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Predictors of Recurrence After Deep Vein

Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism
A Population-Based Cohort Study
John A. Heit, MD; David N. Mohr, MD; Marc D. Silverstein, MD; Tanya M. Petterson, MS;
W. Michael O’Fallon, PhD; L. Joseph Melton III, MD

Background: The appropriate duration of oral antico- was greatest in the first 6 to 12 months after the initial event
agulation after a first episode of venous thromboembo- but never fell to zero. Independent predictors of first over-
lism (VTE) is uncertain and depends upon VTE recur- all VTE recurrence included increasing age and body mass
rence rates. index, neurologic disease with paresis, malignant neo-
plasm, and neurosurgery during the period from 1966
Objective: To estimate VTE recurrence rates and de- through 1980. Independent predictors of first probable/
termine predictors of recurrence. definite recurrence included diagnostic certainty of the in-
cident event and neurologic disease in patients with hos-
Methods: Patients in Olmsted County, Minnesota, with pital-acquired VTE. Recurrence risk was increased by
a first lifetime deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary em- malignant neoplasm but varied with concomitant chemo-
bolism diagnosed during the 25-year period from 1966 therapy, patient age and sex, and study year.
through 1990 (N = 1719) were followed forward in time
through their complete medical records in the commu- Conclusions: Venous thromboembolism recurs fre-
nity for first VTE recurrence. quently, especially within the first 6 to 12 months, and
continues to recur for at least 10 years after the initial
Results: Four hundred four patients developed recur- VTE. Patients with VTE with neurologic disease and pa-
rent VTE during 10 198 person-years of follow-up. The resis or with malignant neoplasm are at increased risk
overall (probable/definite) cumulative percentages of VTE for recurrence, while VTE patients with transient or re-
recurrence at 7, 30, and 180 days and 1 and 10 years were versible risk factors are at less risk.
1.6% (0.2%), 5.2% (1.4%), 10.1% (4.1%), 12.9% (5.6%),
and 30.4% (17.6%), respectively. The risk of recurrence Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:761-768

ECURRENT VENOUS throm- ure to include autopsy-discovered
boembolism (VTE) is an recurrence or to accurately separate ini-
important risk factor for tial from recurrent events.12 Moreover,
death after pulmonary em- studies that identified cases solely from
bolism (PE)1,2 and for ve- acute-care hospital admissions may have
From the Division of nous stasis syndrome after deep vein missed recurrent VTE among patients re-
Cardiovascular Diseases and thrombosis (DVT),2 and is associated with siding in nursing homes or other long-
the Section of Hematology significantly increased long-term health term care facilities9,11,12 as well as rapidly
Research (Dr Heit) and the fatal recurrences occurring out of hos-
care costs.3 While anticoagulation therapy
Division of Area General
is effective in preventing recurrence,4,5 the pital.8 Follow-up studies of selected VTE
Internal Medicine (Drs Mohr
and Silverstein), Department of optimal duration of anticoagulation after
Internal Medicine, and the an initial episode of DVT or PE is uncer- See also page 809
Sections of Clinical tain6 and depends largely on the rate of re-
Epidemiology (Drs Silverstein currence. However, the reported rates of populations, such as elderly patients,11
and Melton) and Biostatistics recurrent VTE vary widely, ranging from patients referred to tertiary care centers
(Ms Petterson and 0.6% to 5% at 90 days and from 13% to for diagnostic evaluation and treat-
Dr O’Fallon), Department of 25% at 5 years.2,7-14 Several factors may ac- ment,2,15 or patients enrolled in clinical tri-
Health Sciences Research, Mayo
count for the variability in reported re- als1,7,10,13,14,16 may not estimate the true re-
Clinic and Mayo Foundation,
Rochester, Minn. Dr Silverstein currence rates. For example, studies that currence rate accurately since these studies
is now with the Center for identified cases from acute-care hospital did not include the full spectrum of VTE
Health Care Research, Medical discharge data8,9 or Medicare claims diag- disease. Moreover, information regard-
University of South Carolina, noses11 are limited by diagnostic uncer- ing long-term recurrence is limited since
Charleston. tainty or misclassification, as well as fail- follow-up in most studies was restricted

