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Announcing the world’s leading Policy Control event

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Tuesday 5th – Wednesday 6th April 2011, Marriott Hotel, Amsterdam

Manage Broadband traffic and
monetise network intelligence
through policy control and real
time charging

30+ speakers including:

14 international operator case
studies and 4 leading analysts
Designed for Network Operations, Marketing &
Maria Mehrens, Jorn van Steenis, Sales, Billing & IT. Take this opportunity to:
Head of Roaming and Manager Regulation and Strategy 3 Determine the key criteria to select a policy control vendor
International Services Vodafone, Netherlands
3 Examine the drivers for deploying policy control for real time charging
Telefonica O2, Germany
Zaid Al-Othman, 3 Assess the drivers for moving from unlimited data services to
Intelligent Network Data Services tiered service pricing models
Michael Bartholomew,
Team Leader 3 Exploit policy control and DPI to enable parental content control
Zain, Kuwait policies
3 Evaluate the preliminary findings of the EU Public consultation on
Dr. Kim Kyllesbech Larsen, the open internet and net neutrality
Alberto Boaventura, SVP Technology Service &
Technology Consultant International Network 3 Implement policy control, ensuring: scalability & integration with
Oi/Telemar, Brazil Economics, OSS/BSS functions
T-Mobile, Netherlands 3 Debate the extent to which operators can exploit policy control and
traffic management to minimise network congestion
Chris Bennett,
Media and Business David Meredith, 3 Understand the impact transition to LTE will have on existing
Development Head of Applications, Talk Talk policy, PCRF implementations
Blyk, UK Technology
3 Learn how standards are evolving to facilitate policy control across
Talk Talk Group, UK
different devices, domains and networks
Walid Thabet, Ivan Bretan, 3 Upgrade policy products to manage bill shock and offer other
Director Data Services Director Content Implementation policy enabled services
Mobily, Saudi Arabia Telia Sonera, Sweden

Charlotte Edbom,
Linda Grimaldi,
Director Product Management
Principal Consulting Architect
Mobile Broadband
Telia Sonera, Sweden
Monday 4th April
Alexander Harmand,
Business Intelligence Analytics & Network
Richard Fletcher,
Head of Service Platforms Chief Operating Officer Policy Control: Monetising Real Time Services
Telefonica, Spain Plusnet, UK Led by: Sandvine
Silver sponsor: Bronze sponsors: Badge and Lanyard Sponsor:

Media Partners and Associations:

6946 Policy Control Brochure_Layout 1 14/12/2010 14:24 Page 2

“One of the few events targeting a very real and crucial problem for the industry”
HT, GDS (Broadband Traffic Management 2010)


Monday 4th April
Business Intelligence Analytics
& Network Policy Control:
Monetising Real Time Services
Your workshop leaders:
Tuesday 5th – Wednesday 6th April 2011, Marriott Hotel, Amsterdam Don Bowman, Co-founder & CTO, Sandvine
Lee Brooks, Product Marketing Manager, Sandvine
Registration 1:00pm
This workshop will run from 1:30-5:30pm including breaks
Service providers face key challenges in network congestion and flat rate pricing plans
offering limited RoI. The integration of DPI, policy management, subscriber and
network data collection and the interactive analysis of the resulting information
(increasingly being referred to as business intelligence) gives operators the insight to
design and enforce a variety of charging models in the network, in real time, and
therefore deliver a more effective return.
However, the promise of business intelligence has been heralded for a while with
operators being asked to invest in high cost systems that focus on storing and
managing data rather than real time response, and failing to see results.
This workshop has been designed, in response to market demand, to look in detail at the
real requirements of successful business intelligence analytics in terms of investment
and implementation and determine real time service opportunities in the short and the
long term.

Outlining the role of Network Policy Control in enabling real time charging
• Exploiting Network Policy Control to take real time action on available network data
• Integrating Online Charging, Policy Management (PCRF) and Policy Enforcement
(PCEF) capabilities

Strategies for accessing and managing real time data

Who will attend: • Understanding developments in:
- Data abstraction and aggregation layers
- Single data repositories and distributed data storage

