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6/9/2020 Instance

Anatomy & Physiology I

Laboratory Safety

Final Report

Copyright 2020 - Hands-On Labs |

Student Name Janki Patel

Student ID 88294
Lesson Laboratory Safety
Institution Western Texas College
Session Summer 2020
Course Anatomy & Physiology I
Instructor Mitch Brumbelow

Test Your Knowledge

1. Match each term with the best description.

Tightly woven fabric used to smother and

1 Fire blanket
extinguish a fire

Consists of absorbent material that can be

ringed around a chemical spill until the spill 2 Spill containment kit
can be neutralized

Device used to control small fires in an

3 Fire extinguisher
emergency situation

Provides chemical, physical, health, and

safety information regarding chemical 4 Safety Data Sheet
reagents and supplies

Area containing an exhaust fan to expel

5 Fume hood
noxious fumes from a laboratory 1/13
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2. Label each image with the correct term.

1 Safety shower 2 Eye-wash station 3 First aid kit

4 Burner fuel 5 Fire extinguisher

3. Categorize each statement as true or false.

True False

1 2

Always wear safety goggles, long shirts and Induce vomiting and drink copious amounts of
pants, closed-toe shoes, and gloves when water if chemicals are ingested.
conducting experiments.
Conduct experiments in a small, closed-off
Paper towels and water are a good substitute for room, with no ventilation or water.
a spill containment kit.

Neutralize acid spills using sodium bicarbonate. 2/13
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1. For the most part, items in the lab kit are safe for use around children and pets.



2. The laboratory kit contains _____.

small items that can be choking hazards

chemicals that can cause burns

sharp objects that can cause cuts

All of the above

3. Eating, drinking, and smoking during an experiment are never allowed.



4. If any chemical in the kit has been ingested, you should _____.

call the Poison Control Center

seek a physician

both call the Poison Control Center and seek a physician

5. After using loops, swabs, toothpicks, spreaders or any other equipment to transfer cultures,
immerse the contaminated equipment in ______.

pure bleach

a strong acid

tap water

All of the above 3/13
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6. Burns can occur when skin comes in contact with _____.



acids and bases

7. To test the smell of a substance, partially fill your lungs with air and, while standing slightly
back from the fumes, use your hand to waft the odors gently toward your nose.



8. Most pieces of glassware are designed to be heated.



9. To better protect the body from chemical spills, wear _____.

long-sleeved shirts

full-length pants

closed-toe shoes

All of the above

10. When creating a home-laboratory, there are substitutions for the safety equipment found in
an on-campus laboratory.



11. At home, a _____ is the best substitute for a laboratory safety shower.

water can

bottle of water

kitchen faucet

bathroom shower 4/13
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12. A Safety Data Sheet contains information about first-aid procedures, required protective
equipment, and health effects.



Exercise 1
Data Table 1: Lab Safety Equipment Alternatives

Shower or Sink Paper Towels Well-Ventilated Area No Substitution

laboratory shower spill containment kit fume hood first aid kit

eyewash station fire extinguisher

safety goggles

Exercise 2
Data Table 2: Sodium Hypochlorite SDS information 5/13
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Items SDS Information

Physical State LIQUID

Route of Exposure & Symptoms eye contact, skin contact,

inhalation, and ingestion
can cause burning and

Protective Equipment As in any fire, wear self-

contained breathing
apparatus pressure-
demand, MSHA/NIOSH
(approved or equivalent)
and full protective gear.

First Aid Procedures Get medical help

immediately. Some other
things that can be done
are flushing eyes for 15
min, flushing skin with
water for at least 15 min,
giving 2-4 cups of milk or
water, and give artificial
respirations/ oxygen as

Fire-fighting Measures To extinguish media use

water spray, dry
chemical, carbon dioxide,
or appropriate foam.

Chemical Reactivity Bleach solutions

decompose slowly at
normal temperatures
releasing low
concentrations of
corrosive chlorine gas.
Decomposition is
influenced by
concentration, pH, ionic
strength, exposure to
light, and the presence of

Safe Storage Store in a tightly closed

container and in a cool,
dry, well-ventilated area
away from incompatible

Safe Disposal bleach can be poured

down the dink by small
amounts as long as the
bleach is diluted by the
running ware 6/13
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Environmental/ Ecotoxicity no data

Spill Cleanup Procedures absorb spill using an


Exercise 3

1. What are small-scale techniques?

designed to provide a safe method during a performing scientific experiments

2. List 5 precautions that must be taken before beginning an experiment.

Dress appropriately
Keep a tidy lab
Know your lab safety symbols
Handle chemical spills properly
Know your safety equipment

