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Class 4 ( )




TUESDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 2009 2 hours

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.


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Answer all questions.

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ny question it must be shown in the space below that question.
Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.
Calculators should be used where appropriate.
If the degree of accuracy is not specified in the question, and if the answer is not exact, give
the answer to three significant figures. Give answers in degrees to one decimal place.
For π , use either your calculator value or 3.142, unless the question requires the answer in
terms of π .
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
The total of the marks for this paper is 80.
This question paper consists of 20 printed pages.
[Turn over

Mathematical Formulae

Compound interest

⎛ r ⎞
Total amount = P ⎜1 + ⎟
⎝ 100 ⎠


Curved surface area of a cone = πrl

Surface area of a sphere = 4πr 2
1 2
Volume of a cone = πr h
4 3
Volume of a sphere = πr
Area of triangle ABC = ab sin C
Arc length = rθ , where θ is in radians
1 2
Sector area = r θ , where θ is in radians

a b c
= =
sin A sin B sin C

a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc cos A.


Mean =
∑ fx

∑ fx ⎛ ∑ fx ⎞

⎜ ∑ f ⎟⎟
Standard deviation =
∑f ⎝ ⎠

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1


Answer all the questions.

1  The diameter of a H1N1 flu virus in a form of a circle is measured by a team of health officers
from WHO as 0.000 131 01 mm. Find the area of the H1N1 flu virus, giving your answer in
square metres and express this answer in standard form correct to 3 significant figures.

Answer ……..…………………m2 [2]

2  (i) Simplify a 2 − ( a − b )( a + b ) .

(ii) Hence evaluate 31.012 − 28.01× 34.01

Answer (i) ……..…………………… [1]

(ii) ………………………….. [1]

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1 [Turn over


3  (i) Find the prime factorisation of 4950 and 5880.

(ii) Hence find
(a) the highest common factor of 4950 and 5880,
(b) the smallest positive integer value of n for which 4950 × 5880 × n is a perfect square.

Answer (i) 4950 = …………………… [1]

5880 = …………………… [1]
(iia) …………..……………….. [1]
(iib) n = ……………………….. [1]

4 Given that 4 < 2 x + 3 < 29 , find

(i) the least prime number of x,

(ii) the greatest natural number of 2x.

Answer (i) …………………………… [1]

(ii) …………..……………….. [1]

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1


5  Solve the simultaneous equations:

20 x − 18 y = 73
12 x − 10 y = 45

Answer x = …….…, y = .……….. [3]

1.2 −1
⎛ x5 ⎞ ⎛ 512 ⎞
6 Simplify ⎜ ⎟ + ⎜⎜ 3 18 ⎟⎟ .
⎝ 32 ⎠ ⎝ 125 x ⎠

Answer …………..……………….. [2]

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1 [Turn over


7 A polygon has n sides. Two of its exterior angles are 88 ° and 103 ° . The remaining

( n − 2 ) exterior angles are each 13 ° , Calculate the value of n.

Answer n =…………...……..…….. [2]

8 Sum of interior angles in a regular polygon is 2520 ° . Find the order of rotational symmetry of the

Answer …………..……………….. [2]

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1


9 A map of the downtown district of Singapore is drawn to scale of 1 : 2000.

The diagram shows a section of the Marina’s Floating Platform.

Audience seating


Floating stage


(i) Measure the radius of the audience seating area on the map with a ruler and write down the
actual radius in metres.
(ii) The organizer wanted to light up a section of the audience seating area denoted by arc BC
and the perimeter of the whole floating stage EFGH in the upcoming 44th National Day
By using a protractor and a ruler, measure and calculate the actual length, in metres, of wire
(iii) If the holding area for all the participants of the 44th National Day Parade contingents (not
shown in this section of map) covers an area of 1.5 square kilometers. Find, in square
centimeters, the area representing the holding area on the same map.

Answer (i) ………………………… m [2]

(ii) ………………………… m [3]
(iii) ……………………….... cm2 [3]

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1 [Turn over


10  Two containers bought from “EKIA” shown in the diagram are geometrically similar. The cost of
painting the base area of the smaller container is of the cost of painting the base area of the
larger container.