Senior Level Representation from all Key - In-memory data processing

Developing tools to analyse and present real time network data

Operator Divisions • Drivers and challenges of combining network data with billing data
• Effectively analysing data in terms that can be presented in relation to business
3 Billing & IT Outlining business cases for network analytics
Head of Rating and Billing, IT Architect, Head of Business • Network operation and management: Revenue assurance, QoE analysis
Support Systems , Head of OSS, Head of Billing, Head of • Network planning: Traffic analysis
• Marketing: Service adoption and usage analysis, customer segmentation
Payment Services, IT Architect, Business Analyst, • Customer support
Software Engineer, Revenue Systems Manager
Exploring operational considerations and impact
3 Sales and Marketing • Outlining short term solutions to enable operational business intelligence analytics

Director Product Development, Head of Mobile Requirements Led by:

Broadband, Director VAS, Head of Broadband, Carrier for Business
Services, Portfolio & Innovation Management, Strategic
Marketing, Project Manager MANAGEMENT

3 Network Operations POLICY CONTROL

CTO, Network Director, Head of Traffic Engineering,
Director Data Services, Network Engineering, Network DEEP-PACKET INSPECTION
Architecture, Technical Director, Director of Operations
and Technology, Manager Broadband

Who will you meet at the event? Business Intelligence Use-Cases

Domain Application
An International Audience OSS Revenue assurance
n Western Europe ................................50% Network operation QoE analysis
n Eastern Europe ..................................20% and maintenance Trend projection and implications
n Middle East & Africa ............................10% Traffic analysis
n USA & Canada ........................................7% Shared resource analysis and optimization
Network planning/
n Latin America ......................................7% optimization
Traffic-type analysis
n Asia & Australia ..................................6% Analysis of impact of new services on network infrastructure
BSS Service adoption and usage analysis
Service creation and market measurement
Full Value Chain Representation Marketing
Behavioural customer segmentation
n Mobile Operator ................................30% Campaign effectiveness
n Fixed Operator ..................................12% Leadership awareness
n Vendor ..................................................40% Executive Insight Leveraging results for corporate updates
n Regulator ................................................8% Automatic generation of periodic reports
n Consultants, Analysts, Journalists....10%


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Manage Broadband traffic and monetise network intelli

• Determining the benefits of integrating pricing and rating systems into the
Conference Day One: Tuesday 5th April overall analysis process; how to enable policy based flexible mobile
broadband pricing
8:30 Registration and coffee • Ensuring integration with Next Generation OSS; how policy control can adapt
to network load dynamics
Conference Welcome and Speed Networking Ulrich Schoen, Head of Technology, Business Solutions SPM ,
A chance to get to know your peers before the start of the conference and set Nokia Siemens Networks
a relaxed, informal and friendly atmosphere.
12:25 Managing an effective roll out of the PCRF to enable interactive
and personalised services
8:45 Opening remarks from the chair

• Determining the impact of PCRF on the network in terms of impact on
Shira Levine, Directing Analyst, Next Gen OSS and Policy, Infonetics Research, existing network components
USA • Integration of PCRF and PCEF to enable flexible management of resources
and QoS
9:00 Determining the impact transition to LTE will have on existing • Implications of multi-access policy management, including WiFi and fixed
policy, PCRF implementations broadband
• Understanding the limits of 3GPP standards in integrating PCRF with the

• Examining how operators are currently using policy to help with 3G- 4G
migration service layer: DPI, content optimisation, video
• Ensuring integration of existing policy implementations with LTE Linda Grimaldi, Principal Consulting Architect, BT, USA
- Scaling the existing PCRF as part of LTE
• Outlining how PCRF is to be built into standards for LTE 12:55 Lunch
• Outlining the role of policy within the LTE network in the long term
Dr. Kim Kyllesbech Larsen, SVP Technology Service & International Network 14:15 Analysing the challenges, best practices and known risks of
Economics, T-Mobile applying a PCRF solution to GSM operator
• Outlining the benefits of data consolidation for operators looking to offer
complex data and service tariffs
09:30 Case Study: Examining how European operators are setting up
• Determining the possible scalability limitations of simply aggregating the
new policies to meet new roaming pricing regulations for different customer profile databases
broadband and prevent bill shock • Cost justifying the investment in a single customer data for long term

• Outlining the necessity for European operators to deploy policy PCRF scalability and innovation bundling
products to meet EU requirements • Factoring a single customer data system into the longer term IMS migration
• Enabling seamless roaming and multimedia transfers across devices and Jay Klein, CTO, Allot Communications
networks using advanced mobility and intelligent data handling techniques
• Ensuring real time policy controls to introduce an automatic cut-off 14:45 Examining the benefits of deploying policy control to enhance real
mechanism when roaming charges reach ¤50
• Upgrading policy products to manage bill shock and offer other policy
time charging
• Making the business case for more dynamic and contextual real time
enabled services
pricing models that take into account who the subscriber is, what kind of
Maria Mehrens, Head of Roaming and International Services,
content he is accessing, when he is requesting this content and under
Telefonica O2, Germany
which conditions he is requesting it
• Developing real time online charging platforms for customers
10:00 Case study: Examining Saudi Telecom’s Implementation of Policy • Enabling real time charging for prepaid customers
Control for QoS and the challenges of achieving real time service • Enabling real time subscriber usage information on device
differentiation based on content Mike Manzo, CMO, Openet

