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CLASS : Nautika 4 G
NIT : 18.41.160


1. Sergey has most problem with reading, but feels confident about speaking
2. Junichi has most problems with vocabulary, but feels confident about grammar
3. Carlos has most problems with pronounciation, but feels confident with vocabulary
4. Boris has most problems with grammar, but feels confident about reading
5. Hans has most problems with listening, but feels confident with grammar
6. Davide has most problem with writing, but feels confident about speaking


Sergey Junichi Carlos

Specific Problem Read slowly Not knowing enough His accent is not quite
words strong
Solution Time himself Write down all English Record him self in blank
Reading short words cassette
Articles and writes Particular subject
Down main points

Boris Hans Davide

Specific Problem Grammar Isn’t his When he listen people Writing more a few
favorite subject speaking he can’t catch sentences
more a few words
Solution Reading Watch English film following advice one of
Newspaper and Listening English song his collage
magazine writing down again and


1 (a) I’m attending a two week English course at the moment

(b) I attend a two week English course at the moment
Present continuous tense is a form of tanses that is used to express an action or event that is
happening right now or when a conversation is taking place (AT THE MOMENT)
2 (a) I’m practicing English with my study partner every week
(b) I practice English with my study partner every week
Simple present to describe schedule events, both naturally and by people
3 (a) I know lots of English words but I can’t put them together!
(b) I’m knowing lots of English words but I can’t put them together!
Verbs that express knowledge, opinion and belief
4 (a) I don’t have much confidence speaking at meeting.
(b) I’m not having much confidence speaking at meeting.
Verbs that express knowledge, opinion and belief
5 (a) John always talks to himself
(b) John’s always talking to himself
Present continuous for something that happens again and again
Simple present usually contains adverb relating to time as a complement that the activity is
often/always, but can also rarely/naver be done


1. The Chief Engineer comes from Germany

2. What are you doing just now ?
I’m listening to the BBC, but I don’t understand very much
3. He usually work Head Office but because the company move to a new building, he is working
from home at the moment
4. Paul is a keen swimmer. He normally go to the swimming pool every morning, but he isn’t going
this morning because it is closed.
5. The sun always set in the west
6. He’s so untidy! He always leave his clothes and books lying all over the cabin. It’s really annoying
7. Come over here and look at this. The sun is setting and the sky is an amazing colour!
8. He is watching the television? No, I think sleeping

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