038 The-Eazl-Guide-To-Linked-In-Summaries

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LinkedIn® Summaries and Contact Info
Achievements, Your Story, and Big Six Skills in Your Summary
Generally speaking, a great LinkedIn® summary is structured as follows:
Selected  Achievements:  
• Achievement  1,  including  brands,  quan??es,  and  details.  
• Achievement  2,  including  brands,  quan??es,  and  details.  
• Achievement  3  (op?onal),  including  brands,  quan??es,  and  details.  
Mr./Ms.  LastName  is  a  something  professional  or  expert  with  [#  of  years  of  experience]  in  the  
industry,  industry,  and  industry  industry(s).  Mr./Ms.  LastName  [write  a  few  sentences  about  
your  professional  story—your  background,  why  you  do  what  you  do,  and  why  you  care.  
Remember  to  integrate  brands,  quan))es,  and  gems  whenever  possible].  
Mr./Ms.  earned  his/her  [describe  academic  achievements  and  other  high-­‐value  professional  
qualifica?ons]  and  specializes  in:  
• Priority  1  Big  Six  Skill  
• Priority  2  Big  Six  Skill   These three components
• Priority  3  Big  Six  Skill   are optional.
• Priority  4  Big  Six  Skill  
• Priority  5  Big  Six  Skill  
• Priority  6  Big  Six  Skill  
Mr./Ms.  LastName  is  currently  [describe  what  you’re  looking  for—seeking  opportuni?es,  
looking  to  network,  etc.]  and  can  be  reached  at  iloveeazl@eazl.co  or  +1  (111)  111-­‐1111.    

You have 2000 words to use in your summary section. See the following pages
for additional summary examples.
Keep it Simple in Your “Advice for Contacting…” Section
This section is at the bottom of your profile (see Figure 1)
Figure 1
and will tell recruiters and other professionals how to
contact you. If you choose to, using the first person is
appropriate here (see sample 2). Here are some samples:
• Sample  1:  Ms.  Jones  can  be  reached  at  +1  (415)  555-­‐5555,  via  email  
at  jones@eazl.co,  or  via  Skype  at  jonesloveseazl.  
• Sample  2:  You  can  reach  me  via  email  at  jones@eazl.co  or  by  
telephone  at  +1  (415)  555-­‐5555.  I  am  generally  open  to  networking  
with  professionals  in  the  global  supply  chain  community.

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Summary Example 1
An early career IT solutions designer / management consultant
Selected achievements:
• Successfully managed the relationship and solutions design for Egypt Air's $3mm IT
infrastructure for the Airline's Saudi Arabian hub, receiving an award of recognition from IBM
for exceptional client satisfaction scores and for exceeding KPI targets for the project.
• Participated on a 3-person consulting team responsible for re-designing and implementing
an improved corporate structure for an Egyptian multinational conglomerate while
completing an MBA internship with Data Management Consulting.
• Participated in business engagements in countries across the globe (e.g. Egypt, the UK,
Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, South Africa, the United States, France, Singapore) and with
companies like Vodafone, IBM, Alcatel, Visa, Egypt Air and others.
Samir Famy is passionate about designing and implementing the IT infrastructure of the
future. Mr. Famy is an expert in software and solutions design for major projects and
enterprises and has developed an understanding of executive-level strategic thinking
through his work with Data Management Consulting, the mid-sized consultancy with offices
in London, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt who serves scores of Fortune 500 firms. Mr. Famy
prides himself on his ability to work cross-functionally and in any environment and earned
his MBA at INSEAD Business School, a top 50 MBA program (as ranked by the Economist) that
includes participants from over 30 countries. Mr. Famy has 5 years of professional
experience, the bulk of it with IBM Egypt's IT consulting division. He is seeking a post-MBA
role in solutions sales. Mr. Famy specializes in:
• Relationship Management for Complex Projects
• Strategic Supplier Negotiations
• Communications and Presentations
• Solutions Design
• Cross-functional Coordination
• Process Improvements
Mr. Famy can be reached at samir@eazl.co. Recent graduate of a Masters of Fine Arts

