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Implementation of WiFiRe and rural WiMAX

M.Tech. Project First Stage Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of

Master of Technology


Janak Chandarana
Roll No: 05329R04

under the guidance of

Prof. Sridhar Iyer and Prof. Anirudha Sahoo

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

I would like to express my sincere gratitude toward my guide Prof. Sridhar Iyer
and my co-guide Prof. Anirudha Sahoo for their teaching and constant support.
I am extremely thankful to Dr. Ajay Bakre for his constant encouragement and
invaluable guidance. I thank my colleagues Jeevan and Ranjith for their insight-
ful suggestions. I also thank Intel Research and CEWiT, India for providing me
platform to work on WiMAX and WiFiRe respectively.

Janak Chandarana
IIT Bombay

Long range wireless for data and voice connectivity is being considered as viable and afford-
able solution for rural India since few years now. Numerous solutions were presented to bridge
the digital divide; WiFiRe is one of them. Here, we discuss about implementation of WiFiRe
MAC done so far and its effectiveness. We propose several improvement in design, development
and strategy used to implement WiFiRe MAC. Plan for integration of 802.11b PHY is briefly de-
scribed. We also present rural WiMAX, project at Intel Research where development of 802.16d
based WiMAX devices is in progress. In rural WiMAX, we present 5116 WiMAX chip architec-
ture, co-relation with 802.16 standard and few enhancements done by us. Some interesting open
research problem which I came across in WiFiRe and WiMAX has been presented at the end.

1 Introduction 2

2 Literature Survey 3
2.1 WiMAX scheduling, CAC and QoS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Long range WiFi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 Implementing WiMAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3 WiFiRe 7
3.1 First phase of Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Approaches and assumptions taken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3 Integrating MAC with 802.11b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.4 Implementation ahead and future plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4 Rural WiMAX 17
4.1 Problem definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2 Intel 5116 WiMAX chip - architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.3 Enhancing 5116 MAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

5 Interesting research problems in WiMAX 22

5.1 Generic Packet Convergence Sublayer (GPCS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.2 Performance Measurement in WiMAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.3 Open Base Station architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

6 Conclusion 26

References 28

Chapter 1


India is a large country with about two hundred million homes. As we have seen, cellular market
grew at right price point. Same might be the case for broadband connectivity. As described in [2],
average user can not spend more than Rs. 300 per month for Internet. There is need for affordable
and easily available devices using which broadband access can be spread to every village in India.
WiFiRe[13] presents one such solution by using cheap 802.11b chipset but modifying MAC for
longer range and better efficiency. Basic implementation of WiFiRe MAC is in progress and we
have pointed few modification in development process. Current implementation runs on NICs
and we intend to run WiFiRe MAC considering 802.11b hardware chipset by extending current
MAC. Section 3 presents integration plan with 802.11b.
We also present rural WiMAX project at Intel Research and device used for the project.
WiFiRe and rural WiMAX’s MAC design is very similar to each other and we were able to test
our code on working devices of WiMAX. We describe Intel’s 5116 WiMAX chip’s hardware
architecture and how different modules are connected with each other. While working on this
device, we have added basic scheduler, QoS and point-to-multipoint support in WiMAX chip.
Section 4 gives insight in this project. Actual WiMAX devices which we used to test new MAC
enhancement gave realistic view of networking device’s internal. We came across few interesting
problems while working for WiFiRe and rural WiMAX. Brief description of them is given in
section 5.

Chapter 2

Literature Survey

WiMAX has been interesting topic in Indian research community. We are considering work done
in WiMAX scheduling and QoS, WiMAX implementation and long range WiFi.

2.1 WiMAX scheduling, CAC and QoS

This section includes MTech projects done in WiMAX at IIT. They provide closer look at some
QoS and scheduling designs for WiMAX. QoS guarantee is claimed and separate service queues
has been proposed. This section also reminds that there is enough detailed work done in this area
and it is good time to evaluate some of these concepts in reality.

