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- - - - - - - - • CHAPTER T W o - - - - - - - - •

Revelation of the Quran

Revelation is the name given to that special and invisible communication

anployed by Allah for conveying His messages and commands to His chosen
prophets ·and apostles by angel Jibrael. The revelation to the Holy Prophet
Muhammadpbuh, was brought by angel Jibrael. _Hazrat Muhammadpbuh, being
tbe last of Allah's pr9phets ~d religion having been perfected, there is no
weed for any further revelations.
The Holy Quran is the revelation of Allah and the most comprehensive
hook in which His message to mankind is contained. It was not revealed all at
ance as a written or printed book. Its rev~lation was spread over a period of
twenty-three years.
The divine Revelation started in the fortieth year ofHazrat Muhammad'sPbuh
life 'wilen he was appointed the Prophet of Allah and continued for twenty-
three years with the last message coming in the year of his death.
These messages, received from time to time, were recited by the Holy
Prophetpbah to those of his companions who were present. They were not only
memorized, but also written down upon pieces of leather, tablets of stone,
palm leaves, and bones of camels. There is also enough evidence to sho,v that
on the conclusion of a revelation, the Holy Prophetpbuh would send for his
scribes and dictate the revelation to them. He made the scribes read ,vhat they
bad written down to ensure that there were no mistakes.
The first revelation came to the Prophetpbuh in the month ofRamazan in the
cave of Hira where he used to retire for meditation. One day, as usual, when
he was praying, he beard a voice say: "Read." He said, "/ cannot read. The

voice was that of the angel Jibrae1. The angel again told him to read. He
answered: "I cannot read." The angel then hugged hin1 and said: ''Read.''
Hazrat MuhammadPbuh asked: "What can I read?" the voice said:
"Read in the name ofyour Lord Who created,
Created man from a clot
Read: And your Lord is Most Bountiful -
He 1vho taught b_y the pen..
Tauoht man that which he knew not."
~ (96: 1-5)
The angel then told him that he had been appointed the messe
nger ofAllah
Tik· Holy Prophetpbuh went home a bit shaken at .his selec
tion for this gre~
111issio11. He info1n1ed l1is wife Khadija of his experience. She
comforted hi~
ru1d took l1i111 to her cousin Warqah bin Naufil, who wa
s a learned man. Aftei
l1eari11g ,vhat had l1appened, he said that it was th~ same ange
l who had brough1
re~relations to previous messengers of Allah.
The last re,·elation came to the Holy.ProphetPhuh in the plain of
Arafat on the
occasion of his last pilgrimage on Friday, the 9th of Zilhij i O
A. H:, the words
of ,,~ich were, "This day have I perfected your religion fo r
you,· complete4
A(v JaYour upon you and chosen for you Islam as your
religion. " (5: 3)
. .

• How the Holy Quran was revealed on Holy prophet (S.A.W) and
how it was preserved?
• Why revelations come after an interval of time?
• What is meant by revelation?
• How did our Holy prophet (S.A.W) the first revelation?
• What was the condition of Holy prophet (S.A.W) after his first
revelation and to whom he discussed about?
• When and where did Holy prophet (S.A.W) receive his last
• Why there no further revelations needed?

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