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Digital pulse is translation ideology of point overview into accentual access to across flavor gain of

f ² +cos2
−1+ e α⋅log 2 (1+iterator (event ))
, p=
trustfulness. Therefore using 1 1+ β⋅log 2( 1+iterator ( event)) when any event does
∑ n1!

turn respect aside apart effect of weighted pressure used to build up valid changes for modeling show.
p 1− p
Therefor the choice of 2 1−p 2 p when the cycle based simulation has to
f =−1+e ∨f =−1+e

highlight a sensible part of digital show . The great harmony of transition establishment has to hold raw

material log 2 (1+ p⋅( ∑ )),n →ifstream : : pos type ix=fptr .tellg ( ) offering a large range of choice
n n!
modeling basically gets closer to push back on the touch controlling on the effectiveness of linear
pointer encoding. Hence, the probabilistic show has to cover the insisting on extra use charge of a of

α⋅log 2 (1+ iterator(event))

reaching retrievals: static (float ( p))= empower and enforce a constant
1+ β⋅log 2 (1+iterator (event ))

pointer to a first appearance ( event ) refers to the great reporting show across combinatorial context of

eval( p)=1−p⋅(1− p)

log 2 (2−eval( p))

Heval( p)=
digital significance 2−log 2 (2−eval( p)) show, a show would capture monumental

log 2 (1+eval( p))

Leval( p)=
2−log 2 (1+eval( p))

weighty induction justification getting behind details on digital draw description wants to share proper
1 p 1 1− p
of prediction branch belongs to integrity show ∫ (−1+e 1−p
)∂ p ,∫ (−1+e p
) ∂ p would try to
0 0

entertain the proposal processing surrounds images mirror allowable ranges awhile sustainability
despite the associate assignment of transition policy. The driven dynamics has to pass dragging
designation of scaling policy when the emphasis on the effectiveness of intentional insight around
1 p 1 1− p
proposal training ∫ (−1+e 1−p
) ∂ p ,∫ (−1+e p
) ∂ p which would look towards choice charges in
0 0

order to maintain support to the principles of float encoding. Transition traceability has to offer large
choice ranges for emergent touch control deals with discrete event simulation when the statement
(towards, forwards, backwards, on wards, off wards …)

Digital dynamics has to straight forwards to generate “on-do” would manipulate principles of transition

1+n⋅p 1+n⋅(1− p)
α⋅log 2 ( )⋅log 2( )
tractability along over away 1− p p
, θ =2⋅π⋅f n⋅n⋅T 0 revolutionary
1+16⋅β⋅(1+cos 2)⋅e 1− p

reality has to return chance measure for any kindness of human thought when the importance of

α⋅log 2 (1+ iterator(event))

unique( proportionality ) static (float ( p))= can stream playing role of
1+ β⋅log 2 (1+iterator (event ))

stepping statement. Hence the bright clear context to have an ordering overview around digital pressure
for which has to experience the enjoyable exploration impact a world of induction show would provide

balancing benefit iterator(event)=unique(associate(type →kindness)) recognizes defining moment

at a time when digital concerns for which the jump to hit an envisage encoding has to point a great data
motion around over away ( leaf like a b c wanna want to be … or purposes for reaching basic modeling
show has to unify valid translation of movable data accordingly to an ordering charges for affecting
associate dragging grow has to accept consciously context of crafty sign has to perform reflective
proactivity when the great deal of digital compromise has to create involvement of kindness show
when a minimum number of diversity has to probably obey to proper show of inertial sight stands

around behind reminder=(clear →boundary (limits), dark →integrity (stepping )) . Thus based upon

simply easy exploitation of basic modeling has to receive excitement commonality at the investigation
moment, a moment of elaboration and equivalence approach. When for example the imaging impact of
integrity has to straight forwards hierarchy harmony would request a proper message of human loyalty

integrity →affect(family →relationship( X , Y , Z , W , V ))