An Efficient Call Admission Control for IEEE 802.16 Networks

This paper[3] presents CAC and QoS for WiMAX services. It considers different kind of services
like UGS, rtPS, nrtPS and BE. Paper presents CAC architecture on BS and SS considering dif-
ferent QoS parameter. Bandwidth based CAC does not consider delay requirement and priority
for real time traffic. This paper adds delay into CAC’s consideration. Simulation is done using
C on Linux platform. Simulation considers lots of input parameters like maxrate, minrate, total
number of slots, nominal grant interval, jitter, polling interval etc. CAC considers all these input
parameters and takes decision based on existing data it has. The main question here is that, how
do client actually give this inputs to WiMAX CAC. 802.16 specify convergence sublayer which
deals with different upper layer protocol. This CS layer will parse TCP packets and retrieve
those service parameters. Parsing and storing them in database will take considerable amount of

time. 802.16 devices will be having small processor and limited amount of memory to use. For
VoIP kind fo traffic, it may happen that total time spent in processing this parameters may be
more than total QoS benefit received by packet (in terms of ms). To prove this fact, we can have
small performance based module which runs on actual hardware and takes few parameter into
consideration. Then we can formulate equation like: for X parameters time taken is Y. For Z pa-
rameters, what will be the processing time. Paper presents some innovative ideas about different
service queues, periodic grant generator and pseudo code to prove algorithm proposed.

An Efficient QoS Scheduling Architecture for IEEE 802.16 Wireless MANs

Paper[11] presents Efficient QoS scheduling architecture in 802.16 networks. It tires to provide
delay and bandwidth guarantee, fairness maintenance and higher bandwidth utilization. Simula-
tion is done in Qualnet and contains modules like GPSS, TDD frame, scheduling services, ag-
gregate bandwidth requests etc. All nodes are using 802.16 MAC and 802.11b PHY layer. Main
traffic is VoIP, FTP, telnet etc. This work was done just after introduction of 802.16 standards;
it was one of the very initial works in WiMAX MAC scheduling implementation. Author used
min-max fair allocation for uplink scheduling and WFQ for downlink scheduling. It introduces
MAP generator, grant generator, data classifier, scheduler and traffic shaper.

Implementation and Evaluation of a MAC Scheduling Architecture for IEEE

802.16 Wireless MANs
In this paper[10], author used WFQ for both uplink and downlinks. He simulates his proposed
algorithm using NS-2. Paper claims to provide delay bound scheduling for real-time traffic. Au-
thor consider GPC mode because he believes that connections are more important than number
of SS. NS-2 simulation with modules for TDD frame structure, GPC mode and bandwidth allo-
cation, Ranging request and type of services are described. NS-2 architecture is modified slightly
to support WiMAX modules. Results describe effect of one type of flow to other flow and choice
of correct bandwidth contention period.

2.2 Long range WiFi
802.11 based wireless is used for indoor use since last decade. It has been mainly used for home
use but never considered as option for long range or broadband access. As 802.11 based devices
became really cheap, researcher started trying to use 802.11 based RF chipset for long range
communication. WiFi based networks are important for us because WiFiRe also uses 802.11b
chipset for PHY layer.

Rethinking Wireless for the Developing World

Paper[9] describes technical and non-technical challenges associated with wireless deployment
in developing regions. Paper looks at larger scenario where they think about long wireless links,
affordable pricing model, intranet usages, traffic support etc. Authors also describe some work-
ing deployments in India, Ghana and San Francisco. WiFi-based Long Distance (WiLD) links
provides many interesting challenges like routing, interference, multi-path etc. It also describes
ACK timeouts, collisions, scheduling in Wireless links and various QoS mechanism. Overall,
paper had compiled all major issues concerned with wireless deployment in developing regions.

Turning 802.11 Inside-Outs

This is probably first paper[12] to describe long range wireless in India. Paper describes digital
divide, Indian telecom sector and cellular wireless technology in India. DGP[12] is having a
network of eight nodes and eight point-to-point links. The longest point-to-point link spans over
38km. It claims to get voice (using VoIP) and cheap Internet to villages. DGP describes various
technical challenges like PHY performance in outdoor channels, power efficiency, 802.11 MAC
issues, timeouts, contentions, routing etc. Author presents real life deployment and problems
involved in making all pieces working. Paper is highly cited in other such deployments.

2.3 Implementing WiMAX

The Design and Implementation of WiMAX Module for ns-2 Simulator

This paper[7] describes various modules of WiMAX MAC and simulates them with NS-2. They
define clear difference among CS, CPS and CAC functionality. It presents very detailed archi-

tecture for 802.16 with different modules and how they interconnect to each other. All modules
are designed in C++ and combined with NS-2. Simulation also gives very specific function def-
inition, variables etc. It also gives ranging techniques, different response and situation which
can happen in ranging etc. It also covers modulation being used and PHY parameters. Paper
was very helpful as reference in writing code. Performance evaluation is done using realistic
parameters and presents overall idea of WiMAX MAC.

