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Willie Rahkeed Warren

Christian Marty English instructor
English Composition
Nov. 1,2019
Some Lessons from the assembly line
The reading I chose for my writing is “Some lessons from an assembly line” Andrew

Braaksma(2005).The reading of writing helped me understand what efforts to make a possibility

of work. From the writing I understand that the person in this wanted to achieve something. This

individual had a great hope that they would be capable of success. This was apparent from the

start of reading. The passage the person “knew it would become long hours”, but he had a mental

strength from within. He knew this was possible to be a success. This compulsion was the basis

of the writing and it was inspiring to know about. The worker would have success in endeavors

that mental focus and maturity needed. He worked long hours but did not bring anything but

whole pursuance of what needed to be done. This necessitates in making something for

achievement. I believe the purpose of this material was to understand that hard work is apparent

for life goals. There needs to be a part of your life that you can work focusing on structure life

pertains to and have those capabilities to succeed in this. The individual learned it took this hard

work. Then realized that compiled with that you had to focus on what your specifics you can

accomplish. Like what your more efficient at. I think this is done through learning more about

yourself and the pursuit of being successful. There is a point in reading that the writing has been

explained that the worker has twelve hours shifts. This is what is needed for the inspiration to

succeed. He knew in life it took longer hours for accomplishment applied to success. Another

key point was that the worker had been to college and intended for personal success. The belief

that his friends are doing well made this individual want success. In compellingly amounts of

time the person knew you had to do something to have success. This is his thinking. Supporting

this guidance Andrew wrote “many people pass their lives in the places I briefly work, spending

30 years where I spend only two months at a time”. In reading about the efforts the person took, I

believe that the audience is inspired. To someone reading this writer, a person looking for

inspiration that intends on going through a way to pursue success in life. The writer explained

that the worker had a great amount of work to be done and there was something that he needed to

find out. This probably would lead a reader to know more than Intuition that was responsible for

having what people get when they have resources. Reading, I connected that these characteristics

are responsible for having something. This is done through the process of contemplating what’s

needs to be done.the college student learned the value of doing the best he could to accomplish

his goals. The reading material had a purpose and Andrew elaborated on this throughout essay.

To understanding being proficient in maturity, I believe that Andrew linked to the cycle of


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