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Carburizing: Laser Beam

Gregory Haidemenopoulos
Antonis Katsamas
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece

Laser-beam carburizing of steel is a surface treatment aiming to increase surface hardness and enhance
wear resistance of the material. During the process, a laser beam is scanned over the surface, the laser spot
being essentially a moving heat source. Carburizing is achieved either by surface melting and incorpora-
tion of carbon in the melt pool, followed by rapid solidification of the carburized layer (CL), or by solid-
state diffusion of carbon into the surface. Microstructure of laser CLs is characterized by a variety of
transformation products and significant hardness enhancement. Major advantages of laser over conven-
tional carburizing include high-dimensional accuracy, minimal thermal distortion of the workpiece, and
ease of automation. In this entry relevant literature is reviewed, key process parameters are identified,
resulting microstructures and associated properties are described and, finally, future prospects of the
method are discussed.

INTRODUCTION various researchers, in order to understand the mecha-

nisms and determine the parameters, which control the
High-power laser beams constitute a well-established process. A very recent and comprehensive review of asso-
technology for the modification of the composition, micro- ciated experimental findings is given in Hoche et al.[3]
structure, and properties of steel surfaces. In an effort to As regards laser-beam carburizing of steel, the idea was
exploit the unique properties of laser irradiation, such originally conceived through the use of graphite coatings
as spatial and dimensional precision of the treated area, during laser transformation hardening of steels. Graphite
ability to process extremely small areas, potential for coatings were used in order to increase the coupling of laser
controlled and limited thermal distortions and, finally, radiation with the steel substrate, which for the case of the
potential for process automation,[1] a variety of surface CO2 laser, with a far-infrared wavelength of 10.6 μm, is
treatments that involve the use of laser beams have been extremely low.[4] In some early work in this area, normal-
established and experimentally investigated in the past. A ized 0.4 wt.% C steel specimens were coated with an
very useful classification of laser surface treatments has antireflective film of colloidal graphite and then irradiated
been attempted in Kusinski et al.,[2] which distinguishes with a 10 kW, continuous wave, CO2 laser beam.[5] It was
the various treatments depending on the physical mecha- observed that substantial amounts of carbon could be intro-
nism involved. Three fundamental mechanisms can be duced to steel surfaces in that manner, thus leading to
considered: simple heating, melting, and vaporization. carburization.
Simply heating the surface of a material with a laser beam, In early investigations, commercially pure iron speci-
without melting it, is the mechanism by which treatments mens were coated with various graphite solutions, before
such as transformation hardening and annealing are being irradiated with a 2 kW, continuous wave, CO2 laser
beam,[6,7] It was found that surface layers with carbon

Carburizing—Case Depth
performed. On the other hand, when laser irradiation is
high enough to melt the surface of the material, treatments contents of up to 6 wt.% had been produced, exhibiting
such as surface alloying, cladding, grain refining, and glaz- fine, white cast-iron microstructures. Solid-state carbon
ing can be performed. Finally, when the incident energy of diffusion was also observed into the substrate, resulting in
the laser beam is so high that it can vaporize the surface of the formation of austenite and martensite in the micro-
a material, then treatments like ablation, thin-film deposi- structure of the initially unalloyed iron.
tion, and surface cleaning can be implemented. Ever since, numerous investigations have been reported
From another point of view, laser surface treatments in the literature, regarding carburizing of iron and various
can also be categorized in terms of whether they modify steel grades, by employing various types of laser beams.
the chemical composition of the surface (e.g., surface In Canova and Ramous,[8] the solid-state carbon diffusion
alloying, cladding), or they leave it unchanged (e.g., trans- on pure (ARMCO) iron samples, pre-coated with graphite
formation hardening, remelting). Carburizing of steel with and then irradiated with a 15 kW, continuous wave, CO2
the use of laser-beam irradiation is included in the first laser beam, was investigated. Results indicated that cases
category. Several experimental efforts have been made by with a thickness of 0.2 mm and a bainitic microstructure

