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Preflight Preparation CJ2 N414FW MEL, Forms, Logs, RSVM checked

Hotels/ Ground transportation Check IPAD/Glasses/Headsets/Cockpit Nest check

Filed route __________________________ ATIS __________
departure fuel price __________ Wind __________
destination fuel price __________ Vis __________
ETE __________ Clouds __________
BEW 7712 Temperature __________
Pilots _______400 Altimeter setting __________
BOW ______8112 Runway __________
Payload 1198 max __________ Rwy Dist Req/ available _________/________
ZFW max 9300 __________ V1 __________
fuel burn __________ Vr __________
+reserve 310/500/1000 __________ V2 __________
Min fuel __________ Vt/enr __________
Max fuel/ 3930 __________ Take off Power __________
Fuel Onboard __________ Max continuous climb __________
Fuel upload _______GAL________LBS 30 MINUTES
TO Fuel __________ Clearance Route __________________
Weight and balance/ Performance within limits Head Bug __________
Takeoff weight __________ Alt Alert __________
Forward cg limit __________ Depart Freq __________
Takeoff cg __________ Xpndr __________
Aft cg limit 28.99 Course __________
Max structural takeoff weight 12375 FMS program
Second segment limit __________ Nav1/2 __________/_________
Runway limit __________ Pressure controller set dest +200
Landing weight max 11500 __________
Depart Field elevation __________
Arrival Field elevation __________
Crew Brief
Weather __________
Airport diagram taxi route
Departure procedure __________
Arrival __________
Approach __________
Alternate __________
Longest runway __________
Catering Arrived Standby flight display Test/on
Sentient/Dispatch/Flight control Call Battery Master on>24v
Emer power / batt disconnect / batt Check GPU/ Generators as required
GPU/ AC/ Oxygen check/ Fuel check Fuel Quantity as required
Avionics On Avionics off
Rotary switch check Annunciators (Doors) Check
FMS Data current Parking brake/ chocks Set/ Removed
GPWS / TCAS test Nav /Beacon lights on
Cockpit recorder test Flood & Panel lights on/ Set
Walk around / Covers/ Tow switch Complete Air Conditioning off
ICE/Papers/ Coffee complete Start Switch start
External Power disconnected Gear up crew brief complete
Generators Checked / On / 29volts Lights recog avionics flight instruments Set up for Approach
Avionics Switch & FMS On Yaw damp on Altimeters set x 3
Passenger advisory lights Pass Safety Flaps up Baro minimums set x 2
Standby Gyro Uncaged No Flag Ignitions off ice protection as required
Air Cond As Required Pressurization differential/ climbing pass safety On
Flaps Ground Flaps/ throttle test/ TO set Power max cont seats & belts adjust & secure
FMS /Avionics/ Flight Instruments checked and set Engine Instruments normal fuel / transfer knob balanced/ Off
• Nav Source, Route verify Engine sync on engine sync off
• V speeds/ TOLD/ Weight limits verify Anti-ice as required anti skid on
• Altitude pre select set Lights recog annunciator panel check
• Altimeter setting set 3 Passenger Advisory lights as required flaps app/land
Transponder/ TCAS ______Set 10K CHECK Recog lights off
Trims Test & Set FL180 Oxygen / 29.92 BEFORE LANDING
Flight controls free &correct gear down
Annunciator panel check BEFORE TOP OF DESCENT flaps landing
Engine Instruments Check Atis / FBO frequencies set pressurization zero differential
Fuel Status Required/ status/ balanced Arrival /Routing/ approach/taxi Plan/Brief airspeed Vref + 10
Coffee Pot on Vnav program & set speed brakes stowed
Taxi diagram 2 displayed Fuel status & upload Compute, review & balance Ignitions On
GROUND CALL FOR TAXI CLEARANCE landing lights Cleared to land on
DESCENT auto-pilot/ yaw damp off
Taxi light on FBO Coordinate Ground transportation/Fuel AFTER LANDING
Brakes check Defog fan high Pitot static heat off
Steering check Cabin Distribution Max Ignitions off
Rudder bias check Pressurization Check/set ice protection as required
Ice protection as Req Anti coll/ Strobes off
BEFORE TAKEOFF Vspeeds/Landing Perf Post/complete Recogs on
Crew brief complete WET/135/Both Factors 1.15/1.25/1.44 Flaps set
Anti-Ice / Deice ready FL180 Altimeter set
Flaps Set 10K Recognition lights on SHUT DOWN
Engine Instruments normal Shoulder Harness fastened Chocks/parking brakes Set
Radar As Req Ice protection off
CALL FOR TAKEOFF CLEARANCE standby flight inst off/ Cage
avionics off
LINE UP Fans & AC off
Pitot static On APPROACH BRIEFING power lever off
Ice protection On • WX, APP,RWY,THREATS SET UP beacon off
Anti collision light On • MSA---IAF-----PT-----FAF-----Minimums pass Safety off
Ignitions On • MAP alt / hdg / alt / course exterior lights off
landing lights On battery off
Thrust attenuators Auto Fuel on board, Hobbs, FMS data note
Annunciator panel checked/ normal

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