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©2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
METHODS period of anticoagulation therapy while awaiting comple-
tion of diagnostic evaluation for either suspected DVT or
STUDY SETTING AND DESIGN suspected PE was insufficient grounds for inclusion. An epi-
sode of VTE consisting of both DVT and PE was catego-
Using the data resources of the Rochester Epidemiology rized into the highest level of diagnostic certainty present
Project,18 we identified the inception cohort of Olmsted for either manifestation.
County residents with a first lifetime DVT or PE during the To be categorized as a recurrent DVT or PE, an event
25-year period from 1966 through 1990.17 All subjects were had to meet all of the criteria for an incident VTE event. Ad-
followed forward in time through their linked medical rec- ditionally, recurrent events were categorized as probable/
ords19 (retrospective cohort study) until either death or emi- definite recurrent DVT or PE if the results of confirmatory tests
gration from the community. For each subject, all inpa- or procedures for a probable or definite VTE were positive
tient and outpatient medical records of any local health care and the site of recurrent VTE was previously uninvolved or
provider were searched for any evidence of recurrence as had documentation of resolution. They were categorized as
of the last clinical contact. The study was approved by the possible recurrent DVT or PE if confirmatory tests were not
Mayo Clinic Institutional Review Board. done or the results were indeterminate but the other criteria
listed above were met and the site of recurrence was previ-
DEFINITION OF DVT AND PE ously uninvolved or had documentation of resolution. Ex-
tension of a DVT or PE was classified as a recurrence if a sub-
The initial episode of DVT or PE was categorized into the stantial change from the incident event was documented by
highest possible of 3 levels of diagnostic certainty (pos- history, physical examination findings, or a diagnostic test
sible, probable, or definite) according to previously de- result. Classification of autopsy-discovered VTE as a recur-
fined criteria.17 A DVT was categorized as definite when con- rence was adjudicated by a committee of the investigators
firmed by venogram, computed tomographic scan, magnetic (J.A.H., D.N.M., and M.D.S.) and based on the likelihood that
resonance image, or pathologic examination of thrombus the initial event had resolved. Pulmonary embolism diag-
removed at surgery or autopsy; as probable if either testing nosed within 24 hours of beginning therapy for a DVT (or
for the definite level of diagnostic certainty was not per- vice versa) was considered a single incident event. If more
formed or the results were indeterminate and the results than 24 hours of therapy had elapsed, these events were con-
of at least one of the following noninvasive tests were posi- sidered separate and the second event was classified as a re-
tive: impedance plethysmography, continuous-wave Dop- currence. Because PE is a complication of DVT, results are
pler ultrasound examination performed in the Mayo Clinic presented for DVT alone or for PE with or without DVT.
Vascular Laboratory, compression duplex ultrasonogra-
phy, radionuclide venography, or radiolabeled fibrinogen POTENTIAL RISK FACTORS
leg scan; and as possible if either confirmatory tests were
not done or the results were indeterminate and (1) the medi- More than 25 baseline characteristics were tested as predic-
cal record indicated that a physician had made a diagnosis tors of recurrent VTE. Data on these characteristics were col-
of DVT (or possible DVT), (2) signs and symptoms con- lected by review of all medical records (inpatient and outpa-
sistent with DVT were present, and (3) the patient re- tient) in the community for each subject.18 The characteristics
ceived a course of anticoagulation therapy with heparin, included the following: type of event (PE, DVT, or both); age
warfarin, or a similar agent, or a surgical procedure for DVT. at incident event; sex; year of incident event; patient loca-
A PE was categorized as definite when confirmed by pul- tion at onset (community, community but hospitalized within
monary angiogram, computed tomographic scan, mag- the previous 90 days, hospital, or nursing home); body mass
netic resonance image, or pathologic examination of throm- index (BMI, calculated as the weight in kilograms divided
bus removed at surgery or autopsy; as probable if either by the square of the height in meters: weight [kg]/[height
testing for the definite level of diagnostic certainty was not (m)]2), categorized as underweight (BMI ⬍20), normal
performed or the results were indeterminate and the re- weight (BMI ⱖ20 and ⱕ24), overweight (BMI ⬎24 and ⬍30),
sults of a perfusion or ventilation-perfusion lung scan were or obese (BMI ⱖ30)20; chronic heart disease (congestive heart
interpreted as showing a high probability for PE; and as pos- failure or other heart disease [congenital heart disease, car-
sible if either confirmatory tests were not done or the re- diomyopathy, ischemic heart disease, or valvular heart dis-
sults were indeterminate and (1) the medical record indi- ease]); active malignant neoplasm (excluding nonmela-
cated that a physician had made a diagnosis of PE, (2) signs noma skin cancer) with or without chemotherapy (cytotoxic
and symptoms consistent with PE were present, and (3) or immunosuppressive therapy for malignant neoplasm, ex-
the patient received a course of anticoagulation therapy with cluding tamoxifen); serious neurologic disease (stroke or
heparin, warfarin, or a similar agent, or a surgical proce- other disease affecting the nervous system with associated
dure for PE, such as an inferior vena cava filter. A short extremity paresis, or acute stroke with extremity paresis

to 1 to 3 years,1,9,11 with only 2 studies reporting fol- teria,7,10,16 and 4 were limited to patients with DVT
low-up to 8 years.2,12 only.2,8,12,16
The duration of anticoagulation therapy also We have identified the inception cohort of Olmsted
depends upon accurate knowledge of predictors of VTE County, Minnesota, residents with DVT or PE first diag-
recurrence. However, all of the 6 studies addressing nosed during the 25-year period from 1966 through 1990.17
potential predictors of recurrence had limitations in To address the limitations of previous studies, we performed
study design: 1 study had a relatively small sample a population-based follow-up study to estimate the rate
size,12 3 were clinical trials with extensive exclusion cri- of recurrent VTE and to determine predictors of recurrence.

