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BSBWOR502 Develop team cohesion and facilitate team work

Learner 2

Now after preparing the performance plan it is necessary for us to start the plan on time so
that the target which is set in the plan can be achieved on time. As in performance plan
every group member will assigned by the task so he/she must do in time limit which is set
during preparing the performance plan. In performance plan it is mandatory for all the
group members to achieve its target so that the group will attain its objective. If any worker
will not be doing work properly he/she is replaced by other and he/she will be blacklisted
for next few tasks. A copy of performance plan is given to the every member of the group if
they have any problem regarding its work. No disputes should be there in the group
members every group member will help each other to attain the objective of the group. If
every individual perform in perfect manner then it increase the efficiency of group.
Manager Sir we are facing some technical issues financial problem and unskilled group
members. So our group is going to counter these problems and issues in this manner. Firstly
we are going to consult with an expert in web designing because the help and advice of an
expert will go to help us in future also. Because in near future there are so many problems
which will be faced by us due to excess users, lack of network, website is not updated, slow
loading of webpage etc. so an expert will help us in all these issues. For counter the financial
problem we are just setting the server room with the limited resources. We will upgrade our
server room when we have sufficient fund till then we have to fix the number of users on
webpage in one time otherwise the webpage will hanged or crashed then it will be become
big problem for us. So we will give access to limited users in one time. Third problem we are
facing is that our group has some unskilled members so due to them the process of the
whole group is slows down and it will become hard to complete the task on time. So we are
replacing the some unskilled group members with some skilled persons. So that we get the
speed in the task. And task is done in innovative manner which saves our time and money.

Without the bonding in the group members no group will work properly. Every member of
the group should respect the other member. If any member is unable to do task then other
members of the group should help them. It is good to the group member and to the group.
Effectiveness in the group is when the group works in proper manner and no conflicts are
there in the group. In apparel brands the group which task is starting the online business of
the apparel brands the whole group members are supportive and they help each other.
They try to solve the issues with the help of other group members. Skilled and unskilled
members are necessary to find out because then it is easy to us evaluate the performance of
the group. And unskilled should be replaced by other person who is skilled and he/she will
be good for the group. The whole group works according to the performance plan. Then it is
easy to review the individual’s task and the level of the progress of the task. So that if any
need have changed then it can be done on time which will speed up the working of the
Some unsolved issues are:

 Employee satisfaction
 Promotion
 Rewards
 Salary
 Bonus
 Customer satisfaction
 Descriptions of team members

BELBIN’s role Your team                                   

Implementer Andrew was the implementer and was

confident in doing the work. He should
allocate the task to members and ensures
that members had to do task.

Shaper Simon was the shaper; he used to give

challenge to team members that they prove
their skills. He finds the best approach to
solve the problem.

Completer Jack was the completer; he finishes the

project on time and also motivates his team
member to complete the work on time. He
achieves perfection in his work.

Plant Rose was the plant; she used to give her

innovative ideas to the team. She did not
want to work in team and her ideas are
novel or impractical.

Monitor/ Jenifer was the monitor; she used to

evaluator evaluate ideas of the people. She was not
emotional and sometime, also a poor
  motivator. She had the strategic approach in
evaluating the ideas.
Specialist Alina was the specialist; she had the
specialised knowledge and skills in getting
the work done. She was the expert in her
field and maintains professional status.

Coordinator John was the coordinator; he acts as a team

leader and guides his team towards the
achievement of the goal. He had the quality
of leader and listen to team members.

Team worker Marry was the team worker, she had the
quality to support the team members and
ensures that they work collectively and
effectively. She was flexible and good
negotiator in her team

Resource/ Elyse was the resource; he was the

investigator innovator and negotiator. He negotiates on
behalf of the team. He was very enthusiastic
and help member in accomplishing their

Mix roles in team

The leader has to segregate the roles and duties of the members. Workload on one member
irrespective of others can losses the productivity in the team. And also, effect adversely on
the outcome of the produce. So, according to the role of the Belbin, delegate the role and
responsibility to each member in the team. Leader has to define the roles and duties so
according to their expertise. Team members have to maintain the balance the roles and
duties among members of the team and members of another team also. It is the
responsibility of the leader to recognise the team’s imbalance. That’s why organization has
to follow the mix role of the team as it provides effectiveness and productivity.

In the geologists, the issue has been occurring due to change in the organisational working
structure that is related with changing the roles and responsibilities of team members. It
identified that three team members has been proposed as the post of administrative as well
as they have been changed their roles and responsibilities for team work. Therefore it can
be developing various issues. Due to organisational change team member can be generate
the condition of frustration or irritation towards their work. It can be affects individual
perception and change their mindset for team work. It is an affective matter in the team
member that require to resolving as soon as possible. It requires appropriate solution that
can be help in resolving these issues. Change system in the organisation can be affects the
employee interaction towards their work. Therefore team members require the managing
these changes effect.
Date:10Nov 2010
Location: Parramatta
Attendances: Mariel Lynn Javier – Financial Manager