• Outlining the deployment of Policy control for QoS differentiation

• Making the business case for more dynamic and contextual real time 15:15 Outlining the preliminary findings of the EU Public consultation on
pricing models that take into account who the subscriber is and what kind the open internet and net neutrality
of content he is accessing

Michael Bartholomew, Director, ETNO


• Examining Saudi Telecom’s plans for real time service differentiation and

the challenges in achieving this in terms of: 15:45 Panel Session: To what extent can operators exploit policy control
- Development of effective customer segmentations and campaigns and traffic management to minimise network congestion? Should
- Implementation of solutions for accessing and managing real time data
operators wait for regulators or act now?
Walid Thabet, Director Data Services, Mobily, Saudi Arabia
• Comparing ‘Open internet for all’ versus blocking peer2 peer services and
prioritising certain traffic
10:30 Morning coffee • If the user is in control of the policy implementation ( user control) does

this make it more acceptable?

• To what extent do operators need to ensure transparency in the way that
Implementation challenges policies are applied?
• Examining how best to educate users and regulators of the potential
benefits of policy control
11:15 Panel Session: Determining the key criteria for operators to Monica Arino, Principal, International Policy, Ofcom (TBC)
consider when looking to select policy products Bernd Langeheine, Director Electronic Communications Policy,
• Ensuring interoperability with BSS/OSS - partnerships between vendors European Commission
• Examining support for 3G and future 4G services Jorn van Steenis, Manager Regulation and Strategy, Vodafone, Netherlands
• Competitive pricing and industry experience
• Enabling a scalable platform with a complete view of customer behaviour 16:15 Afternoon tea
and ability to run ‘what if’ scenarios

• Long term scalability 16:45 Outlining the drivers for policy control and forecasting the extent
• Determining the importance of the PCRF in the deployment
and type of policy deployment by international operators
• Understanding different vendors’ areas of expertise and the influence that
• Examining the extent of fair use policy implementation to combat network
may have on solutions:
- Integration with DPI traffic management functions
- Managing flat rate mobile broadband
- Integration with billing and charging functions
- Control of over the top applications
- Pure play policy management; service agnostic PCRF
• Forecasting the implementation of policy to enable tiered services for
Walid Thabet, Director Data Services, Mobily, Saudi Arabia
latency sensitive traffic such as, VoIP and video
Linda Grimaldi, Principal Consulting Architect, BT, USA • Forecasting deployment of different policy control product types: stand alone
products versus those integrated with charging and traffic management
11:55 Enabling managed User Experience: Effectively integrating policy • Examining the potential for monetising services with policy by offering
control with back office billing and OSS functions customer personalisation and control
• Outlining the challenge of the assimilating disparate data sources; • Quantifying the potential for innovative marketing, loyalty and promotional
customer database, different access networks and devices and the billing strategies of integrating policy with real time charging and business
platform; indicating the solution of transforming towards a user centric intelligence platforms
information architecture Peter Mottishaw, Industry Analyst, Analysys Mason, UK
• Making the business case for an interface between the different data
sources and vendor equipment 17:15 Close of day one
- Connecting any element from the OSS or BSS domains, irrespective of the Join us at the drinks reception and network
vendor to a proprietary abstraction layer or interface for policy control; with your peers in a relaxed environment
discussing findings from some interoperability reference cases

REGISTER NOW! Call + 44 (0) 20 7017 5506

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telligence through policy control and real time charging

14:00 Creating a common policy framework that provides a consistent
Conference Day Two: Wednesday 6th April user experience across different access technologies, domains
8:30 Registration and coffee and networks
• Understanding the challenges of unifying policy management across different
8:45 Opening remarks from the chair devices, different access technologies and multiple service domains
Peter Mottishaw, Industry Analyst, Analysys Mason, UK • Identifying the key requirements for a common policy framework that can
9:00 Making the move from unlimited data services to tiered service achieve the goal of policy management that is independent of the network
infrastructure and service
pricing models and beyond
• Current status of policy standards: What role is being played by key
• Setting optimum service models that take into account:
standards bodies to develop a common policy framework that
- time of day to manage peak traffic time
encompasses all network technologies: 3GPP, The Broadband Forum, ETSI
- application type, implementing QoS for video streaming and P2P traffic

