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Career Exploration

Research Questions
1. What education is needed for this career?

a. Programmer.

2. What training is needed for this career?

a. Bachelor’s degree in computer science and strong computer

programming skills.

3. Who are the largest employers for this career /field?

a. Microsoft

4. Where can one find work in this field?

a. Software engineers may work in computer systems design firms or

electronic product manufacturing companies. Some are employed by
software publishers or in application development offices, such as
insurance carriers and corporate institutions.

5. What is the average starting salary?

a. $45k-85k per year.

6. What is the average ten-year salary?

a. $105,590 per year

$50.77 per hour

7. In which areas of the country could/would one live?

a. A software developer can live in metropolitan cities. Software
developers make really good money they have a high cost of living
and in the United States of America most of the software developers
live close to the bay area.

8. What is the long-term outlook for this career? Will the need
increase, decrease, stay the same, be eliminated?

a. Well, employment in this sector is projected to grow 21%, must faster

than the average for all occupations. There is rising competition in
this sector. The need will stay the same as there are a lot of
innovations in technology to evolve in the future.

9. What are the working conditions? What are some of the hazards
or disadvantages of the job?

a. Computer software engineers typically work in well-lit offices in

comfortable surroundings or in computer laboratories. Most work at
least 40 hours a week, but due to the project-oriented nature of the
work, they may also have to work evenings and weekends to meet
deadlines or solve unexpected technical problems.

10. What is the nature of the work?

a. Producing clean, efficient code based on specifications. Testing and

deploying programs and systems. Fixing and improving existing

11. What are the responsibilities on the job?

● Researching, designing, implementing and managing software

● Testing and evaluating new programs.
● Identifying areas for modification in existing programs and
subsequently developing these modifications.
● Writing and implementing efficient code.
● Determining operational practicality
● Developing quality assurance procedures
● Deploying software tools, processes, and metrics
● Maintaining and upgrading existing systems
● Training users
● Working closely with other developers, UX designers, business and
systems analysts

12. Are there any professional associations or unions that are

necessary or suggested to be a member of this profession?

a. There are many associations or unions that are present for software
developers, but it’s not necessary to be a member of these
professional associations or unions.

13. What are some related occupations?

● Computer and Information Research Scientists.

● Computer and Information Systems Managers.
● Computer Hardware Engineers.
● Computer Network Architects.
● Computer Programmers.
● Computer Support Specialists.
● Computer Systems Analysts.
● Database Administrators.
Etc there are many other too…...
14. Are most of the workers in this field traditionally male or female?

a. Most of the workers in this field traditionally are male because being a
software engineer doesn't appeal to most women, it's deemed
unsexy. Also, the industry is quite sexist and the few women that get
intend to be mocked and not taken seriously unless they are really
good. Women definitely have to work harder to prove themselves as
software engineers.

15. What do three people in the career say about their jobs?

a. 1. “Its mentally exhausting”.

2. “A lot of competition”.
3. “There is very little recognition on the job”.

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