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©2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
requiring hospitalization within the previous 3 months); ANALYSIS
surgery requiring anesthesia (general, orthopedic, neuro-
logic, or gynecologic surgery); anesthesia (general, epidural/ Survival free of VTE recurrence was estimated using the
spinal, other); trauma requiring hospital admission (ma- Kaplan-Meier product-limit method. Hazard rates for re-
jor fracture or severe soft-tissue injury); chronic lung disease currence were computed using the life table method for ana-
(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, lyzing survival. Follow-up began on the date of the inci-
chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, interstitial lung dis- dent VTE event. Data were censored at the earliest of death,
ease, or pulmonary hypertension [asthma was included only last clinical contact, or December 31, 1990. Because our
if there was documented evidence of fixed airflow obstruc- criteria for a possible VTE recurrence did not require ob-
tion]); chronic liver disease (including active hepatitis within jective diagnostic testing, some of these events may not have
the previous 3 months); chronic renal disease (physi- been true recurrences. On the other hand, some patients
cian’s diagnosis and creatinine level ⬎175 µmol/L [2 mg/ with a true recurrence may not have undergone objective
dL] for at least 3 months, or nephrotic syndrome); inflam- testing and therefore could not meet our criteria for a defi-
matory bowel disease; previous superficial vein thrombosis; nite or probable event. For example, many noninvasive di-
varicose veins (varicose veins or treated varicose veins [in- agnostic tests (eg, venous duplex ultrasonography, lung scan,
jection sclerotherapy or stripping]); central venous cath- computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) were
eter or transvenous pacemaker; anticoagulation therapy or unavailable early in our study. Moreover, many patients were
prophylaxis immediately preceding or at the time of the in- too ill to tolerate invasive procedures (eg, pulmonary an-
cident event; smoking status (none, former, or current [ciga- giography), or exposure to radiation was contraindicated
rettes only]); hormone therapy (estrogen or progester- (eg, pregnancy). Since the true rate of clinically recog-
one); and (for women only) pregnancy or postpartum nized recurrence is bounded by these 2 rates, we per-
(within 3 months of delivery) at the time of the incident formed 2 analyses for first VTE recurrence: (1) first over-
event, oral contraceptive use, gynecologic surgery, and ta- all VTE recurrence, defined as the first possible, probable,
moxifen therapy. The characteristics related to active ma- or definite recurrent event, and (2) first probable/definite
lignant neoplasm, chemotherapy, surgery, anesthesia, VTE recurrence.
trauma, hormone therapy, oral contraceptive use, and ta- The relationship of the independent variables to time
moxifen therapy were recorded as present only if docu- to recurrent VTE was assessed using the Cox proportional
mented within the 3 months prior to the VTE event. All hazards model. We used stepwise and backwards condi-
other characteristics were recorded as present if docu- tional logistic regression to identify a final model. Ini-
mented any time prior to the incident VTE event. Body mass tially, Pⱕ.10 was required to enter the model. The result-
index calculations were based on the most recent height ing model was validated using a bootstrap method,21 in
and weight measurements prior to the incident event. The which random samples of the same size as the incidence
BMI could not be calculated for 82 cases, mainly because cohort were drawn with replacement from these cases; a
of missing height measurements. For these cases, BMI val- stepwise proportional hazards model was run on the
ues were imputed by assigning to each case the average sample, with Pⱕ.05 required for a variable to enter the
height and/or weight of those incident cases of the same model. This was repeated 500 times, and the percentage
sex and age group. For the one child younger than 15 years of times a variable came into the 500 models was used to
with a missing measurement for height, we used the 50th validate its presence in the final model. Variables were
height percentile from the published 1976 National Cen- considered validated and were retained in the final model
ter for Health Statistics growth chart. Smoking status was if they entered more than 70% of the models.21 When the
based on tobacco use in the 3 months prior to the incident list of main effect variables was finalized, all 2-way inter-
event. Smoking status was missing for 92 patients and was actions of the main variables in the model were explored
evaluated only after determination of the otherwise final using the bootstrap technique. Discrete variables with
model (including interactions). In the subset of cases with multiple components could not be assessed using the
complete smoking information, we verified that the final usual stepwise technique. Such variables were checked
multivariate model variables did not have hazard ratios dif- separately, as were all their interactions. We used a modi-
fering from those computed using all cases. We then cat- fication of the bootstrap technique described above to
egorized those patients with missing smoking status as non- validate interactions with Pⱕ.05. We also checked all
smokers, reasoning that this would be the most conservative 2-way interactions of those variables that were no longer
approach. Because pregnancy and the postpartum period, in the model with those that were in the final list of main
oral contraceptive use, gynecologic surgery, and tamoxi- effect variables. The proportional hazards assumption was
fen therapy could only be evaluated in women, these vari- checked for all variables in the final model by testing
ables were assessed after determining the otherwise final whether the interaction of time since the incident VTE
model, including interactions. event and the variable was significant.