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Summary Example 2
A recent graduate with a Masters in Accountancy
Selected achievements:
• A specialist on regulatory filings and the accounting practices of large firms, Mr. Rao led
the collection of financial data on 200 publicly traded firms by pulling 10-Ks and 10-Qs from
the SEC website and identifying the rational behind changes in goodwill calculations. Worked
with a partner to develop a robust Excel dataset that enabled a tenured professor at the
University of Alabama to perform a variety of analytical tests leading to cutting edge
research in accounting theory.
• Led the integration of 2 new accountants to the JG Wentworth accounting team after being
with the organization for less than 6 months, training the employees on best practices,
accounting software used by the firm, and handling ongoing support as they learned the
Firm's methods.
Jack Crowley is an audit and accounting specialist with experience in the financial services,
research, and food production and wholesale sectors and has worked with firms in the US
and in China. He is a Spring 2017 Master’s of Accountancy graduate from the University of
Texas where he graduated Cum Laude and with other accolades for excellence in academia.
In financial services, Mr. Crowley worked on the accounting team at JG Wentworth, a
publicly-traded financial services firm that has acquired $4bn+ in annuities and other long-
term financial instruments and administers those funds on an ongoing basis. Mr. Crowley
interned with DongBei Industries, one of China's largest wholesalers of food products whose
clients include Wal-Mart and Carrefour. Mr. Crowley is seeking opportunities in audit or
corporate accounting and specializes in:
• Audits and Audit Preparation
• Bank Reconciliations
• Disclosures and Financial Reporting
• Communications and Teamwork
• Economic and Financial Research
• Problem Solving
Mr. Crowley can be reached at jack@eazl.co or (225) 961-7348.

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Summary Example 3
A sales executive with a background in finance and consulting
Mark Johnson is an agile business leader with 29 years of experience in sales, management
consulting, business services, real estate, and financial services sectors. Mr. Johnson is a
process optimizer who leads success stories by following through on strategic initiatives
that shore up strategic weaknesses, improving top line performance, and sometimes saving
organizations from defaulting on debts. Mr. Johnson also has Bachelor and Master of
Accountancy degrees from Brigham Young University, recently ranked #1 for accounting in
the United States by Bloomberg Businessweek. Mr. Johnson has been previously licensed as
a CPA, has previous Series 7 & 63 qualifications as well as past insurance licenses. He
specializes in:
• Leading People and Organizations
• Accounting, Audits, and Taxation Strategies
• Revenue Growth and Sales Leadership
• Structuring Deals and Negotiating
• Financial Planning and Budget Management
• OPEX / Process Improvements
• Brokering the Sale of Purchase of Businesses
Mr. Johnson can be reached at mark@eazl.co or 482-221-3162.