X=(economy ,industry , agriculture)
and royalty Y =(culture ,research , employment ) show does have great
Z=( commerce , foreign , finance)
W =(tourism , youth , environment )
V =( family→reflexive , health , social)

opportunity to go forth around ultimate kindness of human logic’s maintains much more valuable
balancing benefits around over away. The confrontation policy has to offer much more convenient
valuation for any reality of distinction would cover the great show of human composite has to engender
a honestly harmony quietness would use a volatility in single recognition terms of mount management
show. Learning the responsibility of transition tractability along over away involved and engendered in
an entirely drives of trustfulness and aside apart a world of heritage has to offer each time a new reality
can define human assets fight for the super well show. Yeah it can appreciate answer when sequential
show in special sounds of valid variation across dependency community has to boost a creativity show
survive the language of combination when multiplexing design aims to deal with balancing benefit
behavior has to refer to an inner inspired magnetism. Thus it is innovative insight looking to an
associate abstract for each affected point overview sharing effects of gracefulness when believing in the
innocent of composite. Yeah it could be moment for many question on how economy has to grow
revealing to principles of dependency. But when theological aspects have to focus on the individual
aspects or the abstract assistance in order to respond to any sort kind stuff of computability surely has
to take over threading blocks of observation turns can work around details of dependency. Although
within an abstract adapting show, using ( economy, dependency(industry), aside( use( agriculture→
responsive requests for any sort kind stuff of growth either for children or for younger or for other kind
of persons around over away). Through this small abstract look being ready to step towards to next
after regulation show involves an original research show could learn from the original culture that the
basic primordial usage drags health stay and much more is to “keep-innovative” check in around
agriculture utilization across transportation of human gain to be combined with potential atmosphere
employs the references indexes to distinguish between charging choice looks for smaller community to
supervise ( culture, research, employment) paid ticked for assumption agreement seems having the
challenge looking around evaluation of ( economy, industry, agriculture ) settlement set facing the
higher “pay attention” show when compared to old culture of Earth’s usage utility have to boost the
relaxed quietness for any sort kind stuff of life quality fighting for a reading through valid valuation
around recognition and associate access would to integrate discrete event simulation build a skeleton
body for the centric triplet ( economy, industry, agriculture) have great importance of dependency when
any interest on this triplet (economy, industry, agriculture) settlement set shall design harmony of
dependency sharing and responsible composite supervises the logic link and relationship shows that
speaking about economy has to speak about the three dimensionality notice imagine getting its roots to
straight forwards a clear mimetic learning weigh has to consider the attachment of streaming
relationship between “economy”, “industry”, and “agriculture” when this super well composite has to
think abut any central condition standards affect the highlight of sensitive translation inside a deadlock
agenda plan has to predict the valid variation of economy based upon deep study of industry and
argumentative movability of agriculture asset in a massive show of study:: this earth is reserved to be
expected for better productivity of grain and co … but this earth could be used for immigration
although within a higher number of population, the minimum land or earth has to be used to support the
quality of earth used for agriculture offer raw original material for survival behind hopes and thoughts.
Even though people has to think about a free market show, when the earth owner have to offer
opportunity for inertial supervisory system has to watch what could be offer for people for eating for
drinking for meals for food for garden for other things around feeling the world of growth across
around distinction of productivity and diversity of testimony when for example Apple fruits in winter
could be different than Apple fruits in summer which has to be produced in USA while in Winter it is a
streaming inspiration would apply the principles of (commerce, foreign, finance) behind the principles
getting Apple fruits in Winter when the snow has to grow hugely and aside hoping eating Apples fruits
from Brazil or other south America country extremely moved to offer a great quality of alternative
products in winter while people in USA in winter has to survive the hopes allowing themselves
thinking about the finest sunny which produce the Apples fruits in June, July or in summer in USA
things which has to be introduced in the learning phase of primordial well-time looking to check in
reality of culture retrievals getting closer to support ( culture, research, employment) which would
collaborate with principles of discrete event show reveals to harmony of entirely composite would
defend the basic turn kindness points to lonely break summit has to combine the racing terms for
credibility of flexible alternatives have to get systematically thoughts adjust the likely coherence
concept of “pay attention” highlight.
In fact it is waveform compression technique wanna want try to innovate principles of float encoding
has to comply with argumentative agreement which has to hugely involve new approach of streaming
handlers when the input and the output can push on the symbolic show deals with linear pointer