3. As indicated in the video, what common substance can be used to neutralize a spilled acid?

sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)

4. According to the video, why should a used chemical container never be refilled?

these can be contaminated and change the chemical composition of the substances

5. Certain glass objects are not meant to be heated and could shatter if exposed to a heat source. What two
examples of heat-sensitive glassware are given in the video?

glassware and flasks 7/13
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Exercise 4
Data Table 3: Part 1 and Part 2 of the Safety Contract

Part Agreement

Part 1: It is impossible to control students’ use of HOL Science products, related I agree:
kits, and students’ work environments. The author(s) of HOL Science content, the X
instructors and institutions that adopt it, and Hands-On Labs, Inc. - the publisher
and producer of HOL Science - authorize the use of these educational products
only on the express condition that the purchasers and users accept full and
complete responsibility for all and any liability related to their use of same. Please
review this document several times until you are certain you understand and will
fully abide by its terms.

Part 2: I am a responsible adult who has read, understands, and agrees to fully I agree:
abide by all safety precautions prescribed in HOL Science labs for laboratory work X
and for the use of HOL Science kits. Accordingly, I recognize the inherent hazards
associated with science experimentation; I will always experiment in a safe and
prudent manner; and I unconditionally accept full and complete responsibility for
any and all liability related to my purchase and/or use of a science HOL Science kit
or any other science products or materials provided by Hands-On Labs, INC.

Competency Review

1. Chemicals in a lab kit may potentially cause _____ if mishandled or consumed.


serious illness


All of the above

2. When conducting experiments that include vigorous exercise, consult a physician first or
ask a partner to assist in participating if you are unable to do so.


False 8/13
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3. The _____ should be contacted immediately if you or anyone accidentally consumes or

comes in contact with a potentially toxic substance.

National Chemical Toxicity Center

National Poison Control Center

American Poison Chemical Society

American Toxic Chemical Center

4. At the conclusion of experiments involving growing bacterial cultures, _____ should be

added to the plates or tubes and everything should be soaked for _____.

pure acid; 1 hour

a base; 30 minutes

pure bleach; 2 hours

pure bleach; 15 minutes

5. When working with acids, always _____ to avoid chemical splattering.

add acid to water

add water to acid

6. Acid spills can be neutralized by adding _____.


baking soda

more acid

distilled water

All of the above

7. Graduated cylinders and volumetric flasks are designed to be heated.


False 9/13
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8. A _____ can be used to douse a fire.

fire extinguisher

safety shower

fire blanket

fire blanket and fire extinguisher

All of the above

9. Chemicals may be returned to their containers after they have been dispensed.



10. Normal eyeglasses may be worn to substitute for safety goggles.



11. A _____ expels noxious fumes from a laboratory.

fire blanket

fume hood

spill containment kit

All of the above

12. A sink faucet or hand-held shower wand are appropriate substitutes for an eyewash


False 10/13
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13. A Safety Data Sheet provides basic information about _____.

health effects


physical data

safe disposal

health effects and toxicity

All of the above

14. First-aid kits are best substituted by bandages and alcohol.



Extension Questions 11/13
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1. Use the Internet to look up the SDS for hydrochloric acid and answer the following questions:

a. List the potential acute health effects.

b. List the potential chronic health effects.

c. Identify the first aid measures for ingestion.

d. Record the flammability of the product.

e. Identify 3 chemicals that produce a potentially dangerous reaction with hydrochloric acid.

f. Describe how to handle small spills.

g. List the personal protection when working with the chemical.

irreversible eye injury
skin severe burns and ulceration
abdominal pain by ingestion

erosion of the teeth
bleeding of nose and gums

c) First aid measures for ingestion: Rinse mouth firstly. Do NOT induce vomiting and large amounts of
water need to be given.

d) Flammability: non-flammable

e) Chemicals which can react dangerously with HCl: HCl can react with some metals forming flammable
hydrogen gas, Hydrogen chloride may react with cyanide to form lethal concentrations of hydrocyanic acid
and Mixing with water can result in splattering and release of large amounts of heat.

f) How to handle small spill: One should completely contain the spilled materials with dikes, sandbags, etc.
The ventilation system should be shut off if needed. Reuse or reprocess where possible. Neutralization
should be carried out with soda ash or dilute caustic soda.

g) Personal Protection: Gloves, Lab-coat should be worn, breathing vapor or mist should be avoided. Do
not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing as far as possible. 12/13
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