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In 1935, they publicly announce their intent to rearm their military.

But now, they

felt confident enough to publicly state their intention --which is another way of
publicly stating that they care less about the Treaty of Versailles.
One term of the Treaty of Versailles was that Germany was not allowed to
occupy the Rhineland. But by 1936, Hitler decides to ignore all of those and
occupies the Rhineland.
In March of 1938, you have a putsch orchestrated by the Nazis in Austria that
really overthrows the Austrian government and allows the Germans to unify the
two countries.This '’Anschluss'’ was also another forbidden term of the Treaty of
So now, the Germans are pretty much ignoring the Treaty of Versailles and the
Treaty of St. Germain.
Then, as we get into late 1938 --in September --Hitler and the Nazis are
interested in bringing the German-speaking populations
of Czechoslovakia under German control.These regions are collectively referred
to as the 'Sudetenland.'
France and Great Britain, in particular,are not interested in rocking the boat with
the Germans.And so, in September of 1938,they sign the Munich
Agreement,where they actually did not consult the Czechoslovakian government
--that they allowed Germany to take over the Sudetenland.
In 1939 half of Czechoslovakia, becomes a protectorate of Germany.They call it
the 'Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.'The Germans and the Soviets agree
to partition Poland into their own spheres of influence,which allows Germany to
invade Poland in early September of 1939 which is the beginning of World War II.

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