RESULTS dence of both DVT and PE; 3 patients (0.1%) had chronic
thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.
Altogether, 2218 Olmsted County residents had a con- Of the 2218 incident cases, 494 either died on the
firmed first lifetime diagnosis of DVT or PE between Janu- event date or were first discovered to have VTE at au-
ary 1, 1966, and December 31, 1990. Their mean ± SD topsy. Three additional patients had no follow-up avail-
age at onset was 61.7 ± 20.4 years, and 1244 patients able (all 3 died within a few days). One patient’s last medi-
(56%) were female. Of the total, 938 patients (42%) had cal contact occurred 201 days before her autopsy-
DVT, while 969 (44%) had PE and 308 (14%) had evi- confirmed PE following an out-of-state motor vehicle

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©2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
accident. One additional patient was excluded from most years for patients with DVT and 6.1 years for patients with
analyses because of missing values, leaving 1719 pa- PE. During the follow-up period, 404 patients had a to-
tients available for multivariate analysis. Of the patients tal of 588 recurrences. The first such recurrence was a
diagnosed prior to death, 96% received standard treat- possible recurrence in 205 of the 404 patients, probable
ment; 86% received anticoagulation therapy, with recurrence in 50, and definite recurrence in 149. The es-
mean ± SD durations of intravenous heparin and oral an- timated cumulative incidence of first overall VTE recur-
ticoagulation therapy of 5.9 ± 4.2 days (median, 5) and rence was 1.6% at 7 days, 5.2% at 30 days, 8.3% at 90
197.7 ± 559 days (median, 88), respectively. Other stan- days, 10.1% at 180 days, 12.9% at 1 year, 16.6% at 2 years,
dard treatments included subcutaneous heparin (n = 48) 22.8% at 5 years, and 30.4% at 10 years (Table 1 and
in the early years of the study; inferior vena cava liga- Figure 1). The hazard rate per 1000 person-days (±SD)
tion, interruption, or filter (n = 33) or other treatment for the first overall recurrence was highest in the first 6
(eg, vein ligation or thrombectomy; n = 13) for patients to 12 months after the initial event, ranging from 170 ± 30
in whom anticoagulation therapy was contraindicated; recurrent VTE events at 7 days to 130 ± 20 events at 30
and thrombolytic therapy (n = 14) or pulmonary embo- days, 30 ± 5 events at 90 days, 20 ± 4 events at 180 days,
lectomy (n = 3) for patients with phlegmasia or hypo- and 20 ± 2 events at 1 year. However, the recurrence haz-
tension. Patients not treated were often terminally ill with ard rate never fell to zero, continuing at 10 ± 1 events at 2
cancer. years, 6 ± 1 events at 5 years, and 5 ± 1 events at 10 years.



The 1719 patients were followed up for a total of 10 198 Of the 404 patients with a VTE recurrence, 240 had at
person-years. The median duration of follow-up was 7.4 least one probable/definite recurrence (probable in 59 pa-
tients and definite in 181 patients). The numbers of first
probable and first definite recurrences described herein
Table 1. Kaplan-Meier Estimates of the Cumulative are higher than the numbers described above, since if a
Incidence of First Overall or First Probable/Definite Venous
Thromboembolism Recurrence Among Olmsted County,
possible recurrence preceded a probable/definite recur-
Minnesota, Residents With a First Lifetime Venous rence in the analysis of time to first overall recurrence,
Thromboembolism Diagnosed From 1966 Through 1990 the subsequent probable/definite recurrence was not
counted. The estimated cumulative incidence of first defi-
Probable/Definite nite or probable recurrence was 0.2% at 7 days, 1.4% at
Overall Recurrence Recurrence 30 days, 3.1% at 90 days, 4.1% at 180 days, 5.6% at 1
Time to No. at Cumulative No. at Cumulative
year, 7.6% at 2 years, 12.4% at 5 years, and 17.6% at 10
Recurrence Risk Incidence, % Risk Incidence, % years (Table 1 and Figure 2). The hazard rate per 1000
0d 1720 0.0 1720 0.0
person-days (±SD) for first probable/definite recurrence
7d 1638 1.6 1656 0.2 also was highest in the first 6 to 12 months after the ini-
30 d 1502 5.2 1563 1.4 tial event, ranging from 30 ± 10 recurrent VTE events at
90 d 1389 8.3 1462 3.1 7 days to 50 ± 10 events at 30 days, 20 ± 4 events at 90
180 d 1292 10.1 1366 4.1 days, 10 ± 3 events at 180 days, and 10 ± 1 events at 1
1y 1171 12.9 1256 5.6 year. Similar to first overall recurrence, the hazard rate
2y 1002 16.6 1102 7.6
for the first probable/definite recurrence also never fell
5y 723 22.8 821 12.4
10 y 418 30.4 501 17.6 to zero, continuing at 6 ± 1 events at 2 years and 4 ± 1
events at 5 and 10 years.

