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Service Innovation (Slide 9)

Service Product Innovation (Flight with bed and bathroom)//Service Process Innovation (Online check In, Greeting drink to goodbye drink)
Service Organisation Innovation (Reduce the manpower for no separation with service and service provider)
Gap Analysis (Gap with CUSTOMER) (close the gap for the following titles, the gap with customer will close also.)
Listening (Customer Satisfaction Survey, Real Time Evaluation, Worry Free Meeting & Box and no angry boss)/ Standard and Design (Instruction &
Diagram, Service Blueprint, Honesty Box)/Performance (HRM, Internal Mkt)/ Communication (Service Mkt Strategy) => Ads” for future sales”, PR “To
build brand image, Direct Mkt “to make feel as VIP”, Personal selling “to build relationship” , Sale promotion “to increase sales volume” /// Service Mkt
(Slide 8)
Mkt 1.0=>Quality (Product Centric), Mkt 2.0=>Listen to the customer (Customer Oriented), Mkt 3.0 =>More than love (Value Driven) Customer name,
Special preference, Emotional Service=>focus on emotion than function, Opportunity than trend//Characteristics of service/ Perishability>time-
dependent(Opportunity Cost, Forecasting), Intangibility (Physical Evidence>checklist, certificate), Inseparability (HRM=> Recruit, Train, Appraisal & Pay,
Retain) (Internal Mkt, People Passion) (No process separation, service & man) , Variability (Different in time and Place, service level is not consistence)
=> (Set Standard, Instruction & Diagram, Service Blueprint, evaluation, survey)
Marketing Design (Message Stg) (Slide 7)
Message Theme (Prestige, Comfort, Economy, Health, Beauty, Achievement, Parental Affection)
Cognitive=> Rational Argument or pieces of information presented, Key message is obtaining benefits & attributes, impact on customer’s belief and
knowledge/ Forms=>Generic message, Preemptive message, Unique selling proposition, Hyperbole, Comparative Advertisement/Generic Messages=>
Direct promotion of Product & Service benefits without any claim of superiority, Brand leader and dominant in the industry/ Preemptive=> Claim for
superiority based on specific attribute or benefit, preempts the competition from making such a statement/ USP=> Testable claim of uniqueness,
stresses unique product features, used in food and cosmetic/ Hyperbole=> untestable claim based on the attribute or benefit, claim don’t need to be
sustained/ Direct Comparative => Directly compare with the competitor’s product or service, may mention or not, may face cultural or legal
constrains //Affective=> Designed to provoke feeling and emotion and match them with the products or services or company, enhance the likeability of
the product, build recall of the appeal, increase comprehension of the ads, elicit emotions to affect the consumer’s reasoning process, lead to action. /
Resonance advertising => connect with the product and the customer’s past experiences to develop stronger tie between the product and customer. /
Emotional Advertising => elicit the powerful emotions which lead to product recall & choice including trust, reliability, friendship, happiness, security,
glamour, luxury, serenity, pleasure, romance & passion.//Conative=> Designed to lead to some type of the customer behavior (purchase), Action
Including approach, consumer buy first and evaluate later. Also designed to support other promotional efforts using Coupons, phone in promotions,
sweepstakes, internet promotion.
Executional framework=> Animation- used by firm with limited budget, rotoscoping, clay animation, computer graphic, stop motion/ Slice of life - Attempt
to provide solutions to the everyday problems faced by consumers or businesses, Show common things people experienced, especially the problems

they encountered, Then the product is made available to solve the problem(Encounter Problem, Interaction, Solution)/Dramatization – Same
with Slice of life in formatting and presentation, difference is intensity & story format, because of limited time from .5 to 1 min, hard to pull off ./
Testimonials- Being used when a customer in an advertisement tells about a positive experience with a product, Enhance credibility,
Source>Customers, Paid Actors, Net Idol, Authoritative – Using expert / Demonstration- Designed to show how a product works, Effective way to
communicate the attributes of a product, Shows product being used Television and the Internet/ Fantasy- Designed to lift the audience beyond the
real world to a make-believe experience. Some fantasies are meant to be realistic. Others are completely irrational.
Common themes-sex, love, romance (perfume, cologne) / Informative - Present information to the audience in a straightforward matter, One of the keys
communication only is possible, Less common
is the placement of the advertisement, Extensively for radio ad where only verbal