– TISPAN, ATIS, ITU, Tele Management Forum, and Cablelabs PCMM

• Appropriate control measures to manage the explosion of the smart phone
• Value proposition for a common policy management framework: Network
market and mobile broadband, and its impact on network resources
Optimization (e.g. smart caching, efficient content distribution, …),
• Creating mobile broadband products that offer good value and flexibility to
enhanced services (e.g. Fixed-Mobile Convergence with consistent QoE),
different market segments
• Dynamically setting triggers for policies based on congestion information: and increased user choice and ability to personalize capabilities
Fred Kemmer, Board of Directors, ATIS, USA
subscriber's tier; location/ cell; device; network type; stated preferences
• Effectively integrating tiered service models with charging and billing systems 14:40 Case study Oi Brazil: Advanced policy implementation based on
Zaid Al-Othman, Intelligent Network Data Services Team Leader, Zain, Kuwait
subscriber location
• Understanding the role of policy control in enabling LBS

Policy Control Enabled Value Added Services • Determining whether policy control engines would need to be specifically
designed for LBS to manage the different data sources involved
9:30 Case study: Exploiting policy control and DPI to enable parental • Current standardization status (SDOs recommendations, interfaces,
content control policies existing gaps and network evolution)
• Outlining the drivers for parental control policies: regulation, paid for VAS • Architecture vision (current and target architectures, network elements,

• Addressing the ethical question of content control possible applications and limitations in each phase etc.)
• Determining the advantages of enabling prepaid parental control Alberto Boaventura, Technology Consultant, Oi/Telemar, Brazil
David Meredith, Head of Applications, Talk Talk Technology,
15:10 Afternoon tea
Talk Talk Group, UK

10:00 Building key components for network intelligence on data access 15:40 Panel session: Examining the drivers for moving from unlimited
and to expose capabilities to service layers data services to tiered service pricing models and beyond
• Implementing key components and interfaces for online charging and • Setting optimum service models that take into account:
policy control - time of day to manage peak traffic time
- application type, implementing QoS for video streaming and P2P traffic

• Ensuring a single view of user profile


• Exposing policy control capabilities to service layer and third parties • Determining whether to set limits for data levels used or for speed of the

• New business opportunities based on policy control service

Alexander Harmand, Head of Service Platforms, Telefonica, Spain • Monetising tiered services by offering QoS levels for certain services: video,
VoIP, gaming
10:30 MNO Trends in Europe 2010 on tiered services and pricing • Setting triggers for policies based on congestion information: subscriber's
Margrit Sessions tier; location/ cell; device; network type; stated preferences
• Moving subscribers from pre pay to post pay accounts through new pricing • Effectively integrating tiered service models with charging and billing systems
initiatives Panelists:
• Analysis of the more rational pricing being adopted, after the initial flurry of Zaid Al-Othman, Intelligent Network Data Services Team Leader, Zain, Kuwait
“all you can eat” data plans Ivan Bretan, Director Content Implementation, Telia Sonera, Sweden
• Effective promotion of mobile broadband to attract customers Richard Fletcher, Development Director, Plusnet, UK
Margrit Sessions, Consultant, Tariff Consultancy, UK Jay Klein, CTO, Allot Communications
Mike Manzo, CMO, Openet
11:00 Morning coffee

11:30 Making the business case for educating the consumer on policy 16:20 Examining the revenue potential of enabling a targeted mobile
and making customer control a key point of differentiation advertising business model
• Outlining the operation of a mobile based media service driven through an

• Achieving transparency in consumer understanding of policy control

advertising business model
• Determining the impact on the business model of an ‘opt-in’ requirement
• Making the case for giving customers real-time self managed broadband
• Privacy Issues - Determining what is ‘personal’ versus what is ‘intrusive’
• Who determines what is ‘valuable’ to today’s consumer
• Enabling customer self provisioning via end user portals
Chris Bennett, Media and Business Development, Blyk, UK
• Monetising services via upsell and try before you buy offerings
• Using policy to differentiate yourself in the market – competitive 16:50 Outlining Telia Sonera’s business model for policy control enabled
differentiation value based pricing
David Sharpley, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Product Management,

