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GASCalc™ 5.

0 Calculation Reference
Diaphragm Meter

Background Information
Example Calculation
General Calculation Procedures
Notes & Considerations
Screen Description
See Also

General Calculation Procedures

To calculate the various values associated with the diaphragm meter calculation, complete the following steps:

! Select the Diaphragm Meter menu item from the Meters menu list. The Diaphragm Meter Values
calculation screen will be displayed.

! Select the Clear command button to set all of the values to an empty (null) value.

! Select the Base Conditions command button. The Base Conditions screen will be displayed.

! Enter an appropriate base pressure and temperature value.

! Select an appropriate file or the None option from the Use Gas Properties File list. If the “None”
option is selected, enter the appropriate gas property values.

! Select an appropriate method from the Atmospheric Pressure Method list.

! Select an appropriate method or the None option from the Compressibility Method list.

! Select the Apply command button to save the changes and return to the current calculation screen.

! Select an appropriate method from the Calculation Method data list.

! Click on the red label associated with the item to be calculated (the unknown) until the label is underlined.

! Select the desired dimensional units for all of the data items.

! Enter a value for all known data items.

! Select the Calculate command button.


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GASCalc™ 5.0 Calculation Reference
Diaphragm Meter

Example Calculation

Calculate the flow rate associated with the following meter and operating conditions, using the Rockwell Diaphragm
Meter Sizing method:

Meter Size = Generic 200

Inlet Pressure = 2 Psig [140 mBar]
Differential Pressure = 1 Inches H2O [2.5 mBar]
Elevation = 0 Feet [0 Metres]
Flowing Temperature = 52 Fahrenheit [11 Celsius]

Base Pressure = 14.73 Psia [1016 mBar]

Base Temperature = 60 Fahrenheit [15.6 Celsius]
Gas Composition = US Standard sample gas mixture [UK Standard sample gas mixture]
Atmospheric Pressure Method = AGA
Compressibility Method = None

To perform the calculation, complete the following steps.

! Select the Diaphragm Meter menu item from the Meters menu list. The Diaphragm Meter Values
calculation screen will be displayed.

! Select the Clear command button.

! Select the Base Conditions command button. The Base Conditions screen will be displayed.

! For the Pressure item, enter 14.73 Psi (Abs) [1016 mBar (Abs)].

! For the Temperature item, enter 60 Fahrenheit [15.6 Celsius].

! From the Use Gas Properties File list, select us standard.prp [uk standard.prp].

! From the Atmospheric Pressure Method list, select AGA.

! From the Compressibility Method list, select None.

! Select the Apply command button.

! From the Calculation Method list, select Rockwell Diaphragm Meter Sizing.


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Diaphragm Meter

! In the Meter Data section:

! Click on the Flow Rate label until it is underlined. From the Flow Rate dimensional units list,
select Cfh [m3h].

! From the Meter Size/Type list, select Generic 200.

! For the Inlet Pressure, enter 2 Psi [140 mBar].

! For the Differential, enter 1 Inches H2O [2.5 mBar].

! For the Elevation, enter 0 Feet [0 Metres].

! For the Flowing Temp, enter 52 Fahrenheit [11 Celsius].

! Select the Calculate command button.

Results - The results should be similar to the following:

Flow Rate: 319.53 Cfh [9 m3h]

Rated Capacity Adjustment Factor: 1.598 [1.603]


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GASCalc™ 5.0 Calculation Reference
Diaphragm Meter

Screen Description

The various values associated with the flow through a diaphragm meter may be calculated using the Diaphragm Meter
calculation routine. To perform a calculation, select the Diaphragm Meter menu item from the Meters menu list. The
Diaphragm Meter Values calculation screen will be displayed. The features associated with the screen are described
as follows.

Data Items

Atmospheric Pressure - A data field used to enter a specific atmospheric pressure value for the orifice meter
location. The item is only displayed and enabled when the Atmospheric Pressure Method in the Base Conditions is
set to “None - Entered Value”. If the field is displayed and enabled, enter a value by typing it into the data field.
Ensure the value is expressed in terms of the selected dimensional unit.