Overall Probable/Definite
40 200 40 200
Hazard Rate, per 1000 Person-Days (

Hazard Rate, per 1000 Person-Days (


Cumulative Recurrence, % (

Cumulative Recurrence, % (

30 150 30 150

20 100 20 100

10 50 10 50

0 0 0 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time Since Incident VTE Event, y Time Since Incident VTE Event, y

Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier estimates of cumulative incidence of first overall Figure 2. Kaplan-Meier estimates of cumulative incidence of first
venous thromboembolism (VTE) recurrence and hazard of first overall probable/definite venous thromboembolism (VTE) recurrence and hazard of
recurrence per 1000 person-days among Olmsted County, Minnesota, first probable/definite recurrence per 1000 person-days among Olmsted
residents with a first life-time VTE diagnosed from 1966 through 1990. County, Minnesota, residents with a first life-time VTE diagnosed from 1966
through 1990.

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©2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Table 2. Univariate Cox Proportional Hazards Analyses of
Hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals for more than Potential Predictors of First Overall or First Probable/Definite
Venous Thromboembolism Recurrence Among Olmsted
25 baseline characteristics tested as predictors of VTE re- County, Minnesota, Residents With a First Lifetime Venous
currence are presented in Table 2 (univariate analyses). Thromboembolism Diagnosed From 1966 Through 1990*
In general, “persistent or irreversible” characteristics pres-
ent at the initial VTE were associated with an increased Hazard Ratio (95% CI)†
risk of recurrence, both overall and for probable/ Baseline
Characteristic Overall Definite/Probable
definite recurrence. These characteristics included in-
creasing age, being male, institutionalization, inflamma- Event year‡ 0.99 (0.98-1.01) 1.06 (1.04-1.08)
Age§ 1.18 (1.12-1.24) 1.36 (1.27-1.47)
tory bowel disease, neurologic disease associated with Male 1.29 (1.06-1.57) 2.07 (1.60-2.67)
extremity paresis, previous central venous catheter or Weight (BMI, kg/m2)
transvenous pacemaker placement, and malignant neo- Underweight (⬍20) 0.72 (0.45-1.14) 0.67 (0.35-1.27)
plasm (with and without chemotherapy). Several addi- Normal (20 to 24) 1.00 1.00
Overweight (⬎24 to ⬍30) 1.12 (0.88-1.42) 1.24 (0.91-1.69)
tional persistent characteristics were variably associated Obese (ⱖ30) 1.21 (0.92-1.60) 1.15 (0.80-1.66)
with an increased risk of either overall or probable/ Smoking history
definite recurrence, including the incident event year, None 1.00 1.00
smoking history, congestive heart failure, other heart dis- Current 0.96 (0.75-1.22) 0.84 (0.60-1.17)
Former 1.06 (0.82-1.37) 1.40 (1.02-1.91)
ease, chronic lung disease, and chronic renal disease. Body Incident PE with or without DVT 1.07 (0.88-1.30) 1.15 (0.89-1.48)
mass index, previous superficial vein thrombosis, vari- vs incident DVT only
cose veins, serious liver disease, and nephrotic syn- Probable/definite vs possible 1.09 (0.89-1.34) 2.11 (1.62-2.74)
drome were not predictors of recurrence. incident event
Previous superficial vein 1.08 (0.79-1.48) 1.00 (0.66-1.51)
Of equal importance, most “transient or revers- thrombosis
ible” baseline characteristics either were associated with Varicose veins 0.88 (0.70-1.11) 0.85 (0.63-1.14)
a reduced risk of recurrence or were not predictive of re- Anticoagulation 1.19 (0.69-2.07) 1.36 (0.67-2.76)
currence. For women, pregnancy or the postpartum state Location at onset
Community 1.00 1.00
and oral contraceptive use were associated with a re- Community, recent 1.01 (0.79-1.30) 0.98 (0.70-1.37)
duced risk of recurrence, both overall and for probable/ hospitalization
