• Has to have a personality

• Has to hav a branding
• Trust
• Image
• Relationship
• Equity

Integrated mrkt commu hw it is asso wit cbbe-

Onwe implication of cbbe franwrl is the manner in which brand asso doesn’t
matter/ only the favourability n uniqunes does
(brands lie in mind of the consumer)

Designing integrated market prog

• From the perspective of cbbe marketers ud evaluate all possible
commu option avail to create knowledge structure accr to effect
criteria s well as cost considerations


• Coz diff commu options hav duff strenghths n can accomplish diff obj

Alternate commu options frm cons pt of view

• Media ad
• Direct response
• Interactive or online ad
• Outdoor ad
• Pt of pfurchase ad
• Trade promo
• Consumer promo
• Sponsorships of event mrkting
• Publicity or public relations

Pt of view b2b

• Media
• Trade journals
• Interactive
• Directories
• Direct mailers
• Brouchures n sales lit
• Audio/vid presentation tapes
• Give aways
• Trade shows
• Pub rela
Ad campaign considerations

• Campains make brands-nt a single ad

• B creative n dev creative things-avoid slavishly sticking to executional
• Brand commu sud sing lika choir-multiple voices n multiple notes
• Find fresh cons in size n compelling brand truths

Common ,mistakes IN AD campaigns

• Failure to distinguish the ad positioning frm ad creativity

• Mistaken assumptions abt consumer knowledge
• Failure 2 break through the clutter
• Distracting n overpowering creatives n ads
• Under branded ads
• Failure to use supporting media
• Changing the campaigns very frequently
• Substituting ad frequency for ad quality

Stragies sud b adopted

• Smart strategy: related deprivation

• Imaginative n creative: funny bt relevant
• Clever hook strategy
• Timely secondary media: in store
• Right partners

Evaluating IMC prog

• Coverage
• Cost per capita
• Contribution- the collective effect of brand in terms of a
• A: in terms of depth/ awareness
• B. improving strenghth , uniqueness n brand asso
• Commonality- the xtent to which info conveyed to the pocket by diff commu
options share meaning
• Complementarily- xtent to which different asso n linkages r amphasised
across commu options
• Versatility-xtent to whict marketers ch info contained in a commu option
works wid diff types of consumers
• A. diff commu history
• B. diff marketing segments

Keller BE’s

• Be analytical-use frameworks of consumer behavior n managerial decision

making to develop a well reasoned commu prog
• Be curious-fully understand consumers by using all forms of research n added
value for them
• Be singke minded-be focused(less can b more)
• Be very very prod centric
• Be creative-state ur message in a unique fashions” to a unique consumer”
• Be observant- monitor competition
• Be realistic-promise wat u can deliver
• Be patient-k at branding in a long term prospective

Direct mketeers also keep females of people who match a certain age group,
income, special interest

Direct marketing works best men xcept the fact that their personal info might be
used for this purpose

Negative aspects of direct mrkketing:

• Many people are unaware that their personal info can be used for targeted ad
• Time consuming
• Related prod sale
• Leads to a marketing overloads
• Personal info can b purchased by unscrupulous people

Persuasive techniques

• Emotional words-can stir u up, feel u wid anger, wid hope, make pic in ur
• Aggites n solve
• A. bringing pron
• B. mae the reader feel the need to change something, stop something, do
• C. show wats wrong
• D. offer the solution

Word choice

• Choose the word that is nt neutral sud b positive or negative

• Instead of thin chose the word skinny
• Use words like o bjection instead of I disapprove
• Rhetorical question- a question u ask tat u already knw the answer
• A question tat u don’t xpect to hav answer
• The question tat u don’t need a answer

Common persuasive tech often used

• Slogan
• Reputation
• Brand wagon
• Testimonial
• Emotional appeal
• Expert opinion
• purpose

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