in TV and print ad because consumers tend to ignore them, Works well in high involvement purchase situations. as a result, it is
popular for business-to-business ad/ Spokesperson=> celebrities - most common, features in 6% of ads, enhance brand equity, create emotional
bond, establish brand personality, effective with young consumers and athletes, Caution – misconduct of cele being used, cele being spokesperson
for too many brands. CEO -visible & personable. major asset. use in local firms/ Experts – in any fields/ others- s paid actor and everyday persons.
Hierarchy of effects (Slide 5)
Cognitive (Thinking) – awareness & knowledge> make customer to be aware & support info to find easily / Effective (Feeling, Experiencing) – liking &
preference> to ensure customer like the product if not fill the gap & make consumer focus on the product / Conative- (Action) conviction & purchase >
create desire to purchase &make purchase. (help marketer to understand the buying journey the customer passed.)
Type of Appeal => Fear- used in health, beauty & insurance, moderate level of fear is effective/ Humor- used in 30% of ads, catch attention and easy to
recall which can increase the sales, effective when relates to some benefits for the customer and without it key message will be hidden under the
humor sense. / Sex- arise curiosity of the audience and result in strong feeling about the ads & product/ Rationality=>focus on practical, function &
utilitarian need, emphasis on features & benefit of the product or services, or reason for owning or using the brand. / Emotion=> related to the
psychological & Social needs. Emotions used in ads are trust, reliability, friendship, happiness, security, glamour, serenity, anger, protect love, romance,
passion, family bond. / Scarcity=> based on the limited supply or time while employing promotional tools including sweepstake, contests
etc./Music=>has an intrinsic value and increase the persuasiveness of ads, capture the attention and recall of the customer.
Marketing in work (slide 3+4)
Deming Cycle =>plan, do, check, act/ Role of the Marketing=> Identify customer, understand need & want, Identify target customer and how to reach /
Satisfy customer, right product, right people, right time/ retain customer- give reason to come back, Find new opportunities to win their business.
Value proposition=> Customer profile- Gain -the benefit the customer expected and needed, things delight customers, things increase the likelihood of
adopting the value proposition/ Pains- negative experiences, emotions & risk the customers experiences in the process of getting the work done./
Customer jobs- the functional, social & emotional tasks customers are trying to perform, problems they are trying to solve and needs they wish to
satisfy. Customer profile should be created for each customer segment.
Value Map=> Gain Creators-create customer’s gain and how it offers added value to the customer./ Pain reliver-the way to alleviate the pain/ Product &
Service- which create gain and relieve pain, underpin the creation of value for the customer./ Fit between the Value proposition and Value map - which
is the first stage, validate what is important to customers and get their feedback on value proposition and refine the proposition.// Situational Analysis/5C
analysis=> Collaborator (Share interest, up & down string), climate (PESTLE),Competitors (Opportunity & Threat), Customer (Value, Satisfaction),
Company (Policy, strategy, objective, strength & weakness, Tech, Culture.)/ Product life cycle-introduction, growth, majority, decline./BCG-Stars
(+share, + growth), ?(-share, + growth), cash cow(+share,-growth), dog(-share, -growth).//
5 forces- bargaining power of supplier, bargaining power of customer, threat of new comers, threats of substitutes, competitive rivalry within an
industry.// Blackbox=>Influencers= 4p& PESTLE Demographic Natural>> Customer Blackbox- character=Attitude, Motivation, perception, lifestyle,
knowledge >Decision process = problem recognition, information search, Alternative evaluation, purchase decision, post- purchase behavior>>
Customer response- product price dealers choice, purchase timing &amount.// STP=> S- Geo, demo, psycho (lifestyle, interest, opinion, personality,
value, attitude, ), behavioral-benefit sought, purchase, usage, buyer stage, user status, life cycle stage, engagement)// Brand message & Voice=>sales,
event, tradeshow, social media, promotion, print, content mkt & web-> inbound & Seo, customer service and interaction.// Integrated mkt option 2018=>
broadcast, web ads, print, website, business card, webinars, mail, video, article, blog, social media.// Brand =blueprint, relationship, agreement, nature,
distinctive// Brand strategy=> 4ps= consumer, cost, convenience, communication.// CRMS=>customer royalty, promotion, interaction, analysis, order,
database, documentation, communication// CSR=>PEST issue, Corporate Accountability, responsible investment & business, corporate sustainability,
corporate citizenship, sustainability, Corporate responsibility, Triple bottom line, creating shared value,
MM (Slide 2) Mkt goals- build brand image, inform, persuade, support other mkt efforts, encourage action. / Creating Ads=>objective, target audience,
message theme, supports, constraints.
Slide (1)/ Mkt=>means used to research & analysis the customer to formulate strategy that build brand awareness, make offer, cross promote and
converts viewers to clients./ Product -tangible, intangible,, Price- High or skimming price, Average price, Lower price,, Place- store, non-store,
Promotion-Direct Mkt, Ads, POP, Event, sales promotion, PR, personal selling, sponsorship, online mkt./ Mkt mix strategy=> product-innovative
products, Co-brand product, limited edition,, Price=>skimming, penetration, competitive, dynamic,, Place=> stand alone, franchise, traditional trade,
modern trade, ecommerce, direct selling,, Promotion=> Push & Pull/ New Marketing, inbound marketer=> communication is interactive & 2 ways.
Customer comes. Marketer provide value and seek to entertain and educate. // IMC=> one voice, consistence, tools-> Sales promotion, Events &
experience, PR, Direct Mkt, interactive mkt, word of mouths, personal selling, advertising.

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