Chapter 3


WiFiRe stands for WiFi Rural extension. It uses licence free 2.4 GHz spectrum and cheap
802.11b RF chipset as PHY layer. It replaces 802.11b MAC mechanisms (DCF/PCF), with long
range MAC (like 802.16[1]), keeping 802.11b PHY same. WiFiRe is a star topology - a Base
Station (BS) at the fiber Point of Presence (PoP) and Subscriber Stations (ST) in the villages
nearby with 6 directional and sectorised antennas at the System. It follows TDM frame structure
which is similar to WiMAX and GSM. WiFiRe is promoted by CEWiT, India and project is
spread across IIT Bombay, IIT Madras and IISc Bangalore.

3.1 First phase of Implementation

WiFiRe’s MAC software stack has been partially implemented at IIT Bombay [8]. This work
has been with the assumption of programmable 802.11b chipset running WiFiRe MAC on top
of it. Implementation has taken care for establishing connection, basic packet flow, MAC header
construction etc. Implementation was initially using C sockets (on layer 7). Later on, MAC
was running as programs on layer-2 and talking with NIC directly. This was done using PCAP
libraries in C language. Later on, for simplicity purposes, programs were moved back to layer-7
sockets but injecting on NIC directly this time. This (layer-7 implementation) gave opportunity
to integrate other programs with PCAP modules. Layer-2 code was not flexible as it was sending
MAC packets from BS to SS where program does not have much control on NIC’s output. The
latest C sockets works like peer to peer application and very easy to integrate with WiFiRe’s
MAC code. Simulation’s behavior and packet structure remains same in layer-2 and layer-7’s
code. It can be verified using tcpdump or ethereal filters on respective NIC.

Figure 3.1: WiFiRe MAC and 6 BSs

Along with this, basic scheduler, classifier and MAP generator were implemented for WiFiRe
uplink and downlink which will take care for incoming and outgoing packets at BS and ST. This
work was dealing with various kinds of layer-2 protocol details and took considerable amount
of time to come-up with proper design. Status of scheduler and MAP generator is still not clear.
Scheduler and classifier are invoked for every single packet. This means that, all packets will go
through same cycle even though they may be sharing common properties. This module is more
concerned about maintaining CID tables, exchange of data among different data structures and
understanding ULP’s (upper layer protocol) requirement.
Implementation of MAC is using gcc in Linux where program is running in user space. Linux
terminals with 2-3 NICs are working as BS and STs. This whole scenario gives us emulation
of actual protocol. Many network parameters (static IP, ARP cache, DNS, proxy etc.) were

kept fixed to keep design as simple as possible. In most of the cases, BS and STs were made
layer-2 device where any packet going to layer-3 or above will be ignored. For the first phase of
implementation, it is good approach but final goal as a product is the small chip running WiFiRe
MAC inside.

Figure 3.2: classifier on SS with threads

Four kinds of QoS classes are considered as per 802.16’s specification: UGS, rtPS, nrtPS and
BE. There is respective traffic pattern to match but none of them has been actually implemented.
Requesting bandwidth for new connection has DSA support but its implementation is not tested.
Traffic generators for real time data haven’t been considered as QoS support is still far away.
VoIP traffic is one of the main targets for WiFiRe’s services. WiFiRe draft has given enough