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Summary Example 4
A recent graduate from a Masters of Science program
Selected achievements:
• Successfully worked on a three person research team led by Dr. Joe Johnson at the
University of Houston Research Institute to investigate the corrosion inhibiting properties of
mussel proteins for the United States Office of Naval Research (ONR) that had an annual
budget of $350,000.
• Elected by the faculty of DongBei Polytechnic University's College of Biological Engineering
and Food Science Technology to represent the College's students, acting as one of 70
student representatives from an undergraduate population of more than 20,000 students.
Elected again in 2007 to serve as the Association’s Vice President and later awarded an
Excellence in Student Leadership accolade by the government of Jiaotong Province, one of
only 15 students to receive the award.
Lucy Busk is a chemical engineering and research expert with 4 years of experience in
applied materials research and chemicals production. In her last role, she worked on a
research team sponsored by the United States Office of Naval Research, investigating the
corrosion inhibiting properties of mussel proteins. Ms. Busk is a scientific thinker who is
highly organized, analytical, enjoys solving problems, and works well on teams. She is a
spring 2017 graduate of the University of Houston’s chemical engineering master’s program
who is authorized to work in the US on a long-term and permanent basis. Ms. Busk’s
professional skills include:
• Leadership and Teamwork
• Interpreting and Presenting Results
• Configuring and Maintaining Lab Equipment
• Working with and Analyzing Data
• Preparing Specimens and Samples
• Testing and Process Development
Ms. Bailey can be reached at lucy@eazl.co or (823) 821-8907.
©  Meg  Media  Incorporated.  All  rights  reserved.
Summary Example 5
An early-mid career supply chain manager
Selected achievements:
• Performed a technical analysis of one firm's of the supply chain’s cost centers using an
Excel model and Pivot Tables and then collected bids from major shipping companies (e.g.
Evergreen, Hapag Lloyd, YangMing, and others) which resulted in more favorable terms (e.g.
GRIs / PSSs) and ~$270,000 in annual cost savings.
• Oversaw the logistics design and delivery execution for a $40mm piece of
oversized (breakbulk) energy equipment from GM’s factory in New York State to Sri Lanka,
designing the routing guide, sourcing shipping vendors, and preparing all customs
Doug Daily is an international supply chain management expert who specializes in technical
supply chain analysis, supply chain optimization, working with international suppliers, and
procuring from suppliers in the Asian market. Mr. Daily has led special supply chain
initiatives for a number of blue chip firms, overseeing the shipment of a "breakbulk"
$40mm piece of equipment from GM's factory in New York to Sri Lanka, designing and
implementing a real-time capacity reporting system for Hyundai Merchant Marine, and
successfully leading many other strategic supply chain initiatives. Mr. Daily speaks fluent
Chinese and is capable of navigating the complex customs issues, the cross-cultural
communications issues, and the quality control issues involved with transnational
procurement. He is also a technically-minded manager who is comfortable using Pivot
Tables and other analysis tools to mine data for strategic insights that can ultimately result
in substantial savings and operational improvements. Mr. Daily specializes in:
• Supplier Negotiations and Management
• International Logistics Management
• Procurement and Quality Control
• Supply Chain Technical Analysis
• Operational Improvements
• Cross-cultural Communications
Mr. Bailey can be reached at doug@eazl.co or (923) 272-1222.

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Summary Example 6
A recent graduate of a Master’s of Fine Arts (MFA) program
Jessica Greenwood is an expert in the field of sustainable landscape design. In 2013, she
earned a master's degree in sustainable landscape design and planning from the Conway
School of Landscape Design in Conway, MA. In the past, Ms. Greenwood has worked on
design and planning projects for the Town of Brattleboro Vermont, for Hildreth Hills, a 180
acre townhouse community in Westford, MA, and for private businesses and individuals. Ms.
Greenwood is passionate about the practical application of sustainable design practices and
about the everyday joy that can be brought to life through thoughtfully planned landscape
design. She specializes in:
• Graphic Design for Marketing and Landscaping
• E-Marketing and Digital Presence Management
• Landscape Design
• Merchandising and Retail Space Management
• Customer Service
• Landscape Installation and Maintenance
Ms. Greenwood is currently seeking opportunities in landscape design, retail management,
and digital marketing and can be reached at jessica@eazl.co or (415) 516-6642.

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Summary Example 7
A current student majoring in history and government
Selected achievements:
• Contributed the implementation and roll-out of my|CalPERS, a $300mm project authorized
by the California State Legislature in 2004 that integrated 49 legacy systems into a single
network used to track and modify pension and health benefit data for more than 1.6 million
California public employees, retirees, and their families.
• Acted as liaison and representative for all chapters of Associated Students Inc. (ASI), the
official governing body of students from all universities in the California State University
System, in 2008 as the California State Legislature considered legislation critical to student
financial aid packages, tuition levels, and funding for CSU campuses.
Jose James is a communications and office support leader with five years of experience in
public sector, nonprofit, and retail organizations. Mr. James specializes in client services,
written communications, media and technical support, policy research, and financial
management support for government and nonprofit organizations. He has a passion for
cultural unity, is capable of speaking both Spanish and English fluently, and also speaks
Hmong at a basic level. In previous rolls, Mr. James has interfaced with high-profile
government consultants like KPMG, Accenture, and Highland Consulting Agency and has had
the honor of lobbying the California State Assembly Commission on Student Aid on behalf of
more than 400,000 California State University students. Currently, Mr. James is pursuing a
double major in Government (with a focus on International Relations) and History from
Sonoma State University and anticipates graduating in the spring of 2018.
Mr. James can be reached at jose@eazl.co or (707) 228-5899.

