Income Disclosure Statement: JULY 2018 - JUNE 2019

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JULY 2018 – JUNE 2019

WorldVentures has designed its compensation plan to reward its Independent Sales Representatives (“Representatives”)
for: (1) successfully making personal sales of WorldVentures’ retail products (DreamTrips, DreamTrips Gold and DreamTrips
Platinum Memberships); and (2) successfully building sales organizations and training and motivating other team Members
to do the same.

Of the Representatives who earned a commission or bonus during these 12 months, approximately:

Top 1% were paid more than Top 10% were paid more than Top 50% were paid more than

$36,152 $1,990 $50


Total 12 Month Average 12 Month Median 12 Month % of Representatives

Earnings Tiers Earnings by Tier Earnings by Tier by Tier

Over $500,000 $906,006 $874,296 0.07%

$250,000 to $500,000 $329,739 $277,488 0.06%
$100,000 to $250,000 $154,815 $146,627 0.19%
$50,000 to $100,000 $69,665 $66,928 0.31%
$25,000 to $50,000 $35,585 $34,449 0.84%
$10,000 to $25,000 $16,265 $15,834 2.18%
$5,000 to $10,000 $7,129 $6,954 2.33%
$1,500 to $5,000 $2,759 $2,514 5.68%
$500 to $1,500 $849 $780 8.05%
Under $500 $80 $40 80.29%

At the end of June 2019 there were 57,584 WorldVentures Representatives in the United States. During the period July
2018 to June 2019 (“Fiscal Period”), 14.6% of all Representatives earned a commission or bonus, while 85.4% did not.
The average annual commission or bonus earnings of all Representatives, including those who did not earn a commission
or bonus, was $354.31. The average annual commission or bonus earnings of that group of Representatives who earned a
commission or bonus was $2,425.55 and the median was $50.00.

The data presented in the table above is based only on those Representatives who earned a commission or bonus within
the time period of July 2018 to June 2019. These figures do not represent profits, nor do they consider expenses incurred
by Representatives in the promotion of their business.

There are no guarantees regarding income. WorldVentures Representatives’ results vary significantly, and no income is
promised or guaranteed. Keep in mind that like any business, you will incur expenses and you should be realistic about the
amount of time and energy that you can commit. The success or failure of each Representative in WorldVentures, like any
other business, depends on the Representative’s own skill, dedication, business experience, leadership qualities, expertise,
quality and depth of their personal network and individual effort. Potential WorldVentures Representatives are strongly
encouraged to perform their own due diligence before becoming a Representative. Please review the WorldVentures Policies
and Procedures, Representative Terms and Conditions and detailed Compensation Plan before deciding whether to enroll.

WorldVentures and all associated logos and designs are trademarks of WorldVentures Holdings, LLC. © 2019 WorldVentures Holdings,
LLC. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or republication is strictly prohibited. WorldVentures Marketing, LLC, 5100 Tennyson Pkwy,
Plano, TX 75024, USA.

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