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1 Project Identification
2 Project Name MyProject

3 Case # 1

4 Project Overview
5 Unit set for economic evaluation m³-m³/h-bar

6 System water production (m³/h) 208.33

7 System recovery (%) 50.00

8 Project Economic Variables

9 Project Life (years) 10

10 Interest rate (%) 10

11 Power cost ($kWh) 0.08

12 Pass 1
13 Projection Results
14 Pass 1 permeate production (m³/h) 917.25

15 Pass 1 feed pressure (bar) 5.00

16 Pass 1 concentrate pressure (bar) 0.00

17 Pass 1 recovery (%) 50.00

18 Pass 1 energy recovery efficiency (%)

19 Capital Expense
20 Pass 1 pressure vessels 18

21 Pressure vessel cost ($/vessel) 0

22 Pass 1 capital for pressure vessels $0.00

23 Product SW30ULE-440i (1) SW30ULE-440i (1) SW30ULE-440i (1) SW30ULE-440i (8)

24 Pass 1 total elements 123

25 Element cost ($/element) $0.00

26 Pass 1 capital for elements ($) $0.00

27 Pass 1 capital ($) $0.00

28 Pass 1 capital($/m³) $0.00

29 Operating Expense
30 Power
31 Pass 1 pumping power (kW) 0.00

32 Pass 1 pump specific energy (kWh/m³) 0.00

33 Brine energy recovery (kWh/m³) 0.00

34 Pass 1 net energy consumption (KWh/m³) 0.00

35 Pass 1 net energy cost ($/year) $0.00

36 Energy expense NPV ($) 0.00

37 Pass 1 energy expense ($/m³) $0.00

38 Membrane replacement cost

39 Pass 1 replacement rate (%/year) 13

40 Replacement price ($/element) $0.00

41 Pass 1 replacement cost for elements ($/year) $0.00

42 Pass 1 replacement membrane NPV ($) $0.00

43 Pass 1 membrane replacement expense ($/m³) $0.00

44 Operating expense subtotal

45 Pass 1 operating expense NPV ($) $0.00

46 Pass 1 operating expense per m³ $0.00

47 Pass 1 Total
48 Pass 1 cost NPV ($) $0.00

49 Life Cycle Cost ($/m³) $0.00

50 Total System
51 Capital $0.00

52 Operating expense NPV ($) $0.00

53 Cost of water NPV ($/m³) $0.00

56 The Element Value Analysis (EVA) tool has been added to ROSA to allow for a snapshot

57 economic comparison of different elements operating in the same system under the same
58 operating parameters. While RO system modeling software historically provides a

59 snapshot comparison of the performance parameters such as feed pressure and permeate

60 quality, EVA provides an added dimension allowing the system designer to also evaluate

61 the impact of product selection on the lifetime operational cost of the system.

63 There are a significant number of cost factors outside of RO element selection; EVA is a

64 comparison tool only and is not a guarantee of actual capital or operating costs.


67 MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS, IS GIVEN. Neither FilmTec Corporation nor The Dow

68 Chemical Company assume liability for results obtained or damages incurred from the

69 application of this information. FilmTec Corporation and The Dow Chemical Company

70 assume no liability, if, as a result of customer’s use of the ROSA membrane design

71 software, the customer should be sued for alleged infringement of any patent not owned or

72 controlled by the FilmTec Corporation nor The Dow Chemical Company.

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