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Digital Downtime Contract

Simran Thakkar
February 18, 2020

Introduction—There is absolutely no doubt that I am addicted to technology. No matter if I have a lot to do

or nothing to do, my go-to is my phone or my computer. If my habits continue, nothing will change and my
screen time will continue to rise. For the week of Digital Downtime, I’m going to put a stop to my usage and
use the day to my advantage, instead of just wasting it away with technology.

Part 1—Technologies and activities that are expressly and completely prohibited
- Twitter
- Snapchat
- Instagram
- Netflix
- YouTube
- Disney +
- Prime Video
- Balls
- Candy Crush
- Sudoku

Part 2—Technologies that are permissible according to their purpose of use

- Various Google products and MCPS Classroom to complete assigned school work
- Khan Academy to complete daily SAT practice
- TV from 7:00pm-8:00pm on weekdays to watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy

Part 3—Goals for the week

A. Quantifiable
- Exercise every day
- Read for two hours a day
- Sleep for more than six hours a night

B. Unquantifiable
- Build stronger relationships with other people during school (not just my friends)
- Finish all of my homework
- Take time to just talk with my family instead of locking myself in my room

Student Signature ___________________________________ Date _____________________

Parent Signature ____________________________________ Date _____________________

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