Encyclopedia of Iron, Steel, and Their Alloys DOI: 10.1081/E-EISA-120050642

Copyright © 2015 by Taylor & Francis. All rights reserved. 631
632 Carburizing: Laser Beam

had formed, thus exhibiting significant solid-state carburi- et al.,[15] AISI 316 stainless-steel specimens were irradi-
zation of the specimens. ated with 2- and 4-kW continuous wave, CO2 laser beams.
Other investigations reported carburizing of low-car- The specimens were pre-coated with graphite powder and
bon AISI 1018 steel, using a 400-W Nd:YAG laser laser-melted. It was found that the microstructure of the
beam.[9] A maximum hardness of about 1050 HV was laser-carburized surface consisted of austenitic dendrites,
obtained in the laser-beam carburized samples, as well as surrounded by a network of austenite-carbide eutectic. A
a wide range of microstructures, including a mixture of significant increase in microhardness, from 200 to 500
ferrite-cementite eutectic and austenite, considered ideal HV, was associated with this modification of the micro-
for improved wear resistance. structure. Improvements in corrosion resistance of the
In more recent works, medium-carbon steel coated with treated specimens were also observed, which were attrib-
carbon nanotubes was treated by a continuous wave, CO2 uted to the fine and homogeneous dendritic microstruc-
laser beam,[10,11] It was observed that a remelted layer on tures obtained.
the surface of the specimens formed hypoeutectic, eutec- In another research,[16] a different process for laser-
tic, and hypereutectic microstructures, depending on the beam carburizing was proposed, in order to strengthen
distance from the outer surface. Results also indicated that ultra-low-carbon steel sheet, by employing gaseous hydro-
carbon nanotubes decomposed and dissolved inside the carbons as the carbon source. The process involved laser
molten surface, thus producing significant carburization. surface melting, while simultaneously blowing methane
Microhardness in the order of 900–1000 HV was also gas (CH4) in the melt pool, in order to carburize the sur-
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measured. face. The effect of CH4 concentration and various laser-

An investigation on laser-beam carburizing of case- irradiation parameters were investigated. Results indicated
hardening 16MnCrS5 steel was reported in Grünenwald that microhardness values exceeding 400 HV were
et al.[12] Tungsten carbide and carbon were introduced into obtained and that hardening was determined by CH4 con-
the molten surface of the specimens, to improve hardness centration, laser-beam power and scanning rate and focal
and wear resistance. It was found that the strengthening point position.
mechanism was strongly dependent upon the type and The improvement in tribological behavior of automo-
amount of the alloying elements used. In the case of tive rings subjected to laser carburizing is reported in de
alloying with carbon, the increase in hardness and wear Oliveira et al.[17] In that work, automotive rings initially
resistance was attributed to the formation of martensite, covered with carbon-black slurry were subsequently irra-
whereas in the case of alloying with tungsten carbide, the diated with a CO2 laser beam, in order to improve the
enhancement of properties was attributed to both martens- friction rate and the ring lifetime. Scanning electron
itic transformation and the precipitation of carbides. microscopy observations showed that case depths close to
A similar investigation on laser-beam carburizing of 0.12 mm were achieved, with microhardness values in the
another case-hardening steel grade (15CrNi6) is reported in area of 950 HV0,05. Energy-dispersive spectroscopy exam-
Katsamas and Haidemenopoulos.[13] More details about this ination, performed across the irradiated cross-section,
work are presented in the following sections of this entry. revealed considerable carbon diffusion into the metallic
A different approach was used in the work reported in substrate.
Kulka and Pertek,[14] which also experimented on case- The tribological properties of the surface of AISI 52100
hardening 15CrNi6 steel specimens. The material was steel specimens, pre-coated with carbon and subsequently
first conventionally carburized, by remaining in a con- treated with a CO2 laser beam were also studied in Da
trolled carburizing atmosphere at 930 C. Subsequently, Silva et al.[18] Tribological tests without external lubrica-
the carburized specimens were subjected to gas boriding tion confirmed an effective increase in hardness and a
at 950 C. After this boro-carburizing treatment, the spec- reduction in friction. It was found that laser-treated speci-
Carburizing—Case Depth

imens were irradiated with a 2.6-kW CO2 laser beam. It mens presented a friction coefficient of 0.3, whereas
was found that the final microstructure of the specimens untreated, reference specimens had a friction coefficient
consisted of iron borides (FeB and Fe2B), a carburized on the order of 0.7.
layer (CL) with a heat-affected zone (HAZ) consisting of Comparing carburizing of steel by conventional
martensite and alloyed cementite, a CL without any heat methods—like gas or pack carburizing—to laser-beam
effect from laser irradiation and the substrate, consisting carburizing, both similarities and differences can be iden-
of ferrite and pearlite. It was also observed that the sur- tified. The main similarity, characterizing all carburizing
face after boro-carburizing and laser-beam irradiation methods, is the necessity for an external source of carbon
had a high microhardness due to the presence of iron potential, i.e., a source to provide the necessary quantity of
borides, thus reducing the hardness gradient between the carbon to be introduced in the steel surface. The second
treated layer and the substrate in comparison to the solely common feature of all carburizing methods is the require-
borided layer. ment for a heat source for the activation of various pro-
More recent work has focused on laser-beam carburiz- cesses, such as surface melting or solid-state diffusion. On
ing of austenitic stainless steels. In the work of Khalfallah the other hand, the major difference between conventional
Carburizing: Laser Beam 633