definite recurrence. Similarly, gynecologic surgery was Hospital 1.29 (1.02-1.64) 1.46 (1.08-1.98)
associated with a reduced risk of overall recurrence. Ad- Nursing home 1.38 (0.88-2.15) 1.68 (0.94-3.00)
Heart disease
ditional transient baseline characteristics that had no sig- No CHF or other heart disease 1.00 1.00
nificant effect on recurrence risk included the incident CHF 1.43 (1.04-1.97) 1.54 (0.99-2.38)
event type (DVT vs PE), anticoagulation prophylaxis im- Other heart disease 1.08 (0.79-1.47) 1.53 (1.05-2.24)
mediately preceding or at the time of the incident event, Chronic lung disease 1.25 (0.90-1.74) 1.88 (1.27-2.78)
Serious liver disease 0.99 (0.41-2.40) 1.09 (0.35-3.41)
immobilization, general surgery, orthopedic surgery, Inflammatory bowel disease 2.37 (1.12-5.01) 2.57 (1.06-6.25)
trauma, fracture, hormone therapy, and tamoxifen Chronic renal disease 1.61 (0.67-3.90) 2.83 (1.05-7.62)
therapy. Neurosurgery within the 3 months preceding Nephrotic syndrome 0.54 (0.08-3.87) 0.95 (0.13-6.80)
the incident VTE event was the only “transient” charac- Neurologic disease with 1.92 (1.33-2.77) 2.02 (1.24-3.27)
extremity paresis
teristic that was associated with an increased risk, both
Prior central venous catheter or 1.62 (1.06-2.50) 2.14 (1.26-3.62)
for overall and probable/definite recurrence. pacemaker
In the multivariate analyses of first overall VTE re- Malignant neoplasm
currence (Table 3) or first probable/definite VTE re- None 1.00 1.00
currence (Table 4), many persistent baseline charac- Malignant neoplasm with 3.57 (2.20-5.78) 7.53 (4.29-13.22)
teristics remained significant independent predictors of Malignant neoplasm without 2.56 (1.86-3.51) 3.16 (2.10-4.75)
increased recurrence risk. For example, the risk of over- chemotherapy
all VTE recurrence was increased by 17% per decade in- General surgery 1.14 (0.86-1.52) 1.22 (0.86-1.75)
crease in age at incident VTE and by 24% per 10-point2 Orthopedic surgery 0.85 (0.61-1.18) 0.66 (0.41-1.07)
Neurologic surgery 2.25 (1.37-3.72) 2.59 (1.41-4.75)
increase in BMI. The level of diagnostic certainty was an Trauma 1.03 (0.76-1.38) 0.92 (0.61-1.38)
independent predictor of probable/definite recurrence; Fracture 0.97 (0.69-1.37) 0.96 (0.61-1.50)
patients with a probable or definite initial DVT or PE had Women only
a 56% increased risk of recurrence compared with pa- Pregnancy or postpartum 0.44 (0.24-0.78) 0.20 (0.06-0.63)
Postpartum 0.44 (0.22-0.90) 0.20 (0.05-0.82)
tients with a possible incident event. Neurologic disease Oral contraceptive use 0.58 (0.35-0.94) 0.30 (0.12-0.73)
with extremity paresis was an independent predictor of Estrogen or progesterone 0.90 (0.53-1.52) 0.63 (0.28-1.44)
overall recurrence; however, the risk of probable/ replacement therapy
definite recurrence among patients with neurologic dis- Estrogen replacement therapy 1.02 (0.60-1.72) 0.70 (0.31-1.59)
Gynecologic surgery 0.48 (0.24-0.97) 0.49 (0.18-1.32)
ease varied by patient location at incident event onset; Tamoxifen therapy 1.05 (0.15-7.47) 3.08 (0.43-22.25)
patients with neurologic disease requiring hospital con-
finement at the time of the initial event had a more than *CI indicates confidence interval; BMI, body mass index; PE, pulmonary
3.5-fold increased risk of recurrence. Compared with fe- embolism; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; and CHF, congestive heart failure.
male patients with VTE without malignant neoplasm, male †Unless otherwise specified, the comparison group consists of incident
cases without the indicated disease or condition.
patients with VTE without malignant neoplasm had a ‡Per 1 calendar year increase.
higher risk of recurrence for all ages and incident event §Per decade increase in age.

