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pregnancy defined as >42 weeks has merit, in that it represents a

Prolonged pregnancy statistically outlying phenomenon (by the same logic that small
for gestational age fetuses are defined as those below the 10th
Nicholas Walker centile of the range of distribution).
Jia Hwa Gan Post-maturity syndrome, by contrast, describes a neonatal
clinical syndrome of features identified at delivery. Such features
include little or absent vernix and lanugo, wasting of intra-
abdominal fat, skin changes such as wrinkling or peeling, and
meconium staining of the cutis and nails. Post-maturity syn-
Prolonged pregnancy is defined by duration greater than 294 days
drome may rarely be seen in apparently term neonates, and has
from the last menstrual period, or equivalent gestational age calcu-
been observed to occur in around 10% of gestations between 41
lated by ultrasonic fetal biometry. The latter is a more accurate method
for establishing the diagnosis. The specific causes of prolonged preg-
and 42 weeks, steadily increasing to around 33% at 43 weeks.
nancy are unknown, but identified risk factors are nulliparity, increased
maternal weight, and previous history of prolonged pregnancy. Pro- Incidence
longed pregnancy is associated with obstetrical and neonatal adverse Prolonged pregnancy has reported incidences ranging from 4 to
outcomes, and the risks appear to increase along a spectrum with the 18%, depending on the definition used. A useful benchmark
degree of prolongation. Prolonged pregnancy may be avoided by in- figure is an incidence rate of 10%, which equally fits into the
terventions to cause delivery prior to 294 days gestation, including notion that prolonged pregnancy represents, in most cases, a
complementary therapies, labour induction, or caesarean section. statistical deviation of a range of gestation length. The incidence
The risks of these interventions must be considered in the context of of prolonged pregnancy appears to be reducing over time, which
the low absolute risks of prolonged pregnancy. There remains no clear is likely to be in part due to increased obstetric intervention rates
evidence of benefit in these strategies from well-designed prospective in healthcare systems where such data are collected. These
studies. However, retrospective studies have shown reduced perinatal increased intervention rates are themselves due to increasing
problems when methods to avoid prolonged pregnancy have been uti- rates of advanced maternal age among nulliparous women, with
lized. In addition to consideration of risks, decision-making in cases of the attendant increased risks of hypertensive disorders, diabetes
prolonged pregnancy must also take into account healthcare re- and fetal growth abnormalities. More widespread use of early
sources and maternal wishes. pregnancy ultrasound has also probably contributed to the
Keywords fetal surveillance; induction of labour; post-maturity reducing rates of prolonged pregnancy.
syndrome; post-term pregnancy; prolonged pregnancy
Calculation of gestational age

Definition In order to correctly diagnose prolonged pregnancy, it is critical

to have an established estimated due date (EDD). It is now well
The frequently-used terms ‘post-term’, ‘post-dates’ and ‘pro- established that first trimester ultrasound is the most accurate
longed’ pregnancy are not universally understood to have the method for determining gestational age and therefore the EDD.
same meaning. The general concept underlying these terms is to Ultrasound is widely available in most developed countries and
denote a pregnancy that has passed a point in time beyond which the techniques to assess gestational age by either gestational sac
is considered too long. In actual terms, this point is thought by diameter, fetal crown rump length (CRL) or biparietal diameter
various authorities to range from 41 to 43 weeks (287e301 days). (BPD) are easily learned. Even when the date of the last men-
As one example, the International Federation of Gynaecology strual period is known, an ultrasound may demonstrate a
and Obstetrics (FIGO) defines it as more than 42 completed significantly different EDD because of inherent variations in the
weeks (294 days) from the last menstrual period. The original follicular phase of the ovarian cycle, even in women with regular
idea that 42 weeks was a point of significance appears to have menses. Another potential confounding factor is the occurrence
originated in a Swedish study published in 1956, which of first trimester bleeding, which may be mistaken for menstru-
demonstrated sharp increases in perinatal mortality after this ation, thus underestimating the EDD when pregnancy is subse-
length of gestation. In the modern and more practical context, quently diagnosed. Ultrasound is also the only reasonable way of
most studies examining interventions for managing prolonged calculating the EDD of a pregnancy when the last menstrual
pregnancy use 41e42 weeks. >From an epidemiological period is unsure or unknown. Since up to half of all pregnancies
perspective, it is recognized that around five to ten percent of may be unplanned and unexpected, ultrasound is an important
pregnancies will be of 42 weeks’ duration. Thus, prolonged investigation for both the accurate diagnosis of prolonged preg-
nancy, and the avoidance of unnecessary interventions. This is
reflected in the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)
recommendations, which state that all pregnant patients should
Nicholas Walker MBChB FRANZCOG is a Consultant Obstetrician and be offered an ultrasound between 10 and 13 weeks’ gestation.
Gynaecologist at Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.
Conflicts of interest: none declared.
Risk factors
Jia Hwa Gan MBChB DipOMG is a Trainee Registrar in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology at Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand. The most consistently observed risk factors for prolonged preg-
Conflicts of interest: none declared. nancy include nulliparity, maternal body mass index (BMI) >25