and laser-beam carburizing regards the scale of heating of as the beam polarization, which in turn depends on the
the workpiece. In most conventional methods, in order for orientation of the electric field inside the beam.
carburizing to be achieved, the entire volume of the work- On the other hand, the major material-dependent param-
piece must be heated to the carburizing temperature. eter determining the amount of absorbed energy is the
In contrast, laser-beam carburizing involves only local chemical composition of the material, whether it is a pure
heating, concentrated specifically on the surface of the element or an alloy. Regardless of composition, the inci-
workpiece. It is exactly this local heating effect which dent laser beam always interacts solely with the electrons
makes laser-beam carburizing a potential alternative tech- on the surface of the material, since a laser beam is an
nique, especially in applications with strict requirements electromagnetic wave and electric and magnetic fields
on dimensional precision and minimum thermal effect on interact exclusively with charged matter. The electrons will
the material. be accelerated by the electric field and through various
In this entry, an effort is made to present an overview collisions with the other constituents of the material, energy
of the application of laser beams as means to achieve is transferred to the crystal lattice in the form of heat.
carburizing of steel surfaces. First, a short review of the Fig. 1 depicts a schematic of a laser beam scanning the
related literature is presented, which is nevertheless not surface of a solid material. The beam is considered to have
very extensive. After this, the properties of laser beam as a circular cross-section of diameter (do) on the level of the
a heat source when interacting with solid materials are material’s surface and moves in the direction of the x-axis
described, since it is the thermal effect of the laser beam, with velocity (u). Any random point (xo,yo) on the surface
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which is utilized in carburizing. Subsequently, the differ- of the material, which lies on the path of the moving beam,
ent mechanisms by which laser-beam carburizing of steels will experience a variation of its temperature with time, as
can be achieved are described and the parameters, which soon as the beam passes over it. This temporal variation of
affect the process performance, are analyzed. One of the temperature is called thermal cycle. The typical form of
most significant effects of the process regards the micro- thermal cycle undergone by any point on the surface of the
structures obtained on steel surfaces by laser-beam carbu- material, when the moving laser beam passes over it, is
rizing. Thus, the variety of the carburized microstructures depicted in Fig. 2.
is examined, with reference to the corresponding carburiz- Temperature increases rapidly from room temperature
ing mechanism involved. Changes in microstructure cause (To), as the laser beam approaches the point under consid-
changes in mechanical properties. And when speaking of eration and quickly reaches a maximum value (Tmax).
carburizing, the main mechanical property of steel, which Subsequently, as the beam moves away, heat transfers
is to be improved, is the hardness and, thus, the wear rapidly by conduction into the interior of the material
resistance. Therefore, an overview of surface hardness resulting in a high cooling rate. The latter cooling process
enhancement due to laser-beam carburizing is also given. is usually referred to as self-quenching.
Finally, the potential future prospects of laser-beam car- It is important to note that the characteristics of the
burizing are discussed. thermal cycle, such as the heating rate, the cooling rate
and the maximum temperature achieved, are determined
by both process conditions and thermal properties of the
THE LASER BEAM AS A HEAT SOURCE ON irradiated material. Process conditions mainly include the

When a laser beam is directed on the surface of a solid

body, a fraction of the incident radiation is absorbed by
surface layers of the material, whereas the rest is reflected

Carburizing—Case Depth
back and scattered. In order for laser materials processing
to be feasible, the absorbed electromagnetic energy of the
beam has to be transformed into thermal energy inside the
material. The amount of energy transformed is determined
by the light absorption mechanisms of the material itself.
It is the absorbed energy, rather than the laser beam itself,
that is available for heating the material and producing the
desired effect.[19]
Laser absorption in metallic materials depends on a
number of different parameters, regarding both the laser
source and the material. Laser parameters of importance
are the wavelength of the particular laser source (e.g., 10.6
μm for CO2 lasers, 1.06 μm for Nd:YAG lasers), the beam Fig. 1 A laser beam of circular cross-section with diameter
angle of incidence on the surface of the material, as well (do), moving on the surface of a solid material with velocity (u).
634 Carburizing: Laser Beam