thought and precedence to VoIP traffic. Many design issues were taken keeping VoIP traffic in
mind. VoIP’s timeout and bandwidth requirement can be satisfied using current WiFiRe MAC.
BS connection with ST is having DIX based (similar to 802.3) Ethernet. This configuration
depends on NIC drivers being used, connecting media and firmware’s support for flexible frame
structure. This link is treated as wireless link of WiFiRe. As our simulation runs on Ethernet and
with PC connected directly, it can’t get total flexibility on frame structure, size, CRC etc. This
link restricts size of individual packets and mpdus as well. As of now, both BS and ST are kept
next to each other which eliminate problems of propagation delays, ranging, synchronization and
other such wireless specific issues. We also assume that some of those wireless specific issues
will be taken care by underlying hardware in actual implementation. As of now, they are ignored
for obvious reasons.
BS and STs handle packets based on two threads: OUT-THREAD and IN-THREAD (See
figure 3.2). Initially, these mechanism lead to recursive Tx and Rx calls. When program captures
packets on BS’s NIC-1 which is connected to outside world, packet get processed and given
to NIC-2. When NIC-2 tries to send packet to ST, it will be captured again and this recursive
cycle goes on. By applying ‘smart’ filters on PCAP, we can remove this recursive property. To
keep design simple, there are no shared variables or semaphores used for co-ordination among
different functions. No hardware based interrupts and triggers are supported because there is no
predefined hardware property as of now.
There are many clients connected to ST using layer-2 switch. ST is able to recognize and
treat clients differently. CID is given on per client per TCP connection basis. For example, if
client have one VoIP and one FTP connection, there will be 2 CIDs for that client. If client have
2 VoIP and 2 FTP connections running, it will get 4 CID in connection database. CS layer in
WiMAX specification takes care for different connections. Similarly, WiFiRe also keeps a pool
of CIDs in CS layer. Current CS layer can be interfaced with 802.3 based media only.

3.2 Approaches and assumptions taken

WiFiRe presents classical networking project where many of theoretical concept came into real
application and gave wide range of design options. It also represents typical software engineer-
ing problem where design, execution and review cycle comes in picture. WiFiRe draft being
initial design of protocol, implementation part considered various strategies for same problem.
WiFiRe gives opportunity to see how protocols are built with their development life cycle. Lot

of assumptions and dependencies came as implementation is spread across various groups.

Figure 3.3: MAC and dependency on PHY

WiFiRe’s implementation is based on PCAP libraries. PCAP relies on NIC and kernel’s con-
figuration heavily. Most of these properties can not be modified to make it WiFiRe compatible.
Linux kernel is assuming 802.3 based networks and sets network parameters (like frame length,
firmware property etc.) accordingly. Current BS-ST link is also Ethernet and WiFiRe MAC has
to be written keeping that (802.3) in mind. The reasons are: separation of hardware from MAC
(modularity), good design assumptions (dependency) about chip in WiFiRe draft and unavailabil-
ity of 802.11b chip. Because of this approach, we concentrated heavily on ”802.3 compatible
WiFiRe MAC”. In reality, it should not matter which physical layer will be used because once
802.11b chip is available, all 802.3 based assumption are not required. Also, current MAC runs
on PC (200MB+ RAM and 1GHz+ processing power) which doesn’t give realistic idea about

actual hardware. In actual implementation, it is very likely that there will be very small flash
memory and embedded processor running with RTOS. The alternative approach to that can be
use of network processor/chip. There are several chips available like ADMtek AN983B and In-
tel IXP465 network processor. Many RTOS (like VxWorks) gives network stacks which can be
accessed and reprogrammed based on protocol requirement.
WiFiRe’s MAC processes packets on different machine as and when required. Let’s take
an example: Client-1 is connected to ST-1 with layer-2 switch. ST-1 is connected to BS. Now,
Client-1 starts VoIP communication and send packet to ST. Here, ST takes that packet from
’normal 802.3’ interface. ST will read MAC header of packet, decides its CID and based on UL-
MAP, transmit it to next switch which is connected to directional antenna. Antenna (or memory)
will store it temporarily and transmit packet when hardware trigger is generated for ST-1. Here,
we are having two copies of each packet: at ST and at antenna. Figure 3.4 describes this problem.
Main Disadvantages are: redundancy, delay in processing, one extra hop-count, antenna’s
inability to access ST’s memory etc. Also, it doesn’t give any flexibility to change setting at the
time of transmission because we are not sharing management function with antenna’s end (like
MAP generator). The solution to the problem is to use common single memory pool used by
ST’s MAC and antenna. This process is tricky on BS part because implementing locks on single
shared memory among 6 antennas and their respective controller would be really complex.
WiFiRe’s MAC uses cross layering at several places. Few Examples: To decide new con-
nection, it tries to check new TCP SYN message. For VoIP, SIP and RTP packets are treated
as separate connections. For ARP, there are dummy replies. For QoS, it checks TCP/IP PDU
type and decides service flow. WiFiRe also assumes web proxy and DNS server running. Some
of these issues were just discussed in design and few were implemented as well. This all leads
to not just violation of classical layering approach but addition of great complexity to system.
Argument against classical layering approach is that, now a day, almost all vendors are violating
this and there is no question about data privacy.
WiFiRe classifier and CAC (which decides QoS type) recognize real time and best effort
flows. Now, when ever a new packet comes to BS or ST, classifier must be aware of TCP/UDP
structures, addressing parameters, delay requirement etc. Packet’s header will go through differ-
ent filters and several parameters will be captured from it. These parameters will serve as inputs
to classifier and CAC. This complex CAC and classifier[3] will take significant amount of time
to give output and then packet will be processed further. This processing delay is not desirable
for VoIP packet which has very stringent latency requirements. All cross layer assumptions are

Figure 3.4: data stored in shared memory

invalid if packet is encrypted. Further details are given in Section 5.2.

