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INSTRUCTION: Read and understand each problem carefully.

Submit a summary of your answers together with the scanned copy (in pdf format) of your solution

SITUATION 1: An eccentrically loaded connection shown in the figure has an eccentric load of 180 kN. A
325 bolts is used with threads excluded from shear planes. Using elastic method,

1. Compute the resultant load on the most stressed bolt in the eccentrically loaded connection.
a. 118.67 kN b. 234.79 c. 312.15 d. 121.49

2. Compute the diameter of the A 325 bolts for a bearing type connection having an allowable shear
stress of 207 MPa.
a. 22 mm b. 16 c. 20 d. 28
3. Compute the shearing stress of bolt A.
a. 137.80 b. 151.25 c. 167.40 d. 160.88

SITUATION 2: A 4 meter long box steel column was formed by welding together the edges of two identical
channels (C10 x 30) whose properties are listed below.

Sidesway is prevented along its resulting weaker axis by the use of diagonal tension rods so that k = 1.0,
while sway takes place along the stronger axis so that k = 1.2.

Properties of 1-C10x30
w = 44.76 kg/m
A = 5690 mm2
bf = 77 mm
tf = 11.1 mm
d = 254 mm
tw = 17.10 mm
Ix = 42.872x106 mm4
Sx = 337.57x103 mm3
rx = 86.8 mm
Iy = 42.872x106 mm4
Sy = 337.57x103 mm3
ry = 86.8 mm

4. Compute the maximum tensile stress (MPa) in the column if it’s subjected to an axial load of 900 kN.
a. 77.66 b. 71.18 c. 79.09 d. 85.42
5. Compute the maximum bending stress (MPa) dues to a 270 kN-m moment about the stronger axis.
a. 339.91 b. 253.20 c. 299.45 d. 234.94
6. Compute the critical slenderness ratio of the column.
a. 37.80 b. 51.25 c. 10.17 d. 63.64

SITUATION 3: A 150 mm x 9 mm plate is welded using a 9 mm fillet weld as shown below. Use Fu = 414 MPa
and Fy = 258 MPa. P = 250 kN and b = 250 mm

7. What is the maximum shearing stress applied on the weld?

a. 68.67 MPa b. 84.79 MPa c. 55.64 MPa d. 71.44 MPa
8. What is the minimum value of b needed so that the maximum shearing stress based on electrode
capacity will not be exceeded?
a. 116.34 mm b. 316.34 mm c. 166.34 mm d. 83.17 mm
9. What is the required width of the plate based on the tensile capacity of the steel?
a. 186.68 mm b. 191.36 mm c. 316.19 mm d. 150.00 mm

SITUATION 4: NSCP 2001 Section 506.5 say:

For h/tw ≤ 998 / √ , on the overall depth times the web thickness, the allowable
shear stress is 0.4Fy.

For h/tw > 998 / √ , the allowable shear stress on the clear distance between the
flanges times the web thickness is

when Cv is less than 0.8
( )

√ when Cv is more than 0.8

when a/h is less than 1

( )

when a/h is more than 1

( )

tw = thickness of web, mm
h = clear distance between flanges at the section under investigation

a = clear distance between traverse stiffeners

10. Find the allowable shearing stress on effective web of an I-beam with the following properties.
d = 970 mm
tw = 15.2 mm
tf = 10 mm
b = 204 mm
Fy = 250 MPa
Distance between traverse web stiffeners = 1m.
a. 139.67 MPa b. 114.79 MPa c. 129.41MPa d. 100.00 MPa
11. Find the effective shear area in mm.
a. 10960 b. 4080 c. 15035 d. 14440
12. Find the maximum allowable shear force that the said section can handle.
a. 1868.7 kN b. 1945.7 kN c. 1418.3 kN d. 1468.7 kN

SITUATION 5. A simply supported beam has the cross-section shown in the figure. The section is W21x147
A36 steel, compact section with Fy = 248 MPa and reinforced with 12 mm x 360 mm A36 steel
plate at the top and bottom. The beam is laterally supported over the entire span of 6 m and
carries a uniformly distributed load of 360 kN/m including its own weight. The allowable
bending stress for laterally supported compact section is 0.66Fy and allowable shearing
stress is 0.4Fy. Allowable deflection is 1/360 of the span.

The properties of W21x147 are as follows:

d = 560 mm
tw = 18 mm
Ix = 1,511 x 106 mm4

12 mm x 360 mm
560 mm

13. Which of the following gives the section modulus of the section in m3?
a. 0.0076 c. 0.0054
b. 0.0095 d. 0.0058
14. Which of the following gives the maximum deflection of the beam in mm?
a. 12.1 c. 15.9
b. 13.7 d. 14.8
15. Which of the following statements is true for the given section?
a. The section is adequate for flexure only.
b. The section is adequate for shear and deflection only.
c. The section is adequate for deflection only.
d. The section is not adequate for flexure, shear, and deflection.

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