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Digital Downtime Contract

Natan Kimelman-Block

For the next week I will be embarking on a personal journey to discover what technology’s effect is on me
personally. To do this I will purge myself of all excess technology use, and only use technology to complete
homework that can’t be completed without using technology. This journey won’t be able to tell me all the
effects technology has on me because I will still be living in a world steeped with technology. While
everyone around me is entranced with their technology, I am hoping to realize its general effect on

Part 1—Technologies and activities that are expressly and completely prohibited
-- iPhone
-- Instagram
-- Texting
-- Snapchat
-- Twitter
-- Facebook
-- Youtube
-- Online video games
-- Studio One
-- Spotify

Part 2—Technologies that are permissible according to their purpose of use

-- Computer - Exclusively used for specific school assignments who must be completed within DDT..
-- Google Drive - Exclusively used for specific school assignments who must be completed within DDT.
-- Google Classroom - Exclusively used to access material necessary for specific school assignments who
must be completed within DDT.
-- Gmail - Exclusively used to keep in contact with summer programs who need me to respond quickly.
-- Homephone - Exclusively used if National Concerts calls for a summer internship interview, or in a home
-- Record player - Exclusively used for listening to music while parents permit.
-- Guitar/Bass tuner and amp- Exclusively used to tune and practice bass and guitar
-- Music Theory Synth - Exclusively used during music theory class to follow along with the lesson.
-- Calculator - Exclusively used to calculate difficult math problems

Part 3—Goals for the week--

A. Quantifiable
Read through at least two books
Practice reading music for at least one hour a day
Go biking for at least two hours a day
B. Unquantifiable
Realize technology’s effect on my mental wellbeing
Stay as ontop of school-work as I am with technologies to remind me

Student Signature ___________________________________ Date _____________________

Parent Signature ____________________________________ Date _____________________

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