• Developing a strategy that charges for a combination of content, volume

Bridgewater Systems
and QoS at a single billing point
12:00 Examining the results of Plusnet’s recent research on tiered • Making the case for customers to pay for guaranteed QoS for real time
servicing business models applications such as video and music
• Determining optimum service models Ivan Bretan, Director Content Implementation, Telia Sonera, Sweden
Charlotte Edbom, Director Product Management Mobile Broadband, Telia Sonera,

• Examining how to monetise a time limited speed boost

• Outlining the benefits of a usage roll-over Sweden
• Monetising tiered services by offering QoS levels for certain services: video, 17:20 Close of conference
VoIP, gaming
• Effectively integrating tiered service models with charging and billing systems
Richard Fletcher, Chief Operating Officer, Plusnet, UK
12:30 Lunch

13:30 Monetising real time and video services through Network Policy
Control and business intelligence analytics
• Outlining the role of network policy control in real time charging
• Strategies for accessing and analysing network usage data for subscriber
• Tools to present actionable usage data to both the service provider and the
• Outlining suite of applications for business intelligence analytics
Don Bowman, Co-founder & CTO, Sandvine


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“25% of operators already have a PCRF system and 41% plan to deploy one
within 12 months.” Heavy Reading’s Next Generation Policy Management Operator Survey, July 2010


Allot Communications (NASDAQ: ALLT) is a leading provider of intelligent
IP service optimization and revenue-generation solutions for broadband
and wide-area networks. The company’s rich portfolio of pure-play DPI
products is designed to transform broadband pipes into smart networks
by providing the visibility, application control, subscriber management,
and security that are vital to delivering quality of experience (QoE), containing capital/operating costs, and
maximizing ARPU. Allot solutions are deployed in broadband networks around the world, including DSL,
Nokia Siemens Networks is a leading global enabler of mobile, cable, satellite, and converged service providers.
telecommunications services. With its focus on innovation
Bridgewater Systems, the mobile personalization company, enables
and sustainability, the company provides a complete service providers to efficiently manage and profit from mobile data
portfolio of mobile, fixed and converged network technology, services, content and commerce. The company's market leading mobile
personalization portfolio provides a real-time, unified view of subscribers
as well as professional services including consultancy and
including entitlements, devices, networks, billing profiles, preferences and context. Anchored by
systems integration, deployment, maintenance and Bridgewater's Subscriber Data Broker™, the portfolio of carrier-grade and standards-based products
managed services. It is one of the largest includes the Bridgewater® Service Controller (AAA), the Bridgewater® Policy Controller (PCRF) and the
Bridgewater® Home Subscriber Server (HSS). More than 150 leading service providers including America
telecommunications hardware, software and professional
Movil, Bell Canada, Clearwire, Cox, Hutchison Telecom, Iusacell, Scartel, SmarTone-Vodafone, Sprint, Tata
services companies in the world. Operating in 150 Teleservices, Tatung, Telmex, Telstra, and Verizon Wireless use Bridgewater's solutions to rapidly deliver
countries, its headquarters are in Espoo, Finland. innovative mobile services to over 150 million subscribers. For more information, visit us at
Openet provides the most innovative Subscriber Optimization Software to
communication and media service providers worldwide, enabling them to
control, monetize and increase visibility into the usage of services and
BADGE AND LANYARDS SPONSOR: network resources. Openet offers two distinct, interrelated
transformational architectures: Policy and Charging Control for intelligent network control and
Sandvine’s network policy control solutions focus monetization; and Subscriber Data Management for business intelligence and personalized services
on protecting and improving the quality of enablement. Openet develops these architectures upon our proven real-time charging, policy control,
experience on the Internet. subscriber profile, and convergent mediation platforms. Openet works with leading service providers such
Our award-winning network equipment and as Vodafone, Orange, AT&T, and Verizon to make the most of every subscriber.
software helps DSL, FTTx, cable, fixed wireless and mobile operators better
understand network traffic, manage network congestion, create new services
and revenues, mitigate traffic that is malicious or undesirable to subscribers,
deliver QoS-prioritized multimedia services and increase subscriber
satisfaction. With service provider customers in more than 80 countries serving
hundreds of millions of broadband and mobile data subscribers, Sandvine is
enhancing the Internet experience worldwide. For more information, please visit

Ex ranc
hib e t
itio o

Get LinkedIn with the Policy Control

Community! To broaden your network Exhibition Floor Plan
and discuss common challenges,
strategies and solutions, join our
LinkedIn Group

