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Annotated Bibliography on Ethics of Care

Chodorow, N. (1999). The power of feelings: Personal meaning in psychoanalysis, gender,

and culture. Yale University Press.

This article explains the psychoanalytic theories on how people communicate and start

their points hence creating personal meaning when they deal with events. People need to have a

sense of purpose and be able to manage the new experiences that threaten them. This is achieved

when they draw on their inner world. Emotions and past experiences are built depending on their

past experiences. The people’s inner reality is as a result of interpersonal communication through

projection and transference.

Beach, L. R., & Connolly, T. (2005). The psychology of decision making: People in

organizations. Sage publications.

The book generally describes the psychology of decision making. The authors give

characteristics of decision making as event sequence, which include; diagnosis, selection of

action, and finally, implementation. It describes the naturalistic models that have emerged in

decision making, which include; recognition models, narrative models, incremental models,

ethical models, and moral models.

Surname 2

Brown, L. D. (2014). Managing Conflict Among Groups, Dalam Organizational

Psychology, Herbert A. Simon.

The author explains the importance of managing conflicts effectively increases

organizations to trend globally. Group relations in organizations are characterized by too little or

too much conflict. This will depend on their nature of differences, the task they do, and how

independent they are. However, conflict managers should work on maintaining some level of

conflict rather than trying to resolve or reduce all disputes.

Bryman, A. (2001). Bridging Research and Policy Social Research Methods.

The author discusses comprehensively on the research methods covering qualitative and

quantitative approaches. He, therefore, suggests criteria for evaluating the findings. For

quantitative approaches, he suggests validity and reliability, and for qualitative approaches, he

suggests authenticity and trustworthiness.

Goold, S. D., & Lipkin Jr, M. (1999). The doctor–patient relationship: challenges,

opportunities, and strategies. Journal of general internal medicine, 14(Suppl 1), S26.

The journal viewed the encounter of patient-provider and his relation to the available care

systems. It also researched the interactions between patients and doctors in hospitals.

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