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The Catholic Church has a great power in the western countries, the beliefs and values are strongly
influenced by the religion. The political decisions and the laws are elaborated by persons with
strong Christian beliefs, imposing his beliefs on others, no matter if it is correct or not, the
euthanasia for example, remains a taboo. But when there is not a desire to live, when the conditions
of health are so poor that the quality of life is non-existent, the persons should have the right to
decide to put an end to his life.

When we speak about the right to life, we speak about a worthy life. A worthy life implies being in
full faculties, physical and mental. Over the years these powers diminish because of the oldness or
the disease, the level of deterioration is different in every person. In extreme cases, because disease
or accident, a person can lose completely these faculties, depending in this way on the care and the
family’s mercy or on a vital support. In this case it is not possible to speak about a worthy life, a life
that no one wanted to live. When one forces someone to live, when the body would die of natural
form if it wasn’t for the technology (vital support), there is violated the autonomy of the person and
the right to a worthy life. If the person wants to die and they do not allow it, they are condemning it
to suffer a hell in life.

A life that cannot be lived is not a privilege, is a punishment. When one depends totally on someone
for every physiological and hygiene aspect, when only with medicines the pain becomes tolerable,
when only it is possible to look at the ceiling and worse, when there is no cerebral activity, there is
no a worthy life. It is not a condition in which nobody wanted to be, when the body stops
answering, when the pain is unbearable. In these cases, they are not respecting the right to the life,
they are torturing. To impose beliefs on others that only look for peace, it is selfish and incorrect.
Nobody has to suffer from this form, if there is a solution.

In conclusion not only it is necessary to respect the right to life, it is necessary to respect the right to
have a worthy life and when this life stops being worthy it is necessary to respect if the person
wants to end with it, is not a question of beliefs, is a question of respect. We must respect the
decisions that the individuals take on their body, if they do not feel pleasure in the life it is not
necessary to force them to live. If one forces them to live in the already mentioned conditions, it’s
torture. To make suffer other one to feel good with the own beliefs is incorrect and inhuman.
Nobody must take the right to decide from us.

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