WiFiRe design is very much similar to WiMAX which has several advantages. Each design
and implementation decision can be compared with WiMAX’s current status. Mistakes done by
WiMAX will not be repeated in case of WiFiRe (like complex and expensive SS). Both have
similar layering approach. Modularity and abstraction in those layers is also same. WiMAX is
closely ’talking’ with hardware while WiFiRe will keep modular approach and ’minimum talk’
with hardware. This design decision was very helpful to keep software MAC in developing state
and not worrying about hardware.
There are few more debatable things like fixed slot size, PHY overhead, header compressions,
VoIP codec, total capacity of system etc. But, first iteration of implementation was supposed to
be simple and basic working demo. It had gone in right direction. We will try to accommodate
above critics in next phase of implementation.

3.3 Integrating MAC with 802.11b
WiMAX PHY is using OFDM modulation (or similar higher modulation technique) which en-
ables higher bandwidth and long distance communication. It also assumes MIMO antennas in
some cases. This PHY will be taking instructions from MAC about what to transmit and receive.
BS and SS usually will have same PHY but BS will be having complex MAC running on top
of PHY. In case of WiMAX, all the modules (MAC, RF, antenna, modem, and memory) are
in same ’box’. Everything is closely coupled with each other and they exchange configuration
parameters with each other. There is sophisticated way to communicate among these modules.
For example, memory has driver and interface through which we can store/retrieve data to/from
buffer. In disadvantages, WiMAX MAC has to be PHY aware. This means that, MAC has to
implement functionality which takes configuration parameters from PHY. MAC behavior also
changes based on hardware changes. Hardware based triggers has to be supported.
In current WiFiRe implementation plan, WiFiRe MAC and PHY are separate from each
other (figure 3.1). They are connected to each other using RJ45 cable(s). Current hardware
keeps 6 different MAC address for 6 BSs. WiFiRe frames will be sent to them with ’dst’ field
as that particular BS’s MAC address. Frame structure and slot sizes are fixed. It helps PHY
to understand its data easily. There will be centralized module which will instruct all 6 BSs to
coordinate with each other and send/receive data as and when required.
Meta frame will be sent to BS and SS from MAC. This MAC might be running in PC or
small embedded device. It will be also having fixed entry for all 6 BS’s PHY capabilities and
IP/layer-2 address. This Meta frame will be parsed by PHY device, divided according to their
destination and then each BS will transmit it using its direction antenna. Meta frame expectation
from this hardware gives lot of flexibility to MAC. It can be designed independently on different
platform and PHY parameters (delay in synchronization, hardware triggers, memory access time
etc.) can be ignored.
First phase of implementation was not taking care of any functions related to hardware. Fur-
ther implementation will definitely need hardware’s input which will be used to configure MAC
accordingly. MAC need to be aware of frame structure, total bytes which can be sent, PHY over-
head, coding scheme being used, STC burst enabled or not, transmission error if any. It should
also give interface where we can specify which PDUs are to be received at what time. MAC may
need maximum PDU size supported.

3.4 Implementation ahead and future plan
WiFiRe’s implementation will be taking hardware into consideration now. It might include net-
work processors, flash memory and programming with hardware requirements. Basic design
remains same because hardware will still expect same Meta frame from MAC. If MAC is send-
ing frame in correct format and if MAC is parsing received frame correctly, WiFiRe MAC will
be in total working condition. Small term goal and incremental development will help WiFiRe to
get targets in neatly fashion. Following are the modules which are supposed to be implemented
(in order of priority)

• CID and connection table

• MAP generator

• MAP parsers

• Tx thread and Tx functions for NIC and other network devices

• Rx thread and Rx functions for NIC and other network devices

• Meta frame generator and parser

• Classifier for incoming and outgoing packets

• Scheduler at packet and flow level

• QoS support for real time services

• Ranging for SS

• Contention slots

Following are the functions which are not to be implemented by WiFiRe MAC. There can be
additional modules that will provide these functions and WiFiRe may directly use them.

