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Book Response Form

Book Title : Dracula

Author : Bram Stocker
Publisher : gutenberg
Date Published : Nothing i took this story from ‘english novel books-offline Number of pages : -
Genre : quintessential tale of suspense and horror

Why did you decide to read this book ?

 Because I’m always interested about story of quintessential tale suspense

Were you glad that you decided to read it ?

 I am very happy, altough aometimes confusion with the content because use english
language. But this drains my thinking about the sentence used it still looks so abstract.

Why did you like best about this book ?

 This book is very confusing and makes me think to understand it

What did you like least ?

 Carried out the story

Would you recomend this book to a friend ?

 Yes, i would. Because this book really trains language and way of thinking

On a scale of 1-10, how difficult was this book for you ? why ?
 The rating is 7/10. Because the sentence used it still looks so abstract

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