∏ (1−n⋅p) α⋅log 2 (1+ occur (event))

encoding n which has to
, p= , n=appear ( fptr . tellg ( ))
1− p⋅(1− p) 1+ β⋅log 2 (1+occur (fptr . eof ( )))

track traceability of linear pointer encoding whose mostly likely sounding sight has to consider
creative opportunity challenges the powerful primitives committed to define principles of unique
fairness emphasize the primordial qualitative study of ongoing edges mirrors a revolutionary

enforcement of event=unique( fptr .read (ch , m)) , ch=bitvector<bits> , m=number (bits) which has

to return a measurable movable linear pointer which is charged to keep guarantee for accessibility has

to start from iterator(begin)=std ::ios ::beg . The context of viewing a built in behavior has to refer

to appreciate assignment of digital sustainability when the cycle based simulation has to appreciate
α⋅log 2 (1+iterator (event))
appointment of overview likes being projective testimony of
1+ β⋅log 2 (1+iterator (event ))

unique(encoding) has to coordinate ability of occurrence along over away. The digital traceability has
to work around over a robust gain of equipped instrumental details has to coordinate linguistic
circumstance of hopefulness and kindness along over away while signal complexity can offer much
more productivity of countability around over away in regular standards across over away ::

iterator( event)=(unique ::encoding)!=transform( std ::ifstream: : postype ix=fptr . tellg ())

which has to refer to the inertial heart of waveform compression can worry about the goodness of
ongoing edges have to set a rolling specification and backwards details afraid about the logic
adaptability and adaptivity of stochastic show. The resulting in frequency closer concept which would
adjust a mastering mount management of waveform compression around determination of equipped
significance of transition traceability ( #include <c-signal>) which has to influence imaging impact o
occurrence testimony has to support the language of approximation show can supply for digital
battleground ::

it ∃Composite →R (sensibility )→mapping ( Minus(among , basics))

which has to know much more linear pointer encoding which has to get its appointment bright clear
when situation judgment has to evaluate the famous show carefully learns stepping changes throughout
a moody recover can intensify the honestly proper show:
partail progress
∂time 2

Digital capacity is deploying more details about transition terminology supposed charged to establish
evidence show of integrity: p⋅(1− p)
∫ log2(1+ )∂ p , map →unique ( purpose ) has to establish

charges for encoding ownership which would try to find expertise of linguistic logic’s around over
away when well proper design of transition tractability has to commit much more traceability of
complex situation called signal handlers are involved in entirely integrity refers to the capability of
cycle based simulation sin 2⋅cos2
∫ log 2(1+ sin2 −cos2 )∂ θ , θ =hidden (2⋅π⋅f n⋅n⋅T 0 ) which would recognize

the effectiveness of valid construction of availability and having attention role to pay for much more
intentional involvement enable the imaging impact of integrity and enhancement covering a guarantee
std ::ifstream :: postype ix=std ::ios : :beg ;
of surely capturing or gather of data across Ohold< short , vector <float ≫(vect , ix); features access
ix=fptr .tellg ();
while (! fptr . eof ());

along over away meanwhile the actual study looks into an imaginal terms of exerting existence can
create hosts for human touch control would jump to handle sequential exactitude responsible to guess
whether the speed of linear pointer encoding has to role over away looking around availability of
“selfish-defense = wanna want to be” across the whole show of stepping up based upon simply easy