• ULP parsers

• VoIP header compression

• Combining SIP and RTP in single CID.

We also believe that current BS and SS architecture are such that, BS and SS have almost
same capabilities. They run almost same MAC with similar RF capacity. Current WiMAX trends
suggest that BS are made very complex (and costly) while SS are made as simple as possible (and
cheap). SS are made like dumb layer-2 device. It should have low power requirement, negligible
intelligence, small size and affordable cost sharing model.

Chapter 4

Rural WiMAX

4.1 Problem definition

802.16d standard is a fixed broadband wireless access mainly intended for BS to SS communi-
cation. Newly introduced 802.16e standard (which supports mobility and many other features)
has been dominant for a while now. WiMAX forum (www.wimaxforum.org) is one of the main
supporters of 802.16e. This new standard will allow individual users to directly connect with
Base Station and will speed up the process of adaptation. 802.16e expects users to have WiMAX
card in their laptops and other devices. As this is newly introduced protocol, current cost of such
card is very high.
If we observe Indian rural setting, it is very unlikely that users will be using those devices for
personal use. As described in [6], cost sharing and society running internet access looks much
viable option. We expect one or two kiosk every village which might be running community
network inside village. For this kiosk, 802.16d based wireless broadband access makes more
affordable and feasible option. Currently all major WiMAX devices developed are 802.16e com-
patible and supports 802.16d as backward capability. Cost of such devices is still high in US
and European market. We believe that development of 802.16d based devices will drive BWA
adoption in India much faster. GSM, CDMA and other mobile operator may not appose 802.16d
because it is not in direct competition with mobile market. License from government to oper-
ate and correct business model support for its commercial deployment will allow operators to
introduce WiMAX in India.

4.2 Intel 5116 WiMAX chip - architecture
Intel’s 5116 WiMAX chip [4] is 802.16-2004 compliant mainly intended for development of
cost-effective CPE. It can be combined with third party RFIC and ODMs. It includes reference
drivers for radio, Ethernet, TDM devices and modem APIs. It supports TDD and FDD mode
with BPSK, QPSK and QAM modulations. PHY can give SNR and RSSI as feedback to upper
layer. It has Dual-core ARM engine for PHY, MAC and protocol processing. It supports AES
and DES security standards. It has 802.3 Ethernet MAC embedded with MII interface. It has
TDM application support with RJ11 interface. It also has SDRAM and flash memory for storage.

Figure 4.1: 5116 Architecture

5116’s MAC is designed from 802.16d MAC recommendation. All the important functions
for ’basic working prototype’ are present in current code. It also follows layering approach
described by 802.16 groups. Just like 802.16d, it has convergence sublayer (CS), common part
sub layer (CPS) and lower layer MAC. CS deals with different CIDs and connection database. It
also interacts with Ethernet driver to send and receive packets. Client connected with BS or SS
by RJ45 connector will send and receive packet to Ethernet and driver.
CPS contains functions for MAP construction and parsing, Rx and Tx thread and LLM inter-
action. LLM actually talks with modem to transmit and receive data. There are few other drivers
for Ethernet and memory buffers.

Figure 4.2: 802.1Q VLAN packet format

4.3 Enhancing 5116 MAC

5116 has point to point support and provides extension for PMP mode as well. 802.16d does not
define scheduler, CID database and classifier design. These design decision are left for vendor-
specific implementation. Currently, there is no QoS support in 5116 chip. We do not have licence
for WiMAX frequency (even for testing) because of government regulations. 5116 chip is not
tested for point-to-multipoint and may give surprising results. We have added basic Scheduler
and Classifier in WiMAX MAC. We assume layer-2 frame and no cross layering policy here.
The main reasons for that are data privacy, service provider’s regulations, pricing models and
simpler design. Classifier and QoS is described in figure 4.3 and 4.4.

Figure 4.3: QoS using 802.1Q
Figure 4.4: classifier on SS
Chapter 5

Interesting research problems in WiMAX

While working for WiFiRe and rural WiMAX, We came across some problems which are not
described in 802.16 recommendation. Although, there is active work going on in this direction.
Some of these are open research problem and can be explored if time permits.

