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PRT551 Project Management, Risk and Reliability

Group Project – Final Report


1. Stakeholders’ Management:
1.1. Identify the people / roles who will be key stakeholders (this can be provided in a table, and
you can leave the names of the people blank for this assignment, but at least create a space
for them to be inserted, as if your plan was to actually be used).
1.1.1. Provide a brief description of each of the roles.
1.1.2. Present internal and external stakeholders separately.
1.2. Explain how a stakeholder register will be used to manage the stakeholders. A template of
your register can be attached as an appendix, but do not include the register in the body of
your plan.

2. Project Schedule Management:

2.1. Project Gantt Chart (MS Project or other PM software). Accompanying your Gantt is to be a
documentation of the following (or they must be explicitly identified in the Gantt):
2.1.1.Key milestones
2.1.2.Project WBS to at least 3 levels of decomposition (work packages). Include activity and
activity attributes
2.1.3.Activity list
2.1.4. Network diagrams (if applicable)
2.1.5. Activity resource requirements
2.1.6. Activity duration estimates for every activity Provide at least one example of how a duration was determined / calculated
2.1.7. Indications of lead, lag and float times Define lead, lag and float times
2.2. Describe how the schedule will be managed during the project. Include:
2.2.1. Slack
2.2.2. Change management
2.3. Identify activities that are on the critical path.
If your project is complex you can:

 Provide a summary description of the whole project schedule, and:

 Provide a detailed information (outlined in 7.1 to 7.3) for just one section of your project as
long as the detailed section includes 20 or more work activities. You are to show your
understanding of every point listed between 7.1 and 7.3.

PRT551 Project Management, Risk and Reliability
Group Project – Final Report

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