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Current Orthopaedics (1998) 12, 58-59

© 1998Harcourt Brace & Co. Ltd

Book reviews

Movement, Stability and Low Back Pain. The essen- explanatory notes gives a clear idea of the examina-
tial role of the pelvis. Editors: Andry Vlemming, Vert tion procedure being taught. As the author has
provided his own artwork, the illustrations are ele-
Mooney, Chris Snijders, Thomas Dorman, Rob
mentary but uncorrupted by artistic license. It is true
Stoeckart. Churchill Livingstone
that the best way to learn a skill such as clinical exam-
ination is not from a textbook, and for pivot shift
ISBN 0443055742 612 pages Est. Price £60.00 tests and the like this is definitely true, but there is no
other readily accessible, simple guide to the array of
Since the publication of the paper on the rupture of tests essential to the assessment of the musculoskele-
the intervertebral disc in the 1930s by Mixter and tal system.
Barr, the source for low back pain has been sought in Unfortunately there is no discussion of the value
and around the lumbar spine. Still in most cases no of any of the tests in terms of sensitivity and speci-
clear cut explanation can be given to the patient for ficity where this is known. If one were to use the book
his pain. The objective with this book is to highlight as a problem-solving tool for a clinical case there is
the role of the pelvis and especially the sacroiliac joint inadequate description of which tests are appropriate
as a generator for low back pain. Sixty-eight authors for which clinical presentation and which tests should
representing different medical professions, old clini- be grouped together in order to detect associated con-
cians as well as young researchers, have contributed to ditions. I can only assume that a personal medicolegal
the book. They are detailed at the beginning of the interest has lead the author to present his readership
book. The chapters are often based on the authors with the Taylor-Palmear scale for vibration syn-
own research, often published in recent years. dromes of the hand before mentioning injuries, infec-
The book is divided into a basic research and a tions, arthritis and tumours.
clinical section. New ideas on biomechanics and Overall, this is an excellent introduction to the
pathogenesis are introduced. Techniques for clinical examination of the musculoskeletal system for medi-
examination, imaging, conservative and surgical cal students, student physiotherapists and SilOs pur-
treatments are presented. One section deals with preg- suing a career in A&E medicine or Orthopaedics. It
nancy and low back pain. A free format and different has less to offer the Specialist Registrar in
chapters covering almost the same subject have Orthopaedics, coverage of more advanced and
resulted in some of the information being repeated. dynamic tests being inadequate in many areas.
This is not a textbook with a systematic coverage
of the subject and would not be recommended read- D. LIMB
ing for exams. Probably it is the most comprehensive
book on the role of the pelvis in low back pain, pre- The Foot, 2nd edn
senting the reader with a new hypothesis about low By Ian J Alexander
back pain, how it can be diagnosed and treated by Churchill Livingstone, 1997
world authorities in the field. The book can be recom-
mended to anyone working with patients with low
back pain. ISBN 0443076561 195 pages Price £25.00

H. JOHNSSON This is a super little book. It is aimed at those interested

in developing their clinical skills as providers of foot
and ankle care. In this it meets its objectives admirably.
The text is succinct and makes easy reading. It is
Clinical Orthopaedic Examination. Ronald McRae.
both generously and appropriately illustrated with
Churchill Livingstone, 1997
black and white line drawings. Much has been
achieved in so compact a volume.
ISBN 044306021 302 pages Price £21.00 It is, however, almost exclusively diagnostic and
thus has great value but it does not deal with the man-
Now in its fourth edition, this inexpensive book will agement of the condition which it describes. As far as
doubtless continue to attract its target audience of the orthopaedic trainee is concerned this is its main
medical students, Orthopaedic (and A & E) trainees disadvantage. Nevertheless, it is still worth a read as
and physiotherapists. The strip cartoon format with there are diagnostic pearls which would usefully


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