5.1 Generic Packet Convergence Sublayer (GPCS)

It is difficult for the industry to accept a set of 802.16 convergence sublayers that all devices
must implement to be called ’WiMAX compliant’. For example, if Ethernet CS, why should a
phone have to implement Ethernet frame formats? Why device need to participate in IP address
assignment, IP mobility, and tunneling, etc if its 802.16d ST? And if a vendor implements a
proprietary upper layer protocol, how can its 802.16 layer are tested to be compliant? GPCS
[5] suggests that a generic packet convergence sub layer can help 802.16 CS by simplifying a
’compatibility’ that is independent of the upper layer protocol.
The 802.16 convergence sublayers do not define the capability for multiple upper layer pro-
tocols to transport the SDUs on a single 802.16 connection. A connection ID (CID) is a valuable
resource in both base stations and subscriber stations. An 802.16 system should not be forced to
open a different CID for each upper layer protocol if packets for upper layer protocols have the
same QoS requirements (802.16 scheduling service types). The generic convergence sublayer
provides a simple way to transport multiple protocols over a single 802.16 connection. In the
current 802.16 specification, address-based classification rules define how data packets of differ-
ent users are mapped to different CIDs, so that the differentiated QoS and/or security provisions
can be provided. The address-based classification rules require the current 802.16 convergence

Figure 5.1: different CS and GPCS

sublayer to maintain the mapping information between upper-protocol-defined addresses (e.g.,

IP or Ethernet) and CIDs. This ultimately forces 802.16 CS to implement some upper layer
functions. For example, the IPv4 CS at BS maintains a mapping state for IP addresses to CIDs.
Whenever there is a change in IP addresses, the mapping state needs to be updated. In non-
802.16 systems and protocol stacks, upper layer address assignment and mapping to link layer
entities is typically part of a routing function at the network layer and not at MAC.
GPCS is equally important in case of WiFiRe as well. WiFiRe considers 802.3 based network
for external connectivity. [6] describes intra-village connectivity and how it can be incorporated
with WiFiRe. WiFiRe SS can be connected with 802.11 based access point. In that case, we
may need to have CS which ’knows’ 802.11. For voice connectivity, if we have RJ11 based
network connecting to SS with TDM then we need this CS as well. 802.16e network has much
wider range of clients. Beside normal SS, we can have laptop, mobile handset and other small
devices which may use WiMAX. This all devices are having different usage and requirements
(like mobility, security, QoS etc.). These devices may not want to implement CSs which are not

5.2 Performance Measurement in WiMAX
There is large possibility to have good performance evaluation based simulations in WiMAX.
Here, we have listed some of them with their possible outputs.
WiMAX provide four different kinds of services: UGS, rtPS, nrtPS and BE. As we have
described above in literature survey section, most of them recommend having different queue
for different priority traffic. At the time of Tx, those queues will be appended one after another
and then transmitted as a single PDU. This means that when ever we get a packet from Ethernet,
it will be processed by CS and identified according to its service requirement. Then CPS will
send them in different queue instead of FIFO. We argue that this process requires much higher
processing time and may not provide significant QoS improvement. As we have seen so far,
WiMAX frame is usually 10 ms. Considering 2:1 ratio for DL to UL, we get approximately 6
ms for DL. Now, putting UGS queue ahead of rtPS will give it advantage of 1-2 ms. Also note
that, UGS is periodic request and doesn’t get affected by re-arrangement of packets in priority
sequence. To prove these results, one can setup small test bed and have fixed traffic of VoIP, FTP
and HTTP.
WiMAX and WiFiRe currently support GPC based connections. WiMAX also prescribes
GPSS mode for simpler design. There can be hybrid model which gives connection based on
service flow. It means that each SS will have 3-4 different connection and there would be no
more differences within that flow. It would be interesting to see that if we provide GPC based
connection, what would be the table lookup time in CID database, classifier, header generation
etc. It will be interesting to see that what the advantages of GPC mode against GPSF mode are.
There are few more interesting questions on traditional WiMAX settings like software-hardware
coupling, complex scheduler, pending queues, VoIP header compression etc. If explored with re-
alistic setting and environments, we may get surprising results.