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©2000 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Table 3. Multivariate Cox Proportional Hazards Analysis
of Predictors of First Overall Venous Thromboembolism
Recurrence Among Olmsted County, Minnesota,
We determined VTE recurrence in an inception cohort
Residents With a First Lifetime Venous Thromboembolism of patients from a well-defined geographic population18
Diagnosed From 1966 Through 1990* that included the full spectrum of disease in all clinical
settings (the community, nursing home, and hospital)
Hazard Ratio where VTE may occur. In addition to our access to both
Baseline Characteristic (95% CI) outpatient and inpatient medical records, we used infor-
Age† 1.17 (1.11-1.24) mation from autopsy findings and death certificates to
Body mass index‡ 1.24 (1.04-1.47) ensure essentially complete ascertainment of all recog-
Neurologic disease with extremity paresis 1.87 (1.28-2.73) nized disease. Moreover, we stratified our analysis by ei-
Malignant neoplasm ther first overall recurrence or first probable/definite re-
None 1.00
currence alone to provide estimates of the respective
Malignant neoplasm with chemotherapy 4.24 (2.58-6.95)
Malignant neoplasm without chemotherapy 2.21 (1.60-3.06) maximum and minimum true recurrence rates. Finally,
Neurologic surgery and event 5-year interval we systematically evaluated a large number of baseline
1965 characteristics as potential predictors of recurrence. Our
No surgery 1.00 results demonstrate two important findings. First, VTE
Surgery 7.95 (2.67-23.72) recurs frequently and continues to recur for at least 10
years after the incident event and possibly longer. The
No surgery 1.00
Surgery 5.12 (2.34-11.22)
hazard of recurrence was particularly high in the first 6
1975 to 12 months after the initial event but never fell to zero.
No surgery 1.00 Second, patients can be stratified into higher- and lower-
Surgery 3.30 (1.89-5.77) risk categories for recurrence according to several per-
1980 sistent or irreversible baseline characteristics.
No surgery 1.00 In general, our observed VTE recurrence rates are
Surgery 2.13 (1.25-3.62)
higher than most previously reported rates. We believe
No surgery 1.00 our higher rates are best explained by more complete case
Surgery 1.37 (0.66-2.84) ascertainment and the inclusion of patients with the full
1990 spectrum of disease. Other cohort studies and clinical tri-
No surgery 1.00 als included only patients with DVT alone2,8,14,16 or pa-
Surgery 0.88 (0.32-2.46) tients with PE alone (with or without DVT),1,13,22 failed
to separate incident from recurrent events,1,10,12,13,16,22,23
*CI indicates confidence interval.
†Per decade increase in age.
or only reported PE recurrence rather than all VTE re-
‡Per 10-point increase in body mass index. currence.1,11 Since DVT or PE tends to recur in the same
form as the initial clinical manifestation,6,15,23 studies that
did not include the full spectrum of disease may not es-
years. Older patients without malignant neoplasm had a timate recurrence rates accurately. Moreover, many clini-
higher risk of probable/definite recurrence than younger cal trials excluded patients with the highest risk of re-
patients for both sexes. currence (eg, patients with familial thrombophilia, cancer,
Patients with malignant neoplasm had a more than paresis, or prolonged immobility).6,10,24 Our higher rates
2-fold increased risk of overall recurrence, and patients with cannot be explained by inadequate therapy. Over the
malignant neoplasm receiving concurrent chemotherapy course of our study, the standard of care for both DVT
had a more than 4-fold increased risk of overall recur- and PE was intravenous unfractionated heparin therapy
rence (Table 3). While the risk of probable/definite recur- overlapping with oral anticoagulation (eg, warfarin so-
rence also was increased among patients with malignant dium) therapy for 5 to 7 days, followed by at least 3
neoplasm, the risk varied by concurrent chemotherapy, age, months of warfarin anticoagulation therapy. The target
sex, and incident event year (Table 4). Concurrent che- intensity of anticoagulation was a 1.5- to 2.5-fold in-
motherapy interacted with sex and also with age; age also crease in the activated partial thromboplastin time and
interacted with event year. Among patients with malig- a 2- to 3-fold increase in the prothrombin time ratio (the
nant neoplasm who were receiving chemotherapy, male pa- international normalized ratio [INR] system was unavail-
tients and older patients had a higher recurrence risk. In able during the period of this study). Nearly all patients
contrast, female patients with malignant neoplasm who were received standard heparin and warfarin anticoagulation
not receiving chemotherapy had a higher risk for probable/ therapy for mean durations of 6 days and 6 months, re-
definite recurrence compared with similar male patients, spectively, which is consistent with the current stan-
for all ages and incident event years. dard of care.7 Moreover, the level of diagnostic certainty
Neurosurgery within the 3 months preceding the in- of the initial VTE event did not interact with other pre-
cident event was the only transient risk factor that re- dictors of either first overall or first probable/definite re-
mained an independent predictor of VTE recurrence (Table currence, suggesting that no bias was incurred by in-
3). However, neurosurgery was an independent predic- cluding possible cases. We believe our observed rates may
tor only for overall recurrence, and the risk varied by in- still underestimate the true recurrence rate because pa-
cident event year such that by 1985, neurosurgery no longer tients with unsuspected recurrent fatal VTE (eg, PE) who
was an independent predictor of recurrence. did not undergo an autopsy were missed.