Calculation Method - A drop-down list used to select which method is to be used to perform the calculation. Select
an item from the list. The unknown value should be recalculated if the method is changed.

Compressibility Factor (Base) - A data field used to enter a specific compressibility factor value for the specified
base conditions. The item is only displayed when the Compressibility Method in the Base Conditions is set to “None -
Entered Value”. If the field is displayed, enter a value by typing it into the data field.


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Diaphragm Meter

Compressibility Factor (Flowing) - A data field used to enter a specific compressibility factor value for the
specified flowing conditions. The item is only displayed when the Compressibility Method in the Base Conditions
is set to “None - Entered Value”. If the field is displayed, enter a value by typing it into the data field.

Differential Pressure - A data field used to enter or display the pressure differential across the meter. If the value
is known, enter a value by typing it into the data field. Ensure the value is expressed in terms of the selected
dimensional unit.

Elevation - A data field used to enter the height above mean sea level for the location of the meter installation. The
item is only displayed and enabled when the Atmospheric Pressure Method in the Base Conditions is not set to
“None” or “None - Entered Value”. If the field is displayed and enabled, enter a value by typing it into the data field.
Ensure the value is expressed in terms of the selected dimensional unit.

Flow Rate - A data field used to enter or display the flow rate through the meter. If the value is known, enter a value
by typing it into the data field. Ensure the value is expressed in terms of the selected dimensional unit.

Flowing Temperature - A data field used to enter the temperature of the gas flowing through the meter. Enter a value
by typing it into the data field. Ensure the value is expressed in terms of the selected dimensional unit.

Inlet Pressure - A data field used to enter or display the pressure at the inlet (upstream) side of the meter. If the value
is known, enter a value by typing it into the data field. Ensure the value is expressed in terms of the selected
dimensional unit.

Meter Size/Type - A data list used to either enter or select the meter size and type. Either enter a value by typing it
into the data field, select an item from the list, or select the ? command button to select a size using the Meter
Selection screen.

Calculated Values

Rated Capacity Adjustment Factor - Displays the “rated capacity adjustment factor”.

Command Buttons

? - A command button used to display a data selection screen for the associated item. Use the various data lists on
the screen to select a value, then select the Apply command button to assign the selected value and return to the
calculation screen.

i - A command button used to display information about the associated item. The contents of the information screen
generally reflects the various data values contained in the associated Property Table. Select the Close command
button to return to the calculation screen.


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Base Conditions - A command button used to access the Base Conditions screen. When selected, the Base
Conditions screen will be displayed. Make any desired changes to the settings, then select the Apply command button
to save and apply the changes to the current calculation screen.

Calculate - A command button used to calculate the value of the unknown (underlined) parameter.

Cancel - A command button used to close the screen without saving any changes.

Clear - A command button used to set all of the data items to blank (null) values.

Close - A command button used to close the screen and save the current data values.

Help - A command button used to display this Calculation Reference.

Notes - A command button used to display the Calculation Notes editor screen for the current calculation.

Open - A command button used to open a previously saved calculation file. When selected, the File Selection screen
will be displayed. Enter or select the desired File name, then select the Open command button.

Print - A command button used to print the contents of the calculation screen. When selected, the Print Settings
screen will be displayed. Make any desired changes to the printer settings, then select the Print command button.

Save - A command button used to save the contents of the calculation screen to a calculation file. When selected,
the File Selection screen will be displayed. Enter or select the desired File name, then select the Save command


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Diaphragm Meter

Notes & Considerations

! The Calculation Notes editor screen allows the User to add a specific title and/or notes to the current calculation

! The red colored labels indicate which items may be calculated. An underlined (selected) label identifies the item
to be calculated as unknown. Only one item at a time may be selected to be calculated, the remaining items must be
known. To identify which item to calculate, click on the label associated with the desired item until the label is

! The calculations performed by this routine using the “sizing” style equations are intended to be used to determine
the “design” capacity of a diaphragm type meter. They are not intended to be used to calculate the actual amount of
gas that has or will pass through a meter for a specific set of pressure and differential conditions. The “flow” style
equation more closely predicts the actual flow through a diaphragm meter at the specified conditions.

