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By the end of 1923, Hitler sees it as his chance to seize power in Germany.

getting this popularity, the Nazis are getting this follower-ship because the
Weimar Republic is falling apart, the German people feel insulted by this French
occupation of the Ruhr region.So, as we get in to November, Hitler sees this as
his chance and the way that he wants to take control. He wants to abduct or
kidnap the leaders of the Bavarian region.So, in November of 1923 you have a
gathering of the three gentlemen who are essentially in charge of Bavaria, a
gathering of them and several thousand officials in Bavaria at a local beer hall in
Munich.At a beer hall. Hitler sees this as the opportunity to take control. This is
where he launches his Beer Hall Putsch.So, Hitler and his Nazi's the go to that
Beer Hall meeting of the government officials, they surround it with their
paramilitary group, their storm troopers, Hitler enters into the hall, gets on
stage.He forces the three leaders of Bavaria at gunpoint to pledge allegiance to
the Nazi party and to this Putsch and to Hitler, in particular. Then things start to
go a little bit ... get a little bit ... start to dissolve.
Hitler decided to march in Munich.During the march they have a confrontation
with the official guverment troops there is an exchange of fire,where 14-16 Nazi’s
are shot and a few soliders are shot as well and after a few days Hitler Is
He spent 1924 in prison where he wrote the book Main Kampf.

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