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Japle 4.9 Sconng runic for the inquiry aspect of SSK. Level Description Exemplars ‘Question: If you were responsible for deciding how to resolve the Branville Bay situation, would you need additional information regarding the situation before making your decision? 0 Suggests that additional ingui necessary. Suggests that additional ingui necessary but does not identify specific Line of i Suggests that additional inquiry is necessary and identifies one specific line of inquiy, Suggests that additional inqui necessary and identifies two specific lines of inquiry. Suggests that additional inquiry is necessary and identifies three or more specific lines of No. Just ban all boats and fishing in the reserve, That way there won't be any chance for drops in wildlife counts Yes. Information like are there any other problems that is going wrong with this situation and can there be more than ‘one solution. Yes. What would happen if we stopped big ships from going back and forth and just allowed smaller boats do all the work? Yes. Exactly how much are the fish and bird counts declining [and] how much are the ships polluting the water as ‘opposed to the fishermen, Yes. I would need to know the amount of people fishing or going through every ay, the amount of fish being caught by people omitted from the fishing Jaws. and the amount of traffic

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