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Table 4. Multivariate Cox Proportional Hazards Analysis of Predictors of First Probable/Definite Venous Thromboembolism
Recurrence Among Olmsted County, Minnesota, Residents With a First Lifetime Venous Thromboembolism Diagnosed
From 1966 Through 1990*

Baseline Characteristic Hazard Ratio (95% CI)

Probable/definite vs possible incident event 1.56 (1.13-2.14)
Patient location at event onset and neurologic disease
No neurologic disease 1.00
Neurologic disease 0.57 (0.14-2.29)
Nursing home
No neurologic disease 1.00
Neurologic disease 2.01 (0.67-6.02)
No neurologic disease 1.00
Neurologic disease 3.60 (1.81-7.16)

Hazard Ratio (95% CI)

Characteristic Age, y Year Female Male
No malignant neoplasm 45 1965 1.00 1.91 (1.43-2.54)
1970 1.28 (1.07-1.52) 2.43 (1.75-3.39)
1980 2.08 (1.22-3.52) 3.96 (2.19-7.16)
1990 3.38 (1.40-8.16) 6.45 (2.58-16.12)
60 1970 2.56 (1.86-3.51) 4.88 (3.21-7.41)
1980 3.23 (1.91-5.45) 6.15 (3.41-11.11)
1990 4.07 (1.88-8.79) 7.76 (3.42-17.57)
75 1970 5.12 (3.14-8.37) 9.77 (5.60-17.06)
1980 5.01 (2.88-8.72) 9.55 (5.13-17.78)
1990 4.90 (2.35-10.21) 9.34 (4.32-21.11)
Malignant neoplasm with chemotherapy 45 1970 6.46 (2.03-20.56) 19.17 (7.39-49.76)
1980 10.52 (3.11-35.57) 31.20 (11.36-85.73)
1990 17.13 (4.35-67.43) 50.79 (15.67-164.56)
60 1970 14.50 (6.04-34.78) 42.99 (18.36-100.66)
1980 18.29 (7.11-47.05) 54.22 (21.88-134.39)
1990 23.06 (7.84-67.87) 68.39 (24.34-192.21)
75 1970 32.51 (11.95-88.44) 96.40 (30.21-307.64)
1980 31.78 (11.77-85.80) 94.23 (30.00-295.97)
1990 31.06 (10.93-92.39) 92.10 (27.73-305.89)
Malignant neoplasm without chemotherapy 45 1970 14.09 (6.73-29.50) 8.14 (3.65-18.18)
1980 22.94 (9.64-54.57) 13.25 (5.17-33.98)
1990 37.33 (12.45-111.91) 21.57 (6.67-69.75)
60 1970 15.09 (7.35-31.00) 8.72 (4.56-16.70)
1980 19.04 (8.43-42.99) 11.00 (5.01-24.13)
1990 24.01 (9.04-63.74) 13.88 (5.22-36.90)
75 1970 16.16 (6.39-40.91) 9.34 (4.39-19.89)
1980 15.80 (6.16-40.49) 9.13 (4.06-20.55)
1990 15.44 (5.47-43.59) 8.92 (3.44-23.18)

*CI indicates confidence interval.

We have confirmed and extended the observation of therapy have cancers unresponsive to hormonal therapy,
others suggesting that patients with VTE can be stratified while most female cancer patients not receiving chemo-
into high- and low-risk categories for recurrence accord- therapy have breast cancer. Consequently, we speculate
ing to persistent or transient baseline patient characteris- that the risk of recurrence is greatest among male cancer
tics.2,7,8,10,12,16 For example, we confirmed that active can- patients receiving chemotherapy for nonprostate cancer
cer is a predictor of recurrence.2,8,23 However, among cancer and among female patients with breast cancer. This hy-
patients with VTE, the risk of recurrence can be further pothesis should be confirmed in studies of patients af-
refined based on age, sex, and the presence of concurrent fected with these particular malignant neoplasms.
cytotoxic or immunosuppresive chemotherapy. In gen- Increasing age has been reported as an indepen-
eral, recurrence risk was increased for male cancer pa- dent predictor of reduced risk of recurrence among pa-
tients receiving chemotherapy, for female cancer patients tients with DVT alone.8 In contrast, we found increas-
not receiving chemotherapy, and for older cancer pa- ing age to be an independent predictor of increased overall
tients regardless of sex or therapy. While data regarding recurrence risk. Aside from the difference in study popu-
cancer type, histologic characteristics, and stage were not lations and our more complete case ascertainment, we
collected, most male cancer patients receiving chemo- cannot explain this discrepancy.

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