! There are a number of references that describe the various conditions and parameters which should be considered
when sizing a diaphragm meter. A common theme in these documents is to consider the maximum flow which the
meter can practically be subjected to. In some cases the total connected load should be used when sizing the meter.
In other cases, where many gas using appliances or pieces of equipment are present, the total connected load should
be derated to account for diversity or coincidence in the appliance and equipment usage. In this case the derated load
is used to determine the required meter capacity.

! When a meter is selected from the Meter Size/Type list, its capacity rating information is extracted from the Meter
Property Table. The capacity rating contained in the Property Table is assumed to be at a flowing temperature of 60

! The “rated capacity adjustment factor” represents the value of the multiplication factor required to adjust or convert
the rated capacity value for the meter, to the actual capacity at the specified base and flowing conditions. The factor
includes adjustments for varying pressure, temperature, differential, specific gravity, compressibility, atmospheric
pressure, and base conditions.

! There is no consensus or “standard” method for sizing diaphragm meters. The methods supported by GASCalc
offer several alternative approaches to diaphragm meter sizing. These methods are intended for determining the
design capacity of a meter. They are not necessarily intended to compute the actual gas flow through a meter at
specific conditions.

! The Rockwell and GRI/SWRI methods are essentially the same, however they have different references.

! To specify the number of digits to display to the right of the decimal indicator, double-click in the associated data
field. The Decimal Specifications screen will be displayed. Enter or select the desired number of digits, then select
the Apply command button to save and apply any changes.


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GASCalc™ 5.0 Calculation Reference
Diaphragm Meter

Background Information

There are various methods and devices used to measure the flow of gas at a specific location. The devices used to
measure the gas flow are generally referred to as “meters”. One type of measurement device is known as a positive
displacement meter. This type of device measures the gas flow by counting the number of times that the gas being
measured fills and empties a space of known volume. These types of devices include diaphragm and rotary meters.

With respect to diaphragm meters, manufacturers generally rate a meter at a specific inlet pressure and a specific
differential pressure. For example, a meter might be rated at 250 Cfh at a meter pressure of 7 Inches H2O and a
differential of 0.5 Inches H2O. It has been a longtime industry practice to use diaphragm meters in conditions that
are different than the rated conditions. In many cases, a meter is used in a situation where the actual flow through
the meter is greater than the rated capacity. This allows smaller meters to be used for larger applications.

There are basically two parameters that affect the “capacity” of a diaphragm meter - operating pressure and
differential pressure. Because gas is compressible, the amount of gas or the number of “standard volumes” contained
in the reference space or chamber will vary depending on the pressure in the chamber. Increasing the pressure in the
chamber, increases the amount of gas in the chamber. For example, increasing the meter operating pressure will
increase the number of standard cubic feet contained in the reference chamber during each fill and empty cycle.

Changing the differential pressure across the meter changes the speed at which the reference chamber is filled and
emptied. Increasing the differential across a diaphragm meter will increase the cycle speed and increase the number
of standard volumes that are passed through the meter for a given elapsed time. For example, increasing the
differential will increase the number of standard cubic feet that pass through the meter over a specific time period.

The pressure and differential parameters can be varied to change the “capacity” of a given meter. The gas passing
through the meter behaves the same as in any other pressurized or hydraulic applications. That is, if the pressure is
increased, the number of standard volumes of gas contained in the reference chamber increases, which in turn
increases the number of standard volumes of gas the meter can measure at a specific differential. Similar to orifice
flow, when the differential across the meter increases, the velocity or speed of the gas through the meter increases.
Again increasing the capacity of the meter.

