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-Educación virtual en el Perú: Armando Ruiz

The video is about virtual education in Peru, how it was already carried out in our
country, for people who work and don't have time to attend a classroom, but it has
wanted to be implemented now for everyone in the country and It's having an impact
because not all attend in the same way. So it would be important that they first solve
the difficulties that it presents, as not all teachers have virtual media training and that
itsn't guaranteed that the student is having the necessary practices to learn.

2.-¿Qué hacer después de terminar la universidad?

To conclude, create something of your own and enjoy making mistakes and

redoing from scratch.All this will help you to improve project by project.

Learning independently and being self-taught will help you grow by leaps and

bounds in front of people who don't.Take the reins and learn on your own

account everything you can to stand. Up.

3.-Empatia del gobierno

El video trata sobre la empatía que está teniendo el gobierno con las personas
que más necesitan, por consecuencias de la pandemia Covid-19. El estado ha
brindado ayuda como el primer bono de 380 soles para familias vulnerables, el
segundo bono también de 380 soles para personas independientes. También
las canastas a familas que no han recibido ninguno de estos bonos y también
el estado autorizo retirar un monto no mayor a 2 000 soles a personas que
cuentas con fondos en sus AFP.
The video is about the empathy the government is having with the people who
need it most, as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The state has
provided aid as the first 380 soles bond for vulnerable families, the second 380
soles bond for independent people. Also the baskets to families who have not
received any of these bonds and also the state authorized to withdraw an
amount not greater than 2,000 soles to people who have funds in their AFPs.

4.-How you can help your dog survive quarantine

Quarantine implies that no one
It should go out, and that includes your puppy, unless you have a private outdoor space that he
can use.
How to help your dog stay well while both of you are secluded?
The World Health Organization (WHO) and other experts agree that there is no evidence that our
pets can contract or spread the virus. That said, even though they are not going to get sick,
COVID-19 is changing the lives of pets across the country, particularly dogs, especially in
apartment living.
Pet food and cleaning supplies should be on the first items on your supply list. It is also
recommended that pet guardians seek to have additional doses of monthly preventive
medications for fleas, ticks, and canine dirofilariasis, as well as any prescription medications and
special items in your pet's diet. If you don't need to be quarantined and your pet hasn't been to
the vet in a long time, now is a good time to go and make sure he's up to date on all his
Cómo puedes ayudar a tu perro a sobrevivir la cuarentena
La cuarentena implica que nadie debe salir, y eso incluye a tu cachorro, menos que tengas un
espacio privado al aire libre que pueda usar.
¿Cómo ayudar a tu perro a mantenerse bien mientras los dos están recluidos ?.
La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y otros expertos coinciden en que no hay pruebas
de que nuestras mascotas pueden contraer el virus o contagiarlo. Dicho esto, aunque no van a
enfermarse, la COVID-19 está cambiando las vidas de las mascotas de todo el país, en particular
las de los perros, sobre todo lo que viven en los departamentos.
El alimento para mascotas y los artículos de limpieza deben ser de los primeros artículos en tu
lista de abastecimiento. también se recomienda que los guardianes de mascotas procuren tener
dosis adicionales de medicamentos preventivos mensuales en caso de pulgas, garrapatas y
dirofilariasis canina, así como cualquier medicamento recetada y elementos especiales de la
alimentación de tu mascota. Si no necesitas ponerte en cuarentena y tu mascota no ha ido al
veterinario en mucho tiempo, ahora es un buen momento para ir y asegurarte de que esté al
corriente con todas sus vacunas.
5.- club alianza lima

In recent years, different surveys and socioeconomic studies carried out by different polling
houses coincide in locating Alianza Lima as the club with the most sympathizers in Peru,
followed by the University and Sporting Cristal in their vast majority.141516

The club also develops other sports disciplines, among them the Alianza Lima Volleyball Club
that participates in the National Superior Volleyball League of Peru.

6.- ebola
There were no teams of epidemiologists ready to travel, to go, to see what the disease was
and how far it had spread. The reports came in print, there were enormous delays before
putting them on the internet and they were also terribly imprecise.
Hundreds of thousands of workers are needed for a great epidemic. No one was dedicated to
studying new methods of treatment. No one to study the diagnoses. No one to study which
instruments should be used. For example, you could have taken blood from survivors, tprocess
it and apply that plasma to healthy people to protect them. But it was never attempted.

7.- Efectos económicos del coronavirus:


8.- uso de mascarillas:

The video is about a study they carried out to see the effectiveness of hunting masks,
used was a vacuum bag fabric, scarf, tea bag, linen, 100% cotton fabric and they
compared it with the surgical mask, taking as As a result, the mask made from 100%
cotton fabric despite its lower filtration capacity compared to the others, provides a
better air passage, adapts better to the mouth, and helps control the contingency of the

9.- resilencia :

the video is about resilience and how important it is to develop it to face any adverse situation,

Actually, many people are going through very difficult situations, such as health problems, not
having the economic resources, being away from family or the loss of a loved one, therefore it
is important to be resilient and as difficult as this is the situation it will all end.

11.-cigarrillo convencional vs el electrónico:

The electronic cigarette is a device that works with batteries. contains: Nicotine The electronic
cigarettes, unlike conventional cigarrets , don’t use fire or extra objects.
some advantages are that it does not darken the teeth, does not cause a bad smell in the hair
and clothes,
A disadvantage is that the cigarette contains chemicals that damage the lungs causing serious
diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cancer. Damage to the brain only
occurs if the cigarette contains nicotine causing mental disorders.

12:-rutine in house

I will talk about my routine at home during quarantine and some things that had to change to
all the problems that the world is going through.

At the beginning everything was perfect, he suspended classes for a week and asked me to be
at home, the first days were the best, he slept in excess, ate all the time, I saw all kinds of
series and movies, I exercised, I ate again , fattening by eating so much, but everything was
getting worse. I am going crazy.

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