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April 21 st, 2020

Imperatives are verbs used to give
orders, commands, warning or
//Un verbo Imperativo es aquel que
empleamos para dar una orden, un
comando, una advertencia o una
For example:
• Give me that pen, please.
To make the imperative, use the
infinitive of the verb without "to"
//Cuando utilizamos verbos imperativos,
usamos el verbo en infinitivo sin ´to´//
For example:
• Come here!
• Sit down!
To make a negative imperative, put
"do not" or "don't" before the verb
//Para armar oraciones imperativas en
forma negativa, ponemos "do not" or
"don't" antes del verbo//
For example:
• Don't go!
• Do not walk on the grass.
You can also use "let's" before the
verb if you are including yourself in
the imperative
// Es posible utilizar “let's" antes del
verbo, si vos estas incluido en la acción
The negative of "let's" is "let's not".
//Par armar la oración negativa
empleamos "let's not".//

For example:
• Let's stop now.
• Let's have some lunch.
• Let's not argue
• Let's not tell her about it.

Note that an imperative sentence

does not require a subject.
//En oraciones imperativas, el sujeto es
tácito, es decir que no esta escrito//

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