1.5 KW, 5 mm,
75 mm/sec



Temperature (°C)


0 .2


300.0 m
Fig. 2 Typical thermal cycle experienced by the surface of a
laser-irradiated material. 100.0

power, cross-sectional area, and scanning speed of the 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
beam, whereas thermal properties mainly regard thermal Time (sec)
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diffusivity, thermal conductivity, the specific heat capac-

ity, and the density of the material.[20] Fig. 3 Calculated thermal cycles at various depths below the
For a given material, increasing laser-beam power will surface of a 0.60 wt.% C plain-carbon steel specimen (1.5 kW,
generally lead to higher values of the maximum tempera- 5 mm diameter, 75 mm/sec).
ture, whereas increasing scanning speed will result in
higher heating rate, but also to lower values of maximum conducted in the material, as the laser beam moves along
temperature. Similarly, for given process conditions, the a specific path on the irradiated surface.
thermal cycle in a material with low thermal diffusivity It is exactly the heat input, as well as the qualitative
will be in general characterized by higher heating rate and characteristics of heat conduction inside a material, which
maximum temperature, in comparison to a material with are utilized in laser materials processing technologies such
relatively higher thermal diffusivity. However, it is not as cutting, welding, forming and, of course, surface mod-
just the very surface of the material that experiences the ification treatments, like laser carburizing.
thermal cycle, due to the travel of a laser beam. As heat is
conducted away from the surface toward the interior of the
material, subsurface layers will also experience their indi- MECHANISMS OF LASER-BEAM CARBURIZING
vidual thermal cycles. Fig. 3 depicts calculated thermal
cycles at different depths below the surface of a 0.60 wt. Laser-beam carburizing of steels can be achieved by two
% C plain-carbon steel specimen, irradiated with a 1.5-kW fundamentally different mechanisms: 1) laser surface
CO2 laser beam of 5 mm in diameter, scanning the surface alloying, which involves melting of the surface layers of
at a speed of 75 mm/sec.[21] As shown in Fig. 3, subsurface the material and incorporation of carbon in the resulting
layers of the material experience thermal cycles of similar liquid phase and, 2) solid-state diffusion of carbon in the
form with the irradiated surface. However, the quantitative surface of the material, activated by appropriate heating of
characteristics of the cycle and its thermal effect on the the surface by the laser beam.
material vary. Maximum temperature experienced by the Laser-surface alloying has been carried out experimen-
Carburizing—Case Depth

corresponding layer of the material decreases, as the dis- tally for a variety of substrates and alloying elements.[22]
tance from the surface increases. This is reasonable, since According to this mechanism surface melting occurs rap-
less heat is available for increasing the temperature of the idly, while the bulk of the material is not heated and practi-
material at greater depths below the surface. cally serves as a heat sink. Due to the development of large
In the general case, the heating effect produced by temperature differences between the molten surface and the
the impingement of a moving laser beam on the surface cold interior, rapid self-quenching and resolidification of
of a material is a three-dimensional heat-transfer problem. the surface occurs. Cooling rates as high as 1011 K/sec have
The moving incident laser beam produces a transient ther- been observed, leading to high solidification rates, in the
mal field inside the irradiated material. Fig. 4 depicts cal- order of 20 m/sec. Through the employment of laser surface
culated isothermal contours in a 15CrNi6 case-hardening alloying, a wide variety of chemical and microstructural
steel block, irradiated with a 0.75-kW laser beam of 7 mm states can be produced on the surface of the irradiated
in diameter, moving at a speed of 0.20 m/min. This calcu- material. The types of microstructures achieved in this way
lation has been implemented using a finite elements model range from extended solid solutions and metastable crystal-
and gives a very good insight of how heat is being line phases to amorphous metallic glasses.
Carburizing: Laser Beam 635
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Fig. 4 Isothermal contours in a 15CrNi6 case-hardening steel block, as calculated with a 3-D finite elements model (0.75 kW, 7 mm
diameter, 0.20 m/min) for times (A) 2.39 sec, (B) 3.89 sec, (C) 5.41 sec, and (D) 10 sec.

