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‘Origin of Logos

In this exercise you will need to choose different logos to practice on. This will help you understand and
identify their origin. Reflect on the logos that you used on your Perceptual Map in A2.2. This should be a
list of all of your competitors. With this list, you should have a decent bank of logos to work from. 

For each of the logos, you should try to identify the following elements:

 What typeface is being used?

o What does this choice reflect about the brand itself?

o What values are brought forward for each brand?

 What colors are used in the logo and why are these significant for each competitor?

o How are they different from each other?

o What are the differences in color telling you about which values each Brand is
competing on?

For each logo write 3 personality attributes.

This assignment will not be graded and will not count towards your final grade.

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