Informa Telecoms & Media is the leading provider of

RAISE YOUR COMPANY’S PROFILE business intelligence and strategic marketing
solutions to global telecoms and media markets.
As the worlds leading Policy Control conference, this event Driven by constant first-hand contact with the
will provide your company with a unique opportunity to industry our 90 analysts and researchers produce a range of intelligence services
create, maintain and enhance brand awareness and including news and analytical products, in-depth market reports and datasets
focused to technology, strategy and content. Informa Telecoms & Media also
customer relationships. For more information on meeting
organizes 125 annual events, attended by more than 70,000 executives. In
rooms the sponsorship and exhibition packages available, addition to the GSM 3GWorld Series, our events cover subjects as diverse as fixed
please contact and mobile operator strategy, technology, TV, mobile music and games.

Tom Winter, Sales Manager For more information please visit

on +44 (0) 20 7017 5627 or email

REGISTER NOW! Call + 44 (0) 20 7017 5506

6946 Policy Control Brochure_Layout 1 14/12/2010 14:24 Page 6

Policy Control: Manage broadband traffic and monetise network

intelligence through policy control and real time charging
Policy control has become about much more than just applying fair usage
traffic management policies or throttling, as a response to increasing data Hear what your peers thought of our
traffic volumes. recent related event, Broadband Traffic
In the short term policy control is becoming an key tool for operators Management Congress (including
reconciling the disparity between increasing data traffic volumes and flat Policy Control focus day), 2010
data revenues; enabling operators to move to bandwidth based pricing,
from all you can eat to all you can afford, through tiered service offerings. “Excellent opportunity to network with
In the longer term it is now being recognised as a much more powerful tool operators and vendors who are really
which can be used for operator differentiation and to monetise the focused on policy management”
intelligence which is held in the network through the delivery of Value PM, Analysys Mason
Added Services such as: content optimisation, parental control, roaming
control and ultimately real time, personalised, user controlled service “You really succeeded in your efforts to
management. Policy control when integrated with realtime charging, organize a well attended and appreciated
marketing and business intelligence platforms offers considerable conference” CEL, Telenor
potential for operators in terms of innovative marketing, loyalty and
promotional strategies and this conference has been developed to give “Good event, excellent network
operators the tools and techniques to unlock it. opportunities” DS, T Mobile
In line with the recent surge in policy control deployments and we have
received a number of requests from operators and vendors for a forum to “A great moment of truth on the key
fully examine the revenue potential of policy control enabled services and issue of mobile data traffic. Some
address the challenges of evaluating, selecting and implementing the consensus and some interesting
different policy control, PCRF and DPI tools.
conflicting views” VG, TDF
What is Policy Control and how does it integrate? “Excellent speaker roster” SL, Infonetics

“Great Mix of Attendees with excellent

contributions to make both formally and
informally” SR, Strategy Analytics

“It was a great event. Well organized and

executed” AK, ABI Research

HOW TO REGISTER Visit the website:

Telephone the bookings hotline: +44 (0)20 7017 5506
Event Code: I37W8 Email customer services at: Discount
Don’t forget to quote your VIP code when you register
Tuesday 5th – Wednesday 6th April 2011
Marriott Hotel, Amsterdam Price Available for Registrations before 22nd February Price Available for Registrations after 22nd February

Complete Event €2398 + VAT @19% = €2853.62 €2698 + VAT @19% = €3210.62

Two Day Conference Only €1799 + VAT @19% = €2140.81 €1999 + VAT @19% = €2378.81

Workshop €399 + VAT @19% = €474.81 €499 + VAT @19% = €593.81

I am unable to attend, please send me access details to view the events documents online at £325 +20% VAT = £390

TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment requirements: See above for payment options. In any event payment must be received not later than 48 hours before the
Booking Details: All registrations are subject to our terms and conditions which are available at Event. Entry to the Event may be refused if payment in full is not received.
Please read them as they include important information. By submitting your registration you agree to be bound by the terms and VAT: The VAT rate is subject to change and may differ from the advertised rate, the amount you are charged will be determined when
conditions in full. your invoice is raised.
Registration confirmation: All registrations are subject to acceptance by Informa Telecoms & Media which will be confirmed to you Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received in writing before 22nd March 2011 will be subject to a service charge of €199. The full
in writing (usually by email). conference fees remain payable on and after 22nd March 2011. Substitutions are welcome at any time.

REGISTER NOW! Call + 44 (0) 20 7017 5506

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