Laser surface alloying is employed in order to selec- Laser-beam carburizing of steels by the surface-melting
tively modify the chemical composition of the surface, by mechanism may lead to the formation of a variety of
adding a desired alloying element into the melt pool. microstructures in the CLs, which mainly depend on the
There are several ways of introducing the desired alloying amount of carbon introduced and on process parameters.
element into a thin, surface layer, melted by a laser beam. The carbon introduced via this mechanism can be very
For example, there can be direct injection of the alloying high, reaching hypereutectic compositions, in the CLs
element into the melt pool during the treatment, in which of the surface. However, high resolidification rates of the
case the alloying element is provided in the form of pow- surface combined with the brittle nature of the involved
der, gas, or wire. An alternative method is to apply an phases in the microstructure may readily cause the for-

Carburizing—Case Depth
adherent or non-adherent coating prior to laser irradiation, mation of cracks, which is a significant disadvantage of
in the form of paste or slurry, containing the desired the technique. Another drawback of the surface-melting
alloying element. Subsequently, as the laser beam inter- mechanism is the formation of gas porosity in the resolidified
acts with the specimen’s surface, the preplaced coating surface layers.
and/or the substrate melt and mix intensively. A new In contrast to the surface-melting mechanism, rela-
desirable surface alloy has formed following the resolidi- tively limited attention has been given to the second
fication of the molten pool. mechanism for laser-beam carburizing, which involves
Homogeneous distribution of the alloying elements austenitization of the substrate and subsequent solid-state
is desirable and it largely depends on the type of convec- diffusion of carbon in austenite. This mechanism exhibits
tive flow within the melt pool, which in turn depends similarities with conventional, gas and pack carburizing
on the corresponding temperature gradients. In general, methods. However, a significant question arises regarding
temperature gradients get steeper as laser-beam power the potential to obtain carburized cases in solid state with
increases, thus causing more efficient mixing of the the use of laser irradiation, due to the short interaction
alloying elements. times for the process to occur.
636 Carburizing: Laser Beam

As mentioned previously, the steel has to be first cycles, which were described in previous paragraphs,
austenitized before any substantial introduction of carbon dwell times observed in laser surface treatments of steel
in the crystal structure can be achieved, due to the much typically range from a few tenths of milliseconds to a few
higher solubility of carbon in austenite than in ferrite. seconds, depending on process parameters (beam power,
However, austenitization of steels takes place only above cross-sectional area, and scanning speed) and on the mate-
a critical temperature (Ac3), which is a function of the rial’s thermal properties.
chemical composition of the steel, as well as of the heating
rate. In addition, austenitization is a metallurgical phase
transformation, which requires time in order to be com- MICROSTRUCTURE OF LASER-BEAM
pleted. Inevitably, a question arises whether the short ther- CARBURIZED SURFACES
mal cycles imposed to the material by laser-beam
irradiation can provide adequate heating and time, for both The typical morphology of the surface of a laser-irradi-
austenitization and carbon diffusion to take place. Further- ated specimen is shown in the micrograph of Fig. 6,
more, carbon diffusion in austenite is considerably more which actually depicts a transverse section of the speci-
sluggish than in ferrite, due to the close-packed, face cen- men, taken perpendicularly to the direction of move-
tered cubic (fcc) crystal structure of austenite. ment of the laser beam. In the general case, three
Fig. 5 depicts a typical thermal cycle as before, this characteristic zones form on the surface of the material,
time with the superposition of critical temperatures Ac1 as a result of the process. The top, thin, and lightly
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and Ac3, denoted by the two horizontal, dashed lines on etched zone constitutes the CL, i.e., that part of the
the diagram. Critical temperature Ac1 is that characteristic surface, which has been melted, enriched in carbon and
temperature, above which austenite begins to form in the subsequently resolidified. This zone is immediately
microstructure of the steel, whereas critical temperature followed by a thicker, darkly etched HAZ. The chemical
Ac3 is that characteristic temperature, above which the composition of the HAZ has not been altered by the
entire microstructure consists of austenite. However, this treatment. However, the temperature within this zone
phase transformation does not take place instantaneously during laser treatment has been adequately high to
once the Ac3 temperature is reached or exceeded. The cause changes to the microstructure. Finally, at larger
material has to spend some time above the Ac3 tempera- depths below the surface, the thermal effect of the treat-
ture, in order for austenitization to begin and complete, ment has not been significant enough, in order to cause
due to the diffusive nature of the transformation. any changes to the material. This area is usually termed
The time available for both austenitization and carburi- as the base metal (BM), which has been unaffected
zation of the steel surface during the thermal cycle is by the process.
denoted by the arrows and is equal to the time interval A wide variety of microstructures can be obtained on
where the temperature of the surface exceeds the critical the surface of laser-treated specimens, depending mainly
temperature Ac3. This time interval is usually referred to on process parameters, which in turn determine the mech-
as “dwell time” and is a significant process parameter. anism involved for carburizing, i.e., surface-melting or
Due to the characteristics of the laser-induced thermal solid-state diffusion.