importance show of regular continuity ix=fptr .tellg (); fptr . seekg(ix , std ::ios ::beg) requirement
char ch [m]; →fptr .read (ch , m);

needed to ensure a confrontation show has to deal with gracefulness challenge would appears very
sensible wants to guarantee the principles of centric metric when the inertial heart of existence is
coming on to bring upon a normal establishment of cooperative coordination would express its validity
through stock check in or in a briefly formulated way of meaningfulness (reality retrievals ) which refer
to other kindness can work around ability of rightly structural human exploitation. Yeah human
capacity has to explore the principles of consciously challenge can impact the world of existence of any
individual around over away meanwhile this conscious character has to evaluate reveals for commonly
pressure in gratefulness reality and purposeful show::

( p)
y ( p)⋅A
ξ ( p)
e x( p) = , n=0 , 1 ,.. , N →countable( appear (event ))
Max ( y )
− y ( p)+ n
1− p card(b)
ξ ( p)=log 2 (1+ ) , A ( p)=−1+e 1−p , p=Laplace ( )
1+n⋅p card(a)

In fact the safety of goodness is a deal captures chance to run exponential keeping tracks for all over
ahead intention has to measure ability of digital challenge when the harmonic happening has to

separate questionability it=inmap . find (ch) ;→inmap . insert (it ++ , pair<T ,V >(ch , vctor)) which

point the acknowledgment can discover the matter of commodity raising around existence concerns.
The principles of human gain is an inheritance way can stand for recognition of promotional
provisionality would recognize the effects of interpretation and the departure of conscious branch has

Min()⋅Max ()⋅(Max ()−Min())

to be captured around over away: Wavy ( p)= 3
terminology while
( Min( )+ Max ())

resulting record across certainty capability is qualified to keep tracks of built in features has to refer to

mapping pair (genuine=something, unjust=something else∨anything else) scheduling waits for

signal commodity works around an appreciate ahead extraction of human consciously logic signs to
rectify or make changes emerging monumental challenge insists on balancing behavior works around
about the effectiveness of linear pointer encoding nevertheless the meaningfulness of associate valuable
state of sensible pressure on countable balance has to increase with any new challenge along over

(recognition= pressure on (safety ),recovery =mapping(movable ))→consciously ( balance)

Thereupon digital heritage and dignity is working forth lonely defense of speed has to recover the
importance of data ongoing edges affect the point overview of existence’s recognition. Thus learning
∫ log2 (1+ 1− p⋅(1−p) )∂ p
scales is appreciate address return generates likely features 1−2⋅p
∫ log2(1+ ( 1−2⋅p)2+ p⋅(1−p) )∂ p

∫ log2( 1+ p21−2⋅p
+(1− p)2
)∂ p

which could be involved with executive exploitation covers totally show of linear pointer encoding
when the principles of digital challenge has to assure the basic balance of transition traceability while
the imaging impact on the importance of measurable topics while testimony still remains aspiration and

1+ n⋅p 1+n⋅(1−p)
log 2 ( )⋅log 2 ( )
1− p p
2 1− p
1+16⋅(1+ cos )⋅e
controversy to perform total convoy wants involved in mentioning
1+ n⋅p 1+n⋅(1−p)
log 2 ( )⋅log 2 ( )
1− p p
1− p
2 p
1+16⋅(1+ cos )⋅e