(a) The top of the larger container has a circumference of 24.5 cm, calculate the circumference
of the top of the smaller container.

(b) The containers are completely filled with liquid. Given that the smaller container holds 1.28
litres of liquid, calculate the number of litres of liquid the larger container holds.

Answer (a) …………...………….. cm [2]

(b) ………………………litres [2]

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1


11 For the 44th National Day Parade (NDP) held at the Marina Floating Platform (MFP), it is
estimated that a total of 50 000 people gathered at the MFP, Marina and Collyer Quay area to view
and bask in the atmosphere of the Parade and its celebrations.
(a) Given that the holding capacity of the MFP for audience is 2.7 ×104 pax, calculate the
percentage of people gathered at the Marina and Collyer Quay area who celebrated the
National Day outside the MFP.
(b) If in addition to the 50 000 present at the MFP, Marina and Collyer Quay area, an estimated
TV and internet viewership of 3.2 million was also recorded all around the world. Moreover,
89% of these two groups of people took the National pledge at 20 22 at the same time,
calculate the number of people who watched the parade and took the pledge that night.

Answer (a) …………..…..………… % [2]

(b) ……..……………………. [2]

12 Yvonne started her journey from home for the ‘Danzage’ performance at 18 24. Due to a massive
traffic jam, she did not manage to reach Dunman High’s Performing Arts Centre (PAC) until 20
(i) Calculate, expressing your answer in exact form and in hours, the time taken by her to
reach her destination.
(ii) Find the distance, in kilometers, between her home and the PAC if her taxi travelled at an
average speed of 19.92 km/h.

Answer (i) …………..………… hours [1]

(ii) ………..…………… km. [2]

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1 [Turn over


13 In a bid to encourage Singaporeans to go Green for the environment, Singapore Power Grid Pte
Ltd conducted a survey to find out the extent of Singaporeans’ readiness in this drive.
Out of a total of 200 Singaporeans surveyed, 130 claimed that they used energy-efficient electrical
appliances while 80 claimed that they had replaced using air-conditioners with electric fans. The
survey also revealed that 30 neither used energy-efficient electrical appliances nor replaced air-
conditioners with electric fans.
If ξ, E and A represent the sets of Singaporeans surveyed, and those who used energy-efficient
electrical appliances and those who replaced using air-conditioners with electric fans respectively,
(i) draw a Venn diagram to illustrate the above information.
(ii) Find the number of Singaporeans who used energy-efficient electrical appliances and had
replaced using air-conditioners with electric fans.
(iii) Find the number of Singaporeans who had started using energy-efficient electrical
appliances but still had not replaced air-conditioners with electric fans.

Answer (i) [2]

(ii) …………..…………....... [2]

(iii) …………………………. [1]


DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1


⎛ 2 −1 3 ⎞
14 Given that A = ⎜⎜ 4 5 −1⎟⎟ and B = ( 2 −2 4 ) .
⎜5 8 0 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Evaluate (i) BA (ii) AB.

Answer (i) …………..……………….. [1]

(ii) …………..……………….. [1]

15 The diagram shows a line l, which makes an angle of θ with the x-axis shown in the diagram.

(i) Write down the value of tan θ .

(ii) On the grid, draw the line n, which is perpendicular to l and passing through the point
( −4 , 2 ) .
(iii) Write down the equation of the line n.


