Outsiders One Pager Project RK

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The Outsiders

One-Pager Final Project

What is a one-pager? It is a single-page response to your reading. It

connects the ideas in the book to your thoughts in a creative way. You will
create your one-pager so your audience will understand the big ideas,
themes, or connections within the novel.

DUE DATE: _______________________

Directions & What to Include on your One-Pager

□ Write the title of the novel (underlined) and the author’s name
somewhere on the page. This can be done creatively.
□ Include a border that reflects the important references in the story
or theme.
□ Draw or create THREE images that represent themes, characters,
conflicts, important events, and/or settings of the book.
 These should be strongly connected to the book and stand out.
□ Include THREE quotes or passages that are important to the
understanding of the novel.
 Include quotation marks and a page number.
 If your passage/quote is part of dialogue, include the
character’s name who said it.
 Explain WHY you chose that quote/passage (1-2 sentences each).
□ Write THREE personal statements about what you have read. These
are not simple opinions about the content of the material (EX: It was
funny or it was boring), but meaningful statements about what you
have read. (EX: I could relate to the main character being confused
at the beginning of the novel because…”) These can be “I believe…”
statements as well.
□ Write three meaningful questions about the novel AND include the
answers for each.
□ Find TWO songs that represent a major idea/topic in the book. List
the title (in quotation marks), the artist, and how it connects to the
 Plan out your layout before you being. You will only get ONE
piece of cardstock. If your final product is not on cardstock,
you will lose points!
 Make sure your writing is neat and legible!
 Use the ENTIRE PAGE- make it rich with words and images. No
space should be blank! Don’t think a half page will do!
 Nothing should be left in pencil- go over it in marker, pen, or
colored pencil.
 Make sure your work is polished (no G.U.M. crimes or spelling
errors) and represents your BEST effort!
 Use lots of color and be creative!!!

Grading Rubric:
Requirements Advanced Proficient Basic Below Self Teacher
Basic Eval. Eval.
Title, author & 5 3-4 2 0-1
3 images 14-15 11-12 9-10 0-8
3 14-15 11-12 9-10 0-8
with explanation
3 personal 14-15 11-12 9-10 0-8
3 meaningful 8-9 7 6 0-5
Answers to the 11-12 10 9-8 0-7
2 song titles & 8-9 7 6 0-5
Neatness & 9-10 8-7 6 0-5
Conventions 9-10 8-7 6 0-5

100 100

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