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Ways of Thinking (Modernity, Information and Meaning)

In the first paragraph Jean Baudrillard talks, and strongly believes, that the world ended in
the 20th century because there had been a “perfect crime” which he considers to be “the murder of
real” therefore the reality is dead.

In the second paragraph he proves his point of view with an allegory which shows that an
image is a reflection of reality and that both of them are linked however the connection between
them becomes more fragile as the image is reproduce more and more.

In the third paragraph Baudrillard talks about how the image of an object became more
important than the object itself and that the era of advertising began.

In this paragraph Baudrillard is trying to say that as long as we have an image of a real
object then we can use that image to reproduce it as much as we want and just like that we can
create reality.

This paragraph talks about how a “simulacra”-images that have no relation with the object in
the reality realm- can be modified and made to look better than the real object and that people might
enjoy that “simulacra” more than the original.

And in the last paragraph Jean Baudrillard talks about how our lives are overflowing with
information from different forms of media and because of that we “drown” in complexity which is
given to us. Although the real is disappearing it is not of the lack of information but the overflow of


Remaking reality

Baudrillard subliniază că prin capitalism, mărfurile au ajuns să fie detașate de ele însele.
Grâul nu maib era doar un simplu grâu, ci o investiție bună, sau un mic dejun. Cum era prezentat o
marfă, nu substanța acesteia, dicta valoarea ei. Acesta a fost începutul erei reclamelor, unde mesajul
mărcii a luat locul realității substanței. Imaginea a devenit totul.

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