Tgj2o7 Final Vlog Assignment Rubric

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Student Name: ______________________________________ Project: Final Vlog Assignment

Teacher: Mr. Snyder
Learning Goals - by the end of this activity, students will be expected to:
• Demonstrate their ability to research/developing a compelling Vlog
• Develop effective talking points to tell a story through their Vlog
• Support the taking points with visuals - Video/Images/Graphics
• Edit the Vlog to communicate the message in a video that has a logical and supported flow of the message

Assignment Objective: Students will produce a final Vlog that will demonstrate their visual storytelling abilities using original video, graphics and downloaded media (video/images/music)

Final Vlog - Simplified Rubric Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Vlog Pre-planning

Includes 5 talking points to support the Vlog message Pre-planning lacks detail Pre-planning provides limited details Pre-planning provides sufficient de- Pre-planning provides excellent de-
Specific plan for supporting the Vlog visually is expressed - only a rough outline of ideas is tails - a good overview of the topic tails and an excellent perspective of
Includes opening (intro) and closing (extro) script that will provide clear set-up and summary of the mes- Provides a very limited sense of a provided and plan to communicate it the topic - Clear and thoughtful plan
sage plan to communicate views on the on structure content of the Vlog topic
Lacks effective scripts intro and
topic - including talking points and Effective script - intro and extro script
extro script Engaging script - intro and extro
intro/extro included
script. Provides point of view of the
Plan for visuals is vague and lacks
Plan for visuals not provided specifics Plan for visuals is provided -
Sources cited Detailed plan for supporting visuals -
Sources not cited
includes citing of sources

Supporting visual for talking points/issues Talking points not clear or supported Some talking points are somewhat Most talking points are supported All talking points are supported with
with visuals clear but lack visual support that with relevant visuals that are on point relevant, engaging and powerful visu-
Relevant visuals are included to support the talking points/issues help make each of the points. als that are on point.
Visuals are effective and make a strong connection to the points being presented Visuals are randomly selected with Visuals make a good connection and
little connection to talking points Visuals are somewhat disconnected are a good example of the talking The inclusion of the visuals make a
or not strong examples to make the points as expressed significant contribution to the overall
talking points. engagement of the Vlog.

Consistent story/message with supporting facts It is unclear what the topic focus is Vlog covers 1 topic but message/ Vlog covers 1 topic with an effective Vlog covers 1 topic with conviction
meant to be. presentation needs to be more message and presentation Thoughts and clear. Thoughts and information
Information is thoughtfully and logically organized coherent by organizing information/ and information are organized. are powerful and engaging.
Where appropriate, facts and/or stats are included to support the message Vlog is confusing and lack coher- thoughts
Message and Sloggers position is
A cohesive story is told throughout the Vlog that is easy to follow and understand underlying information ence. Message is clear
Few facts to substantiate the posi-
tion presented. Message needs Facts are included that substantiate Message is well supported by facts
refinement and focus the position presented. and visuals which results in an engag-
ing and powerful Vlog story.

Levels: 1 = criteria not met; 2 = criteria partially met; 3 = criteria met; 4 = exceeds


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