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Why Nature Inspires Art

POSTED BY : eaglesnest

By Brand Ambassador Ben Wolverton

Throughout history, nature has had a leading role as a source of inspiration for both
musicians and visual artists. Dating back to even prehistoric cave drawings in Lascaux,
France or even the Grand Canyon Suite composed by Grofe, nature has always been
and will always be a driving force of creative inspiration.

Cave Drawings in Lascaux:

Listen to the Canyon Suite

Things in nature are tangible references that we use all the time. From the moment we
have memories as little kids, we have been in nature and have used it to learn. From
drawing lollipop-looking flowers underneath a cotton ball clouded sky or making a
thunderstorm, clapping our hands various ways in class, nature has been a part of our
foundational education simply because it is one of the most palpable things we have.
Just walk outside and there it is. Similarly, we use words and common figures of speech
that originally have a meaning that is found in nature to describe events or objects in our
daily lives. For example, a dry or wet signal, lightning fast reflexes, a rocky start, root of
a problem, etc…The list goes on. Why did it become this way? Because nature is where
life begins and has always been there for us to draw ideas from. Nature is a relitive
constant in our ever changing lives.
Scientifically, there are several parallels between nature and music. There are natural
harmonies and pitch frequencies that the Earth makes as it lives and breathes. The
wind ripping through canyons and water falling over smooth rocks. Not to mention
animals that sing as they go about their days. Our modern day instruments are even
tuned to match the natural movement, rhythm and vibration of the cosmos at A=432Hz,
which is mathematically proven to be the exact same as the universe. Music was given
to us by nature, with the earliest instruments being from gourds, or hollowed out pieces
of wood. Even now, instruments are very rarely not based on vibrations traveling
through some type of wood. The direct parallels between music and nature are too
great to ignore.

Visual art also comes from nature. Literally. The mediums that artists use to inspire and
create their pieces are from nature. Wood, charcoal, graphite, clay, mixed pigments,
water. Artists literally use nature to create their works. The way the cave dwellers
created paint to document and draw on their walls is in essence the same exact process
that we use today. Without these elements of nature we wouldn’t have to tools to even
think about making artwork.

Even in my own life, nature has played a huge role on my artistic endeavors. In my
music, I often look to natural features of the world as a guide to how things sound and
interact with each other. The way that the wind glides through trees, empty fields with
birds singing, rain drops splattering on a lake. All of those things are completely unique
in their own way and yet all have melodic qualities that can be used and found in music
of all varieties. And also with drawing, for me it is 100% more challenging and
invigorating to try to capture things that come from nature such as trees, rivers,
mountains, valleys, etc… For these things have also been created and embody some of
the most artistically complex concepts that the earth has to offer.

As humans, we have a natural tendency to respond to things that move us, forcing us to
create. Seeing nature and how it interacts with not only us but the universe around it
has inspired countless paintings, drawings, songs, sculptures, symphonies, etc…all
different, based on how the individual person responds to nature uniquely. No song or
artwork has ever been the exact same nor will they ever be. And this fact is one
example of why we should continue to make an effort to not only preserve the nature
around us, but leave it better than the way we found it. Because not only would the
world be purely a much richer place, but our musical and artistic influences would
continue to grow, inspiring generations in new ways for years to come.

“Nature is an endless combination and repetition of a very few laws. She hums the old
well-known air through innumerable variations.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson, ‘History’
Thank you po. Godbless

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