expression of transition traceability has to establish much more responsibility of linear pointer
encoding when the movable reference pointer has to deploy statement show ( Elizabeth was child,
Elizabeth has grandmother, Elizabeth did nicer feel her childhood,
Elizabeth has learn more and much more to keep ongoing … Elizabeth did focus on human resources
when the battleground of vital vivid issues have to gather appreciate proper pointers for evaluation of
productivity ( Elizabeth did get job Elizabeth did get house Elizabeth did respect bright clear honestly
guarantee of built in trustfulness … Elizabeth is continuing discovering the meaningfulness of
testimony of optimized opportunity… ). Thus the driven kernel core of transition traceability has to
accept balance behavior around digital confrontation would work along over principles of exceptions
and making changes while the primordial rules of having interests to human commodity is to take on
the initiative working around still consciously challenge has to discover all support of meaningfulness
of existence in higher principles of trustfulness acts in valid concept of commonly sense and a lot of
reporting result show. The offensive already being is to evaluate gradually scaling located closer to
truly “pay attention show” which has to refer to innocent message “neither guilty nor faulty” reigning
along over away … like driven dynamics of “never to ruin nor to destroy” respectability would assure
the principles of coordinated collectivism in higher respect character of separated sensitivity when
people have to imagine all causality and proposal processing of risks and comprehensive of any acts
has to push proportional enforcement of matching personality. Someone can have moreover strong
personality has to enable the sensitive moment to take the right decision doing all synchronized
synthesis show would analyze all support of finest human being and commonly sense facing
acceptance of appreciate adjustment around logic advice of committed forgiveness running rally.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>

#define pi 22/7

#define Min( x, y ) ( x <= y ) ? x : y

#define Mqx( x, y ) ( x >= y ) ? x : y

#define eval(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? 1 - p * (1 - p) : 1

#define Heval(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2f(2 - eval( p )) / (2 - log2f(2 -
eval( p ))) : 1

#define Leval(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2f(1 + eval(p)) / ( 2 - log2f(1 +
eval(p))) : 0

#define CubicEval(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? pow(Heval(p) + Leval(p), 3) : 1

#define WavyEval(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Heval(p) * Leval(p) * (Heval(p) -
Leval(p)) / CubicEval(p) : 0

#define OReval(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Heval(p) ^ Leval(p) : 1

#define ANDeva(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Heval(p) & Leval(p) : 0

using namespace std;

using std::cout;

using std::cin;

using std::ifstream;

using std::ofstream;

using std::vector;

using std::pair;

using std::endl;
float T0 = 1 / 4;

float f0 = 0.0000;

std::ifstream fptr;

std::ifstream::pos_type iy = std::ios::end;

template<class T, class V> class hold{

friend bool operator==( T& ch, hold& obj ){

return( ch == obj.key );


hold() : ptr() { }

hold<T, V>(T& x, V& y) : key( x ), appear( y ) { }

/*hold( const hold<T, V>* obj ) : pObj( obj ) {

key = obj->key;

appear = obj->appear;

~hold() {

if( ptr ) delete ptr; else { }

if( pObj ) delete pObj; else { }


inline virtual void SetKey( T& x ) { key = x ; }

inline virtual bool operator==( T& ch ){

return( ch == key );

inline virtual float SetFloat( std::ifstream::pos_type& ix ){

long N = (long)iy;

long n = (long)ix;

//float xf = pow(2
///float a = log2( 1 + n)

float a = n / N;

float b = log2( 1 + (1 - a) / ( 1 + n * a ));

return b;
inline virtual void ReadFptr( std::ifstream::pos_type& ix, char* ch){

fptr.seekg( ix, std::ios::beg );, sizeof(T));

inline virtual void OngoingEdges( std::ifstream::pos_type& ix, T& ax){

SetKey( ax );

float dx = SetFloat( ix );

appear.push_back( dx );

occur.push_back( ix );

inline virtual void SetAppear( std::ifstream::pos_type& ix){

char* ch = new char[sizeof(T)];

ReadFptr( ix, ch );

