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How to handle unethical situations

What do you do when your boss asks or demands that you take actions that you believe are unethical
or know are illegal?  This appears to be a challenge in today’s competitive industry as organizational
demands can create a powerful environment in which ethical people behave unethically. While most
work are just everyday routine things, some of it may put you in a double bind. Moreover, when your
boss asks you to do something illegal or clearly unethical, you would face a challenging dilemma in
your career. Since it is your boss, you feel pressured to agree to every direction and demand. Then you
find yourself in a no-win situation and potential negative consequences. Just navigate your way
through this situation while keeping both a clean conscience and your job. You always have options of
what to do.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are to avoid certain request, a strategy you can deploy is
asking questions to know the facts and nature of it. Before reacting, ask for restatement to clarify and
see where it leads. This expresses interest and curiosity while communicating an assertion of
boundaries, maturity, and professionalism. This is a delicate situation, so take some time to determine
your best course of action. If after fully understanding what is requested and you intuitively know it is
unethical. Trust your gut instincts. Articulating your concerns may present a tricky situation of power
but it is important to hold your ground and stay true to your moral compass. So, evaluate the situation
since it is difficult to figure out how you want to respond until you know the root of it. Also, it is
always best if you can offer a solution. Brainstorm a better and professional way of handling it, and
suggest a more ethical approach. Think about what you would do and how you would act when faced
with it. Whether you are agreeing to it or turning it down, you want to do so in a way that is concise
and clearly states your expectations. But if your boss insists, he or she may use pressure, coercion, or
intimidation to force you to comply.  Do not allow yourself to be bullied into it. Stay in control by
being firm and consistent. Challenge with caution, sometimes, it is going to be up to you to show your
boss the problematic nature of it. Protect yourself, one of the best way is to escalate your concerns.
Talk to your boss’s manager about the problem and seek advice in an effort to resolve it or speak to
someone in the HR department who has the authority to act upon this information. But if ever you
decide to become a whistle blower, first be sure to consult an employment attorney. Documenting it is
really important. So, you need to keep all the records of the incident. Gather documents and evidence
about how the situation came to that point and be sure to hang onto those. Be prepared that your boss
may retaliate against you, start treating you differently, and make your life miserable. This is a time to
think about whether you want to work for someone who is willing to put your career at risk, or who
treats you poorly for refusing to comply. Thus, start your job search. After getting an unethical task,
you may suddenly lose respect and trust for your boss. Without trust, you'll perform sub-par; question
their motives; and invite unnecessary anxiety in your career. So make sure your resume is ready in case
you need to find a new job.

An unethical boss can be a factor that leads to psychological, emotional, and physical stress or burnout
of an ethical employee. The dynamic between you and your boss can be delicate especially when they
ask you to do something that makes you uneasy. So follow these in order to get through the
uncomfortable situation because even if the request isn’t illegal or unethical it does not mean you have
no choice but to heed the demand. If you ignore it just to appease them, you could come to regret it
later. Whether these requests are the result of a culture that tolerates such behavior or reflect a
management personality that uses power to pressure workers to behave unethically, we must still deal
with the effects of these requests. And you should also know that you're not alone. Most of all, know
that your self-protection is paramount. Saying a principled “no” to your boss isn’t easy. If you have
been asked to take illegal action, this is a time when you must take a stand and refuse. 
Smith, Jacquelyn. “What to do when your boss asks you to do something unethical or illegal.”
Business Insider. 4 Dec. 2015.
to-do-something-illegal-2015-12 (21 Mar. 2020).
Boogaard, Kat. “This Is the Best Way to React to a Request From Your Boss That Makes You Feel
Uneasy.” The Muse. 2012.
request-from-your-boss-that-makes-you-feel-uneasy (21 Mar. 2020).

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