0.75 KW, 7 mm, 0.2 m/min,

specimen: steel 15CrNi6,
depth = 0 mm (surface)

Carburizing—Case Depth

800 A3
Temperature (˚C)



period Fig. 5 The time during which the temper-
0 ature exceeds critical Ac3 temperature is
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
considered to be the useful time for
Time (sec)
Carburizing: Laser Beam 637

1.3 KW, 10 mm, 0.08 m/min,

specimen: steel 15CrNi6,
commercial graphite-spray coating 256 µm
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Fig. 6 Typical transverse section of a laser-treated specimen, showing the CL, the HAZ, and the BM.

The optical micrograph of Fig. 7 depicts a characteris- resolidification of the surface, which cannot accommodate
tic microstructure inside the CL of a surface-melted the induced strains. This effect becomes even more pro-
15CrNi6 case-hardening steel specimen.[13] This micro- nounced in the case of laser-beam carburizing, due to the
structure consists of primary carbide dendrites in a eutec- high cooling and solidification rates encountered.
tic matrix. The lightly etched ribbon in the CL/HAZ Another potential flaw can be gas porosity. The optical
interface and the martensitic plates in the lower part is a micrograph of Fig. 11 depicts a large, spherical gas pore,
typical feature of carburized structures exposed to high- located in the resolidified CL of a laser-treated specimen.
carbon potentials. This kind of hypereutectic microstruc- Gas porosity of this kind is attributed to gases entrapped in
ture indicates the high-carbon enrichment that can be the melt pool as it solidifies. The main sources of these
achieved on a steel surface by laser-beam carburizing. trapped gases are usually surface contamination of the
Lower carbon potentials and multiple passes of the material (e.g., grease, oil, water vapor, etc.), the inert
laser beam may lead to microstructures like the one shown protective gas used during laser processing, as well as
in the optical micrograph of Fig. 8. In this case, the upper
part of the CL consists mainly of lath martensite with a
dispersion of a few martensite plates, while the lower part
exhibits dendritic morphology. Fig. 9 shows these den-
drites in a greater magnification. They also consist of lath
martensite, while the interdendritic, lightly etched phase is

Carburizing—Case Depth
an austenite-carbide eutectic, corresponding to the liquid
that solidified last. Dendrite formation in the specimens
treated with multiple passes is attributed to the fact that
each individual pass of the laser beam induces a
preheating to the material with respect to the following
pass. This lowers temperature gradients in the liquid
phase, thus favoring the formation of dendrites.
As mentioned earleir, a likely disadvantage of the sur-
face-melting mechanism for laser-beam carburizing is
associated with a high probability for crack formation, as
well as for gas porosity. Fig. 10 shows a crack within the
CL of a specimen, which consists of lath martensite. Fig. 7 Primary carbide dendrites in the CL of a specimen. The
Cracking of the carburized surface may occur as a result lightly etched ribbon in the CL/HAZ interface indicates exces-
of the brittle nature of the phases forming during sive carbon potential.
638 Carburizing: Laser Beam

