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Memberships are automatically extended every year, until they are explicitly ended, either by the member or by

the library. The termination of a membership always takes place per the first day of the next month. The
membership fee that is paid for the remaining months of the year is refunded, either in cash or by transfer. The
librarian decides every month about the memberships that will be ended by the library. Reasons for ending a
membership in this way are e.g. repeatedly late returns of books and/or refusals to pay the incurred fines.

Assignment 1.2
Identify the original (red) transaction kinds in the text above. Extend the TPT with the identified transaction
kinds. Next, extend the OCD accordingly (only interaction).

Transaction kind Product kind

T1 Renewing membership P1 Membership is renewed
T2 Terminating membership P2 Membership is terminated
T3 Refunding membership fees P3 Membership fees paid is refunded
T4 Checking membership status P4 Membership is terminated for unpaid balances

Members are entitled to borrow books from the library. The books are put on shelves, sorted by category and
title. There may be several copies of the same title. Every such book copy is uniquely identified by a bar code.
This code consists of the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) and a serial number of the book copy. If
someone wants to borrow one or more books, he or she has to take the books from the shelves to the out-desk.
There, one of the staff members scans the bar codes on the membership card and the books. These data are
automatically entered into LIS, where a loan contract for every borrowed book is created. Next, the books are
issued to the member. There is a maximum number of books that a member can have in loan simultaneously, and
there is a maximum loan period. Borrowed books must be returned within this period. Like the membership fee,
these parameters are determined annually by the librarian. (Note: you may consider these decisions to be outside
the scope of the case). When a member returns one or more books, he or she goes to the in-desk and hands the
books to the staff member, who then scans the book codes and the membership number, which are then
automatically entered into LIS. On the screen of the computer, the staff member sees whether the loan period of
a book is exceeded. If it is, the fine to be paid is shown also. Fines have to be paid by the member right away (in
cash or by transfer).

Assignment 1.3
Identify the original (red) transaction kinds in the text above. Extend the TPT with the identified transaction
kinds. Next, extend the OCD accordingly (only interaction).

Transaction kind Product kind

T1 Borrowing book(s) P1 Book(s) is borrowed
T2 Checking out book(s) P2 Book(s) has been checked out
T3 Membership fees control* P3 Annual fee control for yeas is done
T4 Returning books P4 Books have been returned
T5 Penalty fees P5 Penalty fees are paid

*Based on the explanation “(Note: you may consider these decisions to be outside the scope of the case” I won’t
include T3 in OCD.

Assignment 2.1
Based on your solution of assignment 1, add the necessary information links to the OCD. Don’t forget the
external information sources that are needed.
The links have been provided within OCD for each assignment accordingly.

Assignment 2.2
Based on your solution of assignment 1, produce the corresponding PSD.

Description of the second phase After about ten flourishing years, the librarian decided to improve the services
of the library substantially by two major changes. The first one is that one doesn’t need to visit the library in
order to become member. This can now be done from home via a web extension of LIS. It implies, however, that
payments can only be made by automatic transfers (direct debit, also called standing order). Instead of a
membership card, members can identify themselves to LIS by a membership number and a password. The
second major change regards the way in which books are issued and returned. There are no more shelves with
books in the library building. Instead there is a central repository in the cellar, where book copies are
automatically stored and retrieved by a warehouse system. Every member has a personal section in LIS, called
MyLIS. Either from home, or from a desk top computer in the library, one can browse through the catalog and
select the books one wants to borrow. Like it was in the first phase, a loan is created for every book copy. After
finishing such a loan session, the borrowed book copies are automatically retrieved from the central repository
and put in a locker. The member has access to this locker by keying the membership number and the password at
the locker wall for two workdays. If the books are not taken out with this period, they are put back in the
repository. One can also opt for home delivery, at an additional charge. Returning books is made as easy as
picking up. In the hall of the library building is a conveyer belt on which one just puts the returned books, one
after the other. The handling of the books, as well as the processing of the loan, are done automatically. If a fine
is incurred, the amount is automatically transferred from one’s bank account. As an extra service, but at an
additional charge, one can opt to have the books collected at one’s home address.

Assignment 3
Discuss what the impacts are of the changes described above on the essential model of the library, both on the
CM and the PM.

This is exactly why we’re studying this course. The system has been simplified tremendously. Online system in
this case eliminates lots of transactions between a member and library staff and organization. This approach is
much more efficient, and complexity of CM and PM has been reduced. Essentially, majority of transactions in
Assignment 1 can be eliminated which it ultimately reduces complexity of this model.

This is a similar approach as most of E-Commerce retail business today. For instance, what Walmart is been
doing lately by adding “Pick up in store” option where you don’t have to go through cash registers or self-
checkouts. This eliminates lots of truncations and reduces cost in a long run.

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