T vl = ( T )(*ch);

if( typeid( T ) == typeid( char) ) vl = (char)(*ch);

else if( typeid( T ) == typeid( int )) vl = atoi( ch );

else if( typeid( T ) == typeid( short )) vl = atoi( ch );

else if( typeid( T ) == typeid( long )) vl = atol( ch );

else if( typeid( T ) == typeid( double)) vl = atol( ch );

else if( typeid( T ) == typeid( float)) vl = atof( ch );


fputs("no proposal type has been matched \n", stderr);

if(typeid( V ) == typeid( std::vector<std::ifstream::pos_type>)){

OngoingEdges( ix, vl );

}else if(typeid( V ) == typeid(std::vector<float>)){

OngoingEdges( ix, vl );

}else if(typeid( V ) == typeid( std::vector<int>)){

OngoingEdges( ix, vl );

}else if(typeid( V ) == typeid( std::vector<long>)){

OngoingEdges( ix, vl );
}else if(typeid( V ) == typeid( std::vector<double>)){

OngoingEdges( ix, vl );

}else if(typeid( V ) == typeid( std::vector<short>)){

OngoingEdges( ix, vl );

}else if(typeid( V ) == typeid( std::vector<char>)){

OngoingEdges( ix, vl );


fputs( "no proposal type has been matched \n", stderr);


inline virtual void SetPtr(T& x, V& y) { pObj = new hold<T, V>(x, y);}

inline virtual void SetpObj(const hold<T, V>* obj){ pObj = new

hold( obj); }

inline virtual void AddElement(const hold<T, V>* obj,

std::ifstream::pos_type& ix, T& ch){

if( operator==( ch ) ){

appear.push_back( SetFloat( ix ));

occur.push_back( ix );

}else{ }

inline virtual T GetKey() const { return( key ); }

inline virtual V GetAppear() const { return( appear ); }

inline virtual std::vector<std::ifstream::pos_type> GetOccur() const

{ return( occur ); }

inline virtual void MakeClean(){

if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else { }


T key;
V appear;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, V>* pObj;


std::vector<std::ifstream::pos_type> occur;


template< class T, class V> void Ohold( std::ifstream::pos_type& ix,

std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect);

template<class T, class V> void SetVect( T& ch, std::ifstream::pos_type& ix,

std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect, hold<T, V>* obj ){

if( vect.size() ){

bool ae = false;

for( auto& z : vect ){

if( z.operator==( ch ) ){

z.AddElement( obj, ix , ch );

if( ae == false ) ae = true;


if( ae == false ) vect.push_back( obj );


Ohold( ix, vect);


template< class T, class V> void Ohold( std::ifstream::pos_type& ix,

std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect){

T ch;

V w;

hold<T, V>* obj = new hold<T, V>( ch, w);

obj->SetAppear( ix );

if( vect.size() ){

T ky = obj->GetKey();

SetVect( ky, ix, vect, obj );


vect.push_back( *obj );

delete obj;

int main( int argc, char** argv){

if( argc != 3 ){

fputs(" no enough parameters to run away ( eval in out ) \n", stderr);



std::vector<hold<short, vector<float>>> vect; argv[ 1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

if( fptr && ( fptr.good())){

std::ifstream::pos_type& ix = ftpr.tellg();

fptr.seekg( std::ios::beg, std::ios::end);

iy = fptr.tellg();


Ohold( ix, vect );

ix = tellg();

std::cout << " value of indx = " << ix << std::endl;

}while( ! fptr.eof());


std::ofstream gptr; argv[2], std::ios::out | std::ios::binary );

for( auto& k : vect ){

gptr << k.GetKey();

for( auto& j : vect ){

gptr << j;


return 0;


///int main( int argc, char** argv){
int main( void){

//char ch[sizeof(float)] = { };

//char* ch = ( char* )malloc( sizeof(float) * sizeof(char));

