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Unit 1, 2 & 3: Task 4 - Speaking

Presentado por;

Patsy Jaramillo Zúñiga

Código; 1081790750

Grupo Colaborativo; 714

Presentado a;

Diana Carolina Ulloa


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia “UNAD”

Tecnólogo en Gestión Comercial y de Negocios

Ingles A1

Noviembre 2019
Ejercicio escrito que le sirvió de guion.

My name is Patsy Jaramillo Zúñiga, I am thirty-two years old, I am from city

Aracataca Magdalena Colombia, I live in Santa Marta, I am sales coordinator,
study commercial and business management, my hobby is listening to
music and my favorite TV show is CSI the Vegas.

There are 3 people in my family, my mother is Carmen Zúñiga, she is 65

years old, she is a housewife, she is from Aracataca, she is kind and nice,
her eyes are brown, and she has black hair. My older son Michael Correa, he
is 10 years old, he is study in primary, he is live in Santa Marta, he is slim,
he is nice and gentile, her eyes are brown and he has black hair And my
youngest son Nicolas Correa, he is 7 years old, he is study in primary, he is
nice and sweet, he is friendly, he is curly black hair, her eyes are brown and

Enlace o MP3 donde hace su práctica oral (presentación personal,

descripción de la familia).

Capturas de pantalla que evidencien el desarrollo de los ejercicios

prácticos del entorno de conocimiento.

Unidad 2 lección 4: Unit 2-4: Describing people / Comparatives

 Practice 3a

 Practice 3b

 Practice 3c de Vocabulary
 Practice 4

Enlace de video (YouTube o Vimeo) donde hable de su información

personal y describa a su famila.

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