Fig. 8 The CL of a specimen treated with multiple passes of the Fig. 10 A crack in the CL of a laser-treated specimen. The
laser beam. matrix consists of lath martensite.
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dissolved gases emerging from the base material, like microstructure in that area consists of plate martensite
oxygen and nitrogen. (dark plates) dispersed in a matrix of retained austenite
Depending on the combination of process parameters (white).
employed, the heat input provided by the laser beam to the Solid-state carbon diffusion on the surface of com-
specimen is sometimes not sufficient to melt the surface. mercially pure iron, coated with a graphite solution in
In such cases, it is still possible to achieve carburization of alcohol and heated by a continuous wave, CO2 laser
the surface, if the heating conditions are adequate to acti- beam, has also been reported in Canova and Ramous.[8]
vate solid-state diffusion of carbon. In the work reported In this entry, relatively low laser-beam power densities
in Katsamas and Haidemenopoulos,[13] a few specimens (i.e., incident laser power divided by the cross-sectional
of case-hardening 15CrNi6 steel, which were irradiated area of the beam) were employed (3–4.5 W/mm2), as
with low laser-beam power (750 W), low scanning speed well as low scanning speeds, leading to relatively high
(0.2–0.4 m/min), and multiple passes of the beam, were interaction time of the laser beam with the surface
carburized without surface melting. The optical micro- (20 sec). Under such irradiation conditions, heating of
graph of Fig. 12 depicts the microstructure in the CL of the surface was not adequate to cause melting. Neverthe-
such a specimen. The darkly etched, top layer in the pic- less, CLs with a maximum thickness of about 0.2 mm
ture consists of martensite plates (black) and a network of were obtained, whereas the microstructure within these
acicular, proeutectoid cementite (white). Below this layer layers was recognized to be bainitic, thus indicating the
extends a gray etched region, which is shown in greater introduction of carbon in the surface of the material dur-
magnification in the optical micrograph of Fig. 13. The ing the process.
Carburizing—Case Depth

Fig. 9 Dendrites in the CL of a laser-treated specimen,

consisting of lath martensite, while the interdendritic phase is Fig. 11 Gas pore in the resolidified surface of a laser-treated
the austenite-M3C eutectic. specimen.
Carburizing: Laser Beam 639


Regardless of the specific method applied, conventional or

not, the main purpose of every carburizing process is to
increase the surface hardness and the wear resistance of
steels, as well as to enhance their fatigue behavior. Work-
ing material is usually low-carbon or low-alloyed steel, for
which it is intended to produce a hard surface, without,
however, affecting their core toughness and ductility.
Indeed, carburizing causes a pronounced hardening effect,
which is limited only on the surface layers of the
Laser-beam carburizing has proven to fulfill this objec-
tive, as shown by the various relevant experimental stud-
ies on a variety of steel grades. In the case of a low-carbon Fig. 12 Martensite plates (black) and a network of acicular,
steel (AISI 1018), a maximum microhardness of 1050 HV proeutectoid cementite (white) in the CL of a specimen carbu-
was reported in laser-beam carburized samples,[8] when rized in solid state.
the hardness of this steel in the normalized condition is
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only about 130 HV. Experiments of laser-beam carburiz- have to be involved, which mainly regard the thermody-
ing on medium-carbon steel (0.45 wt.% C), implemented namics and kinetics of the metallurgical processes occur-
in the investigation of Yao et al.,[10] displayed similar ring during the process.
results. In that work, steel specimens were coated with a An example of the use of computational methods for
slurry of carbon nanotubes dissolved in alcohol and then analyzing laser carburizing is presented in Katsamas and
irradiated with a CO2 laser beam. Subsequent measure- Haidemenopoulos.[13] In that work, the possibility to
ments on the laser-treated specimens showed a maximum achieve solid-state carburizing during the short heating
microhardness of 1000–1050 HV inside the CL, whereas periods imposed by the laser beam was examined, by
the microhardness of the BM was only approximately employing computational kinetics simulation of the pro-
300 HV. cess. The simulation was performed by creating a simple
In Katsamas and Haidemenopoulos,[13] laser-beam car- model for the laser-beam carburizing process, which was
burizing of 15CrNi6 case-hardening steel specimens also then solved with the use of DICTRA (Diffusion-Con-
showed substantial increase of surface hardness. trolled TRAnsformations) software package.[24]
Microhardness values up to 900 HV were achieved, with The first step toward such simulation involves determi-
the original hardness of the material being equal to just nation of the surface temperature as a function of time. For
200 HV, i.e., more than a fourfold increase of surface this purpose, a three-dimensional finite elements model
hardness was obtained. It is interesting to note here that was developed and the thermal cycles were calculated. In
simple laser transformation-hardening experiments (i.e., the heat-transfer model, convection and radiation losses
without carburizing) in the same steel produced maximum were ignored, whereas the laser beam was simulated as a
surface microhardness of 470–500 HV, a hardening effect moving heat source.
which corresponds to the nominal carbon content of this
particular steel grade (0.15 wt.%).[23]
Laser-beam carburizing of AISI 316 stainless-steel
specimens also produced a more than twofold increase of

Carburizing—Case Depth
surface hardness.[15] Maximum microhardness values of
500 HV were measured on the surface of carburized
specimens, while the hardness of the BM was 200 HV.


