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4.4.2 INTERNATIONAL HRM 1, GENERAL INFORMATION No. of Credits perweek 4 No. of Hours per week 4 2. PERSPECTIVE OF THE COURSE A challenging aspect of HRM in most firms with multinational operations is the multicultural nature of their work force, which is further compounded by its geographical dispersion. In addition, HRM like so many other managerial functions, takes place not in vaccum but within the overall internal organisational environment and the external national and international context in which the company operates an attempt is made to know the insight of IHRM. 3. COURSE OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES OBJECTIVES - To be able to assess the extent to which multinational companies can have company wide HRM strategies, policies and practices OUTCOMES - By the end of this course, a student would learn a perview of the major challenges that MINC’s face and to be familiar, through a real life case study, with some of the HRM issues faced by staff in a foreign subsidiary of a major multinational company 4, COURSE CONTENT AND STRUCTURE MODULE 1: 8 HOURS 1 International HRM - Domestic HRM v/s IHRM - Managing International activities - Human Resource Planning - International recruitment and selection - Training and development of expatriates - M & A —Integration of acquired employees in newer cultures, Global Mobilty and HR-International postings MODULE 2: 10 HOURS 2 Repatriation — Expatriation and repatriation - Selection methodology of expatriation - Process of repatriation, job related adjustments, organisational development - International compensation: components, objectives and methods of compensation - Taxation de ns - Changing trends in International employment. MODULE 3: 10 HOURS 3 Managing HR in Virtual Organisation: Meaning and types of virtual organisations - Difference between traditional and virtual organisations - Features of virtual organisation - Managing HR in virtual organisations - Challenges of International performance management - Career Management& International HRM MODULE 4; 10 HOURS 4 Knowledge management and International management development - Knowledge and Knowledge transfer - Knowledge and situated cognition - Implications for knowledge transfer - Knowledge management in MNCs - Knowledge management and IHRM Changing scope of International management development - International manager roles: development implications, international management development initiatives, Future developments MODULE 5: 10 HOURS imriwisteategiesanalweveloprients - Monaging diversity Linking corporate and HRM strategy - Total quality in HRM - Scope of TQM - Comparison of Traditional and TQHRM. approaches - Barriers to TQHRM - HR project planning - Importance of computerised information system - Conflict management - Human rights movement and IHRM, Experiences of Japan and China MODULE 6: 8 HOURS 6 Case Studies - Ethics and challenges in IHRM - Role of international education in IHRM - UNO and IHRM - Business leaders as global citizens - Futuristic view of IHRM - socio cultural factors and ethical issues in BPO Industry - Adventurous training - Problems of women expatriates - Globalisation and senior citizens — BPO and IHRM 5. PEDAGOGY - Lectures - Practical Excises ~ Individual and Group - Case Studies 6. TEACHING/LEARNING RESOURCES ESSENTIAL READINGS 1, Tony Edwards, Chris rees: International Human Resource Management, Pearson, latest edition. 2. Dowling : International Human Resource Management, 3. IndraniMutsuddi: Managing Human Resources in the Global Context, New ade international publishers, latest edition 4, P.Subbarao : International Human Resource Management,HPH, latest edition

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