-5 5



Answer (ii) [1]

(i) tan θ = ..……………….. [1]

(iii) …………..……………….. [1]

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1 [Turn over


16 In the figure below, ABC is a triangle with BAˆ C = 90° . AB = 12 cm and cos ABˆ C = . D is a
point on AB such that BD = 9 cm.
(i) Find the length of AC. A
(ii) Find the value of cos BDˆ C . 12 cm

C 9 cm

Answer (i) AC = ..……………….. [2]

(iii) cos BDˆ C = …………….. [2]

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1


17 In each of the axes provided below, the point with coordinates (1, 1) has been marked.
(a) (i) Sketch the graph of y = 3x − 2 x 2 , indicating clearly the coordinates of the x-intercept(s)
and y-intercept, if any.
(ii) State the coordinates of the turning point of the curve.
(b) Sketch the graph of y = − + 2 , indicating clearly the coordinates of the x-intercept(s) and
y-intercept, if any. y

Answer (ai)

● (1, 1)

O x


Answer (b) y

● (1, 1)



Answer (aii) ( ……… , ……… ) [1]

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1 [Turn over

18 In the diagram, a, b and c are three vectors as shown.

(a) Express the vector c in terms of a and/ or b.
(b) Given that XY = 2a – b,
(i) draw and label the vector XY on the grid provided below,
(ii) find XY .

JJG ⎛ −2 ⎞
(c) Z is a point such that YZ = ⎜ ⎟ .
⎝ −1 ⎠
(i) Mark the point Z clearly with a cross on the grid below.
(ii) Write down 1 fact about X, Y and Z.
(d) Points P and Q are as shown on the grid below. If QP = b – d, express d as a column vector.

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1


Answer (bi) & (ci)

a Q


Answer (a) c =. ……..………………... [1]

(bii) XY = …..……………….. [1]
(cii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………. [1]
(d) d = ………………………. [1]

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1 [Turn over


19 The shoe sizes of the 17 pupils from 4A were recorded and represented in the dot diagram shown

Dot diagram showing the distribution of shoe sizes

of 17 4A pupils

Shoe size
4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(i) Write down the modal shoe size.

(ii) Find the median shoe size.
(iii) Find the interquartile range for the above data.

Answer (i) …………..……………….. [1]

(ii) …………………………… [1]

(iii) …………………………… [2]

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1

20 With the arrival of the haze, the mean PSI index of Singapore over the past 20 days were recorded
as shown below:
41 66 65 85
89 53 71 76
56 79 47 48
50 69 45 51
68 63 70 55
Represent the data in a stem-and-leaf diagram on the space provided below.



DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1 [Turn over


21 In the Swim-suit segment of the 2009 Miss World Pageant, the mean scores of the 11 semi-
finalists were as shown below in ascending order.

7.7 7.7 x 8.0 8.0 y 8.6 8.7 9.0 9.4 z

The same data is represented in the box-and-whisker diagram shown below:

Mean score of Swim-

Suit Segment
(i) State the values of x, y and z.
(ii) The mean scores of these 11 semi-finalists in the Interview segment were represented in
another box-and-whisker diagram shown below:

Mean score of Interview


Which segment of the 2009 Miss World Pageant was more competitive amongst the 11
semi-finalists? Explain your answer.

Answer (i) x = ….., y = ..…, z = ..…. [2]

(ii) …………………………………………………………………………….…………………………

………………………………………………………………………………………………….. [2]
DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1

22 Hafiz left home at 17 00 and took a bus to the National Stadium to witness the opening ceremony
of the Asian Youth Games. He reached the National Stadium at 18 30. The speed-time graph
below shows the bus journey that Hafiz took.


Speed (km/h)





0 Time
16 30 17 00 17 30 18 00 18 30 19 00

(a) Calculate the retardation of the bus journey.

(b) Find the average speed for the whole journey.

Answer (a) …………..…………km/h2 [1]

(b) …………..…………….km [2]

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1 [Turn over


22 (c) The distance-time graph below shows the journey of Hafiz’s friend, Yiming, who also
travelled along the same path as Hafiz, but in a different vehicle.
(i) Draw the distance-time graph for Hafiz’s journey in the same graph from 16 30 to
19 00.
(ii) Estimate, to the nearest minute, the time at which they first meet.

Answer (ci)



Distance from
Hafiz’s home
(km) 40




0 Time
16 30 17 00 17 30 18 00 18 30 19 00

Answer (cii) ……………………… [1]

--- End of Paper 1 ---

DHS 2009 Sec 4 SAP Mathematics Paper 1

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