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of Pages: 1
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Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks

Answer any SIX questions
All questions carry equal marks

1. Differentiate a Private Limited company from a partnership and a Public

Limited company. How can a private limited company be converted in to
a public limited company?
2. Discuss the contents of prospectus. Is the issue of prospectus by a
company compulsory?
3. What are the duties and powers of an official liquidator under the
Companies Act?
4. What do you understand by pre-incorporation contracts? Discuss the
liability of a promoter in relation to the pre-incorporation contracts made
on behalf of a company.
5. Explain the characteristics features of debenture and point out the
remedies available to a debenture holder.
6. Explain the rule in Foss V. Harbottle and state the exceptions.
7. What is meant by ‘winding up’ of a company? State the circumstances
under which a court can order winding up .
8. Examine the remedies available to minority share-holders of a company
against oppression and mismanagement.
9. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:
a) Doctrine of ultra vires.
b) Proxy
c) Share-Warrant
d) Subsidiary Company

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