Chorea Ensay – Sales Manager 

Mule Catalonian II – Technical Consultant
Ashish: Marketing manager

 Introduction / Opening Remarks

 Monthly project and team updates per department

 Issues committed per department\

 Finance department: Budget for the labour cost

 Marketing department: Poor result evaluation and delay off reports

 Sales department: Underperforming staff

 Technical department: Reconstruction off website

 Follow ups

 Feedback

 Other items

 Wrap up

Problem solving Purpose Workplace issue Corrective action

tools description
One to one mirror Address individual Budget for the labor Proposal off
issues cost additional 5%
budget for the
labour cost
SWOT analysis Strength Redevelopment off
,weakness, website due to rhe
opportunity, threat feedback from the
off business customers
Performance and Enhance team Poor result Let the team
coaching plan output evaluation understand their
Training, needs Ensure training Underperforming Conduct feedback
and Analysis aligned to off staff and performance
organisational assessment report
Establish mission, vision and goals. - Look for diversity. - Practice teamwork. - Utilize
individual strengths and motivate each team member - Listened and communicate

Questions to be asked:

Direct observation of performance

Team member reports
Team member self-assessment

Performance problems and solution to resolve them

When a team oversteps the mark of healthy difference of opinion, resolving conflict requires
respect and patience. The human experience of conflict involves our emotions, perceptions,
and actions; we experience it on all three levels, and we need to address all three levels to
resolve it. We must replace the negative experiences with positive ones.

The three-stage process below is a form of mediation process, which helps team members
to do this:

Step 1: Prepare for Resolution

 Acknowledge the conflict – The conflict has to be acknowledged before it can be

managed and resolved. The tendency is for people to ignore the first signs of conflict,
perhaps as it seems trivial, or is difficult to differentiate from the normal, healthy debate
that teams can thrive on. If you are concerned about the conflict in your team, discuss it
with other members. Once the team recognizes the issue, it can start the process of
 Discuss the impact – As a team, discuss the impact the conflict is having on team
dynamics and performance.
 Agree to a cooperative process – Everyone involved must agree to cooperate in to
resolve the conflict. This means putting the team first, and may involve setting aside
your opinion or ideas for the time being. If someone wants to win more than he or
she wants to resolve the conflict, you may find yourself at a stalemate.
 Agree to communicate – The most important thing throughout the resolution
process is for everyone to keep communications open. The people involved need to
talk about the issue and discuss their strong feelings. Active listening   is essential
here, because to move on you need to really understand where the other person is
coming from.

Step 2: Understand the Situation

Once the team is ready to resolve the conflict, the next stage is to understand the situation,
and each team member's point of view. Take time to make sure that each person's position
is heard and understood. Remember that strong emotions are at work here so you have to
get through the emotion and reveal the true nature of the conflict. Do the following:

 Clarify positions – Whatever the conflict or disagreement, it's important to clarify

people's positions. Whether there are obvious factions within the team who support a
particular option, approach or idea, or each team member holds their own unique view,
each position needs to be clearly identified and articulated by those involved.
This step alone can go a long way to resolve the conflict, as it helps the team see the
facts more objectively and with less emotion.

preventing Conflict

As well as being able to handle conflict when it arises, teams need to develop ways of
preventing conflict from becoming damaging. Team members can learn skills and behavior
to help this. Here are some of the key ones to work on:

 Dealing with conflict immediately – avoid the temptation to ignore it.

 Being open – if people have issues, they need to be expressed immediately and not
allowed to fester.

 Practicing clear communication – articulate thoughts and ideas clearly.

 Practicing active listening – paraphrasing, clarifying, questioning.

 Practicing identifying assumptions – asking yourself "why" on a regular basis.

 Not letting conflict get personal – stick to facts and issues, not personalities.

 Focusing on actionable solutions – don't belabor what can't be changed.

 Encouraging different points of view – insist on honest dialogue and expressing


 Not looking for blame – encourage ownership of the problem and solution.

1. Our meeting, focusing on company goals and mission which the company would like to
announce common rules for the team
a) The team need brainstorming about new products, research consumer needs and
strategies for implementing new strategies to, consulting and meeting to resolve the issue
at work. b) Assigned work to project manager to work procedure to ensure team members
to take responsible for their own work
2. Monitor work supervision and meeting with the team every day.
3. Determine team goals and how the target can be met.  The company found the market
share by using e-commerce opportunities to reduce distribution costs and increase profit. 
Brand loyalty program  Give distributed fair deal  Put the right man in the right job 
Determine and agreed on specific duties to support team members with assigned
4. Prepare for meeting: a) Reflect on your achievement of team goals: Which goals have
you achieved? Which goals have you not achieved?  This goal has not been achieved due
to lack of understand the oversea consumers market, law and regulations also prevented us.
b. Identify at least one issue you have encountered with respect to carrying out your tasks
that you have not yet fully overcome to discuss with your work team so that they may
assist you in enhancing your performance.  Lack of professional consulting and budget. c.
Consider possible processes for resolution of team issues. For example, you may consider
leading a brainstorming session, or creating an issues matrix.  The problem can be resolved
with the few methods such as hire professional mentor or marketing company who
specialize in the specific market target. d. In consultation with team, develop a meeting
agenda to ensure that all issues, concerns and problems with carrying out performance
plan activities are addressed in the meeting in order to keep team on track to achieve

The team development will raised the issue of concern and have a team meeting to
resolution the issues.

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