///char* ch = new char malloc( sizeof(float) * sizeof(char));



fputs( " please enter the value of p \n", stderr);

char* ch = new char[sizeof(float)];

fgets(ch, sizeof(float), stdin);

float vl = atof( ch );

float a = eval( vl );

float a0 = Heval( vl);

float a1 = Leval( vl );

float q = WavyEval( vl );

std::ios::binary a2;

a2 = OReval( vl );

std::ios::binary a3;

a3= ANDeval( vl );

cout << " value of vl = " << vl << endl;

cout << " value of eval = " << a << endl;
cout << " value of Heval = " << a0 << endl;
cout << " value of Leval = " << a1 << endl;
cout << " value of WavyEval = " << q << endl;

//cout << " value of ANDeval = " << a3 << endl;

fputs( " please enter character c to loop \n", stderr);

delete ch;

}while( getchar );
return 0;

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>

#define pi 22/7

#define Min( x, y ) ( x <= y ) ? x : y

#define Max( x, y ) ( x >= y ) ? x : y

#define eval( p ) (( p >= 0 ) && ( p <= 1 )) ? 1 - p * ( 1 - p ) : 1

#define Heval( p ) (( p >= 0 ) && ( p <= 1 )) ? log2( 2 - eval( p ));

#define Leval( p ) (( p >= 0 ) && ( p <= 1 )) ? log2( 1 + eval( p ));

using namespace std;

using std::ifstream;

using std::ofstream;

using std::cout;

using std::cin;

using std::vector;

using std::map;

using std::pair;

const float T0 = 1 / 4;

float f0 = 0.0000;

std::ifstream fptr;

std::ifstream::pos_type iy = std::ios::end;
template<class T, class V> class hold{

friend bool operator==( T& ch, hold& obj ){

return( ch == obj.key);


hold() : ptr() { pObj = new hold(key, appear ); }

hold( T& x, V& y) : key( x ), appear( y ) { }

hold( const hold<T, V>* obj) : pObj( obj ) { }

~hold() {
if( ptr ) delete ptr; else { }

if( pObj ) delete pObj; else { }


///inline virtual void SetKey( T& x ) { key = x ; }

inline virtual void SetKey( T x ) { key = x ; }
inline virtual float SetFloat( ifstream::pos_type& ix) const{

unsigned long N = (unsigned long)iy;

unsigned long n = (unsigned long)ix;

float ax = log2( 1 + n) / ( 1 + log2( 1 + N));

float bx = 1 - ax;

int k = (int)key;

float dx = log2( 1 + bx / ( 1 + k * ax ));

return( dx );

inline virtual void RefAppear( ifstream::pos_type& ix, hold<T, V>* obj)


///obj->appear.push_back( SetFloat( ix ));

pObj->appear.push_back( SetFloat( ix ));



inline virtual void SetPtrChar(size_t byt, ifstream::pos_type& ix,

char* ch){

fptr.seekg( ix, std::ios::beg ); ch, byt);

//ch[sizeof(ch)] ='\0';

inline virtual void SetAppear( ifstream::pos_type& ix){

size_t byt = sizeof( T );

char ch[byt];

SetPtrChar( byt, ix, ch );

T vl;

if( typeid( T ) == typeid( char )) vl = (char)(*ch);

else if( typeid( T ) == typeid( int )) vl = atoi( ch );

else if( typeid( T ) == typeid( short)) vl = atoi( ch );

else if( typeid( T ) == typeid( float )) vl = atof( ch );

else if( typeid( T ) == typeid( double )) vl = atol( ch );

else if( typeid( T ) == typeid( long )) vl = atol( ch );

else {

fputs("not to run away \n", stderr);


if(typeid( V ) == typeid(vector<ifstream::pos_type>)){

SetKey( vl );

appear.push_back( ix );

occur.push_back( ix );

}else if( ( typeid( V ) == typeid(vector<float>) ) || ( typeid( V

) == typeid( double )) ||
( typeid( V) == typeid( vector<long>) )) {

SetKey( vl );

cout << " value of ch = " << vl << std::endl;

appear.push_back( SetFloat( ix ));


}else if( typeid( V ) == typeid(vector<int>) ){

SetKey( vl );

appear.push_back( SetFloat( ix ));