Increasing the inlet pressure to the meter increases the density of the gas and in turn increases the differential across
the meter. While increasing the pressure in the meter doesn’t necessarily affect the life of the meter, increasing the
differential does. A meter operating at an increased differential is subject to more cycles in a shorter time than a meter
operating at its “rated” differential. Theoretically a meter is designed to be accurate and functional for a finite number
of cycles. This limit is reached sooner when the cycles are being repeated at a higher rate. Further, there is a physical
limit to the speed at which the mechanical components of the meter can operate. Operating the meter in excess of this
limit can result in meter failure, and operating near this limit for an extended time can result in premature wear within
the meter.


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Diaphragm Meter


GASCalc provides several methods for calculating the parameters associated with diaphragm meter sizing. Each
method is unique and may have individual limitations associated with its use. The User must determine the
appropriate equation to use for the application being analyzed. The various diaphragm meter equations supported by
GASCalc are described on the following pages.

Rockwell Diaphragm Meter Sizing

This method uses an equation derived from several sources including the specified reference.

Reference 1, 3

GRI/SWRI Diaphragm Meter Sizing

This method uses an equation derived from several sources including the specified reference.

Reference 1, 4


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Diaphragm Meter

Sprague Diaphragm Meter Sizing

This method uses an equation derived from several sources including the specified reference.

Reference 1, 2

Rated Capacity Adjustment Factor

The equation associated with this item is described as follows.

Reference 5

Equation Variables

Unless noted otherwise, the following base units and variable definitions apply to all of the methods and equations
described in this section:

DPF = Differential Pressure at Flowing (Meter) Conditions, Inches H2O

DPFRICTION = Known or Published Frictional Pressure Loss for the Meter, Inches H2O
DPR = Differential Pressure at Rated Conditions, Inches H2O
PB = Base Pressure, Psia
PBR = Base Pressure at Rated Conditions, Psia
PF = Pressure at Flowing (Metered) Conditions, Psia
PR = Pressure at Rated Conditions, Psia
QF = Meter Capacity at Flowing (Metered) Conditions, Cf
QR = Meter Capacity at Rated Conditions Converted to Specified Base Pressure and Temperature, Cf
QRATED = Meter Capacity at Rated Base Pressure and Temperature, Cf


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SG = Specific Gravity of Flowing (Metered) Gas, Dimensionless

SGR = Specific Gravity at Rated Conditions, Dimensionless
TB = Base Temperature, Rankine
TBR = Base Temperature at Rated Conditions, Rankine
TF = Temperature at Flowing (Metered) Conditions, Rankine
TR = Temperature at Rated Conditions, Rankine. (Assumed to be 60 Fahrenheit.)
ZB = Compressibility Factor at Specified Base Conditions, Dimensionless
ZBR = Compressibility Factor at Rated Base Conditions, Dimensionless (Assumed to be 1.0)
ZF = Compressibility Factor at Flowing (Metered) Conditions, Dimensionless
ZR = Compressibility Factor at Rated Conditions, Dimensionless

PATM = Atmospheric Pressure at Measured (Metered) Location, Psia
PFG = Gauge Pressure at Flowing (Metered) Conditions, Psig

PR_ATM = Atmospheric Pressure at Rated Conditions, Psia
PRG = Gauge Pressure at Rated Conditions, Psig


1. American Gas Association, Measurement, GEOP Series Book M-1, 1993.

2. From a paper presented at the 55th International School Of Hydrocarbon Measurement, 1980. “Diaphragm Meter
Capacity Ratings At Elevated Pressures”, Howard W Berhegger, Sprague Meter Division of Textron.
3. From the proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Gas Measurement Short Course. “Effect Of High Differential
On Diaphragm Meter Accuracy”, H J Evans, Rockwell Manufacturing Company.
4. Gas Research Institute, Elevated Pressure Effects On Diaphragm Meters, GRI-94/0466, 1994.
5. None - Derived.


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Diaphragm Meter

See Also

Atmospheric Pressure Calculation Reference

Base Conditions Help Reference
Compressibility Factor Calculation Reference
Meter MatchMaker Help Reference
Property Table Editor Help Reference


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