5.3 Open Base Station architecture

An open base-station architecture[14] allows manufacturers to focus their research and devel-
opment efforts on their core competencies. They also can buy selected base-station modules
from each other and other specialist module vendors. These aspects will result in faster devel-
opment of innovative, cost-effective base stations. They also will result in earlier and lower-cost
introductions of new technologies and services to network operators. It supports different ac-

cess technologies such as GSM/EDGE, CDMA2000, WCDMA and IEEE802.16/WiMAX. It has
common operational and management interface. OBSAI is common forum joined by all major
telecom companies. OBSAI allows multiple concurrent operation of air interface as well. It has
different plane for control and user data. This problem is interesting because WiFiRe’s one of the
major cost is tower itself. If we can use existing tower (at least in urban area) of GSM or CDMA,
spreading WiFiRe/WiMAX would be much easier. Here, we are not just sharing physical space
but most of the common blocks are shared if we have more than one air interfaces. The OBSAI
organization consists of more than 130 component, module and base station vendors. OBSAI
specifications allow module vendors to manufacture modules that are capable of operating in
any OBSAI-compatible BTS, thereby reducing substantially the development effort and costs
involved in the introduction of a new range of BTS products. One more similarity with WiFiRe
is that, OBSAI recommends RF components are to be kept remote from other modules. This
means that RF module will take care for all Tx and Rx for GSM, WiMAX etc. and remaining
software system will take care for operational and management functions.

Chapter 6


WiFiRe design is very much similar to other WiMAX deployment which we came across. Mod-
ularity given to MAC was great benefit as it helped development of WiFiRe MAC in absence of
802.11 PHY devices. WiFiRe’s basic working prototype is the most important task ahead. We
would like to use experience gained working for rural WiMAX in Integration of 802.11b chipset
with WiFiRe MAC. We also feel that if we ignore client’s ULP, we can make our system much
simpler and efficient. For this purpose, additional modules can be developed to support WiFiRe
MAC but they should not be written as part of MAC itself. Integration with 802.11b chipset
requires frame construction in MAC with predefined structure which can be easily parsed. Inte-
gration with chipset will provide interesting wireless specific problems which we may not have


[1] IEEE Std 802.16-2004. IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16:
Air Interface for Fixed BroadbandWireless Access Systems. 2004.

[2] Ashok Jhunjhunwala Bhaskar Ramamurthi, Anand Kannan. Interim 3.5G broadband wire-
less system for India: Framework, requirement, performance needs. CEWiT, 2005.

[3] Sarat Chandra. An Efficient Call Admission Control for IEEE 802.16 Networks. MTech
Technical report, IIT Bombay, 2006.

[4] Intel Corporation. Intel PRO/Wireless 5116 Broadband Interface.

http://www.intel.com/network/connectivity/products/wireless/307327.pdf, 2007.

[5] IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless AccessWorking Group. GPCS for Supporting Multiple
Protocols over 802.16 Air Interface. 2006.

[6] J Chandarana, Sravana K, S Perur, R Rangarajan, S Sahasrabuddhe and S Iyer . VoIP-

based Intra-village Teleconnectivity: An Architecture and Case Study. WiSARD, Com-
sware, 2007.

[7] J Chen, CC Wang, F Chee-Da Tsai, CW Chang and SS Liu. The Design and Implementation
of WiMAX Module for ns-2 Simulator. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series;
Vol. 202, 2006.

[8] Sameer Kurkure. Design and Implementation of WiFiRE MAC Layer Protocol. MTech
Technical report, IIT Bombay, 2007.

[9] Lakshminarayan Subramanian, Sonesh Surana and Eric Brewer . Rethinking Wireless for
the Developing World. Hot Topics in Networks, 2006.

[10] Abhishek Maheshwari. Implementation and Evaluation of a MAC Scheduling Architecture
for IEEE 802.16 WirelessMANs. MTech Technical report, IIT Kanpur, 2006.

[11] Supriya Maheshwari. An Efficient QoS Scheduling Architecture for IEEE 802.16Wireless
MANs. MTech Technical report, IIT Bombay, 2005.

[12] D Sanghi P Bhagwat, B Raman. Turning 802.11 Inside-Outs. ACM SIGCOMM Computer
Communication Review, 2004.

[13] Sridhar Iyer, Krishna Paul, Anurag Kumar, Bhaskar Ramamurthy. WiFiRe: Medium Ac-
cess Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications. CEWiT, India, 2006.

[14] OBSAI technical working group. Open base-station architecture initiatives: BTS system
refrence, Version 2.0 . 2006.


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