}else if( typeid( V ) == typeid(vector<short>) ) {

SetKey( vl );

appear.push_back( SetFloat( ix ));


}else if( typeid( V ) == typeid(vector<char>) ){

SetKey( vl );

appear.push_back( SetFloat( ix ));



fputs( " not yet defined ( usage eval in out ) \n",



inline virtual T GetKey() const { return( key ); }

inline virtual V GetAppear() const { return( appear ); }

inline virtual std::vector<ifstream::pos_type> GetOccur() const

{ return( occur ); }

inline virtual hold* GetPtr() const { return ptr ; }

inline virtual hold<T, V>* GetHold() const { return( pObj ); }

inline virtual bool operator==( T& ch ){

return( ch == key );

inline virtual void MakeClean() {

if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else { }


T key ; // encoding;

V appear;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, V>* pObj;


std::vector<ifstream::pos_type> occur;

template< class T, class V> void SetVect( T& ch, std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect,
std::ifstream::pos_type& ix, hold<T, V>* obj ){

if( vect.size() ) {

bool ae = false;

for( auto& z : vect ){

if( z.operator==( ch )){

z.RefAppear( ix, obj );

if( ae == false ) ae = true;


if( ae == false ) vect.push_back(*obj);

}else {

fputs(" size of vector is nil \n", stderr);


template<class T, class V> void Ohold(std::vector<hold<T, V>>& vect,

std::ifstream::pos_type& ix ){

T ch;

V wl;

hold<T, V>* obj = new hold<T, V>( ch, wl);

obj->SetAppear( ix );

if( vect.size() == 0) vect.push_back( *obj );


T vh = obj->GetKey();

SetVect( vh, vect, ix, obj);


delete obj;

//main program
int main( int argc, char** argv ){

if( argc != 3 ){

fputs(" not enough parameters ( usage eval in out ) \n", stderr );



std::vector<hold<short, std::vector<float>>> vect; argv[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

if( fptr && ( fptr.good() ) ){

fptr.seekg( std::ios::beg, std::ios::end);

iy = fptr.tellg();
std::ifstream::pos_type ix = std::ios::beg;

Ohold<short, vector<float>>( vect, ix );

ix = fptr.tellg();

}while( ! fptr.eof());


fputs("not possible to cosider any input (usage eval in out ) \

n", stderr);



std::ofstream gptr; argv[2], std::ios::out | std::ios::binary );

for( auto& k : vect ){

gptr << k.GetKey();

for( auto& j : k.GetAppear()){

gptr << j;


return 0;
References for human guidance = make push or pressure on entirely quality of human
magnetics along over away in proper way of appreciate aspiration when people would
welcome any new character of perfection and raising trustfulness. Hence to balance
to preventive policy has to ask for mount management confirmation when the images
of apparatus demands ( treatment of existence can refer or mirror the presence of
conscious existence when the meeting of logic chance can merge the principles of
structural respect of innocence involvement nevertheless ahead staff of
availability has to hit human composite “productivity! Across any announcement of
angry mentality or close expression of enhancement repartition ( countable a b c
wanna want to be … to be innocent ,,, to be manager owner self … to be image of
transparency … to be useful expression of lonely royalties … a b c wanna want to be
bright clear … a b c wanna want to be improver of owner push back seems having
original show of talent and know how … a b c wanna want to be qualifier for render
imagination review tries to solve contrasts … a b c wanna want to be serving
commodity and stand for best … a b c it is turn for be … a b c have concrete
overview … a b c offers more talent and secret sign manages “pay attention” show
along over away … it is a replacement of own selfish with reaching characters
defend commonly flipped suggest of being holly enough yeah a b c wanna want be
holly enough and much more enough reporting images of transparency and features of
construction along over away … rect in open mind and defend positive called “think
good” … a b c think good and think good … time long)

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