As with many other metallurgical and material processes

in general, the main future prospect of laser-beam carbu-
rizing is associated with the development and application
of computational design techniques, which will enable the
a priori determination of process conditions, in order to
obtain desired case dimensions and surface hardness. Fig. 13 Plate martensite and retained austenite in the CL of the
Toward this direction, the appropriate computational tools specimen of Fig. 12.
640 Carburizing: Laser Beam

For the kinetics model, a very simple concept was

adopted, by assuming a planar, one-dimensional geomet-
rical model. The system was considered to consist of a
one-phase austenitic region. Austenitization was assumed
to take place between the Ac1 and Ac3 critical tempera-
tures. The useful time period for carburizing, which is
taken into account by the kinetics model, was considered
to be the time above the Ac3 temperature.
The diffusion of a species k in austenite is determined
by the conservation of mass:

›ck ›J k
¼ (1)
›t ›x

The fluxes Jk are given by Onsager’s extension of

Fick’s first law, which is valid for diffusion in
multicomponent (n components) systems:

Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 13:18 12 August 2016

Jk ¼  Dnkj (2)
›x Fig. 14 Calculated carbon concentration profiles, after carbu-
rizing for 0.2, 0.5, 1, and 1.5 sec.
Details on the calculation of the reduced diffusion coef-
ficient matrix Dnkj can be found in Ågren and The rate of carbon enrichment is very high and depends
Andersson.[25] This kind of calculation requires both ther- strongly, as expected, on the distance from the surface.
modynamic and kinetic data and leads to concentration- Fig. 15 shows the calculated wt.% C as a function of time
dependent diffusion coefficients. Numerical solution of for various distances from the surface. It can be realized
Eq. 1 gives the concentration profiles at every time step that carbon diffusion is very rapid. For example, at a
of the simulation. Both the diffusion coefficient and mass distance of 1 μm from the surface, the steel incorporates
conservation equation calculations are implemented in approximately 1.6 wt.% C per sec. This rate reduces down
DICTRA software. to approximately 0.2 wt.% C per sec at a distance of 10 μm
The boundary condition for carbon on the surface was from the surface.
set as a constant concentration, corresponding to the satu- Another interesting result of the simulation is shown in
ration concentration of carbon in austenite (2 wt.%): Fig. 16, where the variation of the flux of carbon atoms

cc ð0; tÞ ¼ csat
c (3)

The boundary conditions for Cr and Ni correspond to

zero-flux boundary conditions and were set, respectively, as:

¼0 (4)
›x x¼0
Carburizing—Case Depth

¼0 (5)
›x x¼0

The initial condition chosen corresponded to homoge-

neous austenite with composition 0.15C–1.65Cr–1.51Ni
(wt.%), which is the nominal composition of the steel.
Fig. 14 shows the evolution of carbon concentration
profiles at various times (0.2, 0.5, 1, and 1.5 sec). Despite
the very short carburizing time, a significant increase of
carbon content seems to take place, up to approximately
15 μm below the surface, due to solid-state carbon diffu- Fig. 15 The variation of carbon concentration with time, at
sion in austenite. different distances from the surface.
Carburizing: Laser Beam 641

carbon introduced in the steel substrate. Most com-

monly, carburized microstructures obtained by melt-
ing and resolidification of the substrate consist of
primary dendrites in a eutectic matrix. Primary den-
drites consist of either austenite or carbide, depending
on whether a hypoeutectic or hypereutectic C-content
has been achieved in the substrate, respectively.
 Significant hardness enhancement of steel surfaces can
be achieved by laser-beam carburizing, closely associ-
ated with the obtained microstructures. Surface
microhardness ranging from 500 to 1100 HV has been
achieved in a wide variety of laser-irradiated steel
grades, leading to at least a twofold hardness increase,
compared to reference material.
 Computational tools can be used for the simulation of
the process with a significant prospect for process
design and optimization. Preliminary calculations
evince the potentiality to achieve significant carburiz-
Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 13:18 12 August 2016

ing of steel substrates, even without the need to melt

Fig. 16 The flux of carbon atoms as a function of carburizing the surface and despite the very short thermal cycles
time, at various distances from the surface. associated with the process.

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