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Summary Example 8
A current MBA student preparing for the post-MBA job hunt
Selected Achievements:
• Successfully led the recruitment, hiring, and training of 90 staff for a new flagship store for
GAP in the United States. Within 6 months, the location exceeded revenue targets by more
than $500,000 and ranked in the top 1% for store performance during the holiday season in
the same year.
• Successfully recruited and trained 100+ Chicago-based volunteers for the Sierra Club and
oversaw the deployment of 40% of this team to locations across the US.
• Achieved top performer status while working at a subsidiary of the Career Education
Corporation (NASDAQ: CECO) exceeding performance metrics and generating enrollment
revenues of $500,000+ monthly.
Sampat Dutta is a sales and recruiting leader with 8 years of experience in the education,
retail, travel, and telecommunications industries. Mr. Dutta has successfully managed
strategic initiatives for GAP, the global lifestyle brand with $3.5bn+ in annual revenues, for
Western Oaks College, and for other clients and employers. He is specialist in process
optimization, outbound selling, professional interviewing and recruiting, and performance
management and is considered by his colleagues to be a highly organized, goal-oriented
performer. Mr. Dutta is currently pursuing his MBA through the University of Chicago and will
complete his graduate studies in the fall of 2018.
Mr. Dutta specializes in:
• Professional Interviewing
• Human Resources and Recruiting
• Consultative Selling
• Communications and Coordination
• Managing Performance thorough KPIs
• Consulting and Solving Problems
Mr. Dutta can be reached at sampat@eazl.co or (382) 683-1188.
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Summary Example 9
A mid-career finance executive looking to change functional roles
Selected achievements:
• Spearheaded an initiative at FOX Interactive to align vendor reporting with internal KPIs,
working internally to optimize the process and then managing vendor outreach and
education efforts. Successfully implemented the program, ultimately resulting in efficiency
savings of ~$7mm annually.
• In 2017, led a cross-functional team selected to manage the investigation a major account
that owed the Firm $500,000. After confirming that the account was intending to delay
payment, successfully identified and pursued a strategy that ultimately resulted in payment
of the debt within 10 days.
Jeff Wambaa is a financial analysis, financial modeling, and revenue management expert
with 14 years of experience in the digital media and manufacturing/wholesale industries.
Mr. Wambaa is an expert on working with major accounts and has successfully managed
the sell-side financial duties with customers like WalMart, Target, major advertising firms,
and numerous small and medium-sized enterprises. Mr. Wambaa currently contributes to
the financial team at FOX Interactive, the digital business unit of CBS Broadcasting with
~$100mm in annual revenues.
Mr. Wambaa can be reached at jeff@eazl.co or at (727) 383-8806.

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Summary Example 10
An early-stage audit/management consulting professional
Selected Achievements:
• Successfully completed 10 audits for public, private, and non-profit entities with average
annual revenues/funding of ~$400 million, specializing in cost accounting, revenue
accounting, and SEC compliance for consumer and semiconductor manufacturing operations.
• First to create and implement a variety of scalable operational excellence tools at a
growing winery in the Paso Robles region, including an interactive sales forecasting / sales
tracking system, the original BOM system used in cost accounting analyses, and the original
inventory waterfall system.
• Graduated Cum Laude in Accounting with a minor in Economics from California Polytechnic
State University in San Luis Obispo
Christina Diaz is a business operations expert with demonstrated successes in business
audits, operational improvements, systems implementations, and outside sales. Ms. Diaz has
worked with publicly-traded, privately-run, and non-profit enterprises with revenues/
funding levels of up to $2 billion and specializes in consumer products, manufacturing, and
semiconductor/high tech manufacturing operations. She is expected to earn her CPA
certification in 2018. Ms. Diaz specializes in:
• Cost Accounting and Technical Analysis
• Financial Planning and Forecasting
• Accounting, Audit, and Compliance
• Cross-functional Communication
• Process Improvement and Problem Solving
• Leadership and People Management
Ms. Diaz can be reached at christina@eazl.co or (825) 322-6214.

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