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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

kg/m2, male fetal gender, and previous history of prolonged numerous and incompletely understood chemical and mechani-
pregnancy. In relation to the final factor, it is noteworthy and cal changes necessary for the initiation of labour. Evidence
biologically interesting that if a woman experiences a prolonged supporting this theory may be inferred from the fact that suc-
pregnancy with one partner, the recurrence rate is 20%, but in cessful labour induction in post-term pregnancies is strongly
the case of a new partner, the recurrence risk falls to 15%. The linked with the cervical Bishops score, a composite measure of
same study also found that if the first birth is term, only 7.7% of cervical characteristics and the relationship of the fetal head to
subsequent pregnancies were post-term. In addition, if the the maternal pelvis.
woman’s first pregnancy was not prolonged, changing paternity Risks associated with prolonged pregnancy can be divided
did not change the risk that subsequent pregnancy would be into complications for the mother and baby. The fetal compli-
prolonged also. This observation may indicate a paternally cations are well described, but the pathophysiological mecha-
derived genetic influence on gestational length that should be of nisms underlying them remain obscure. Consistent increases in
interest for further research. risk are seen for the following conditions, along a spectrum that
increases as the gestational age increases:
Aetiology, pathophysiology, and clinical risks  Macrosomia with traumatic injury
A useful way of considering prolonged pregnancy is to question
 Intrapartum asphyxia with sequelae
why labour has not yet begun. Prolonged pregnancies are likely
 Meconium aspiration
to represent a final point arrived at by several different aetio-
 Neonatal death
logical mechanisms. The foremost to consider is that the preg-
Macrosomia occurs when fetal growth continues unchecked by
nancy may be falsely prolonged due to an error of miscalculation
the normal timing of labour and delivery. Stillbirth may be due to
of the EDD, due to an absence of an ultrasound scan or perhaps a
placental insufficiency or dysfunction, with resultant impaired gas
human error in calculation. In the case of a certain EDD, it is
exchange to the fetus. Stillbirth may also simply be a matter of
thought likely by many experts that prolonged pregnancy simply
statistical probability, as a prolonged pregnancy allows a longer
represents an expected statistical phenomenon inherent in the
timeframe for the events leading to stillbirth to occur. Both
variability exhibited by biological systems in general. Potential
placental insufficiency and macrosomia are linked to intrapartum
examples of such biologic variability could include any number
asphyxia, with the common sequelae being meconium aspiration,
of unknown or known processes that are involved in the onset
hypoxic neonatal encephalopathy, neonatal seizures, and in the
and establishment of spontaneous labour. The number and
most severe forms of the aforementioned, neonatal death.
sensitivity of myometrial oxytocin receptors is known to increase
The maternal complications of prolonged pregnancy are
during the final stages of pregnancy, and these may differ in
linked closely with the fetal risks:
prolonged pregnancy. Cervical prostaglandin production may be
 Labour dystocia
delayed also in prolonged pregnancy. The development of
 Genital tract trauma
intermyometrial neurochemical and physical connections,
 Caesarean section
necessary for efficient uterine contractility, is known to be rela-
 Post-partum haemorrhage
tively immature in nulliparous women when compared to parous
women, which may in part explain the increased risk of pro-
The first two points follow from fetuses who are either mac-
longed pregnancy observed in nulliparae.
rosomic or have failed to properly negotiate the maternal pelvis,
More specifically, a failure of labour initiation may due to
or both. The risk of caesarean section is increased due to these
known pathological states affecting the maternal fetal unit. X-
reasons, in addition to the possible co-existent fetal problems
linked icthyosis is a condition characterized by deficiency in
outlined above.
placental steroid sulfatase enzymes, which has the effect of
causing abnormally low levels of oestrogen in affected male fe-
tuses. As the onset of labour is initiated in part by the fetus, this
steroid hormone imbalance can cause pregnancy prolongation. In the management of a prolonged pregnancy, the first and
Major abnormalities of the fetal central nervous or endocrine foremost step is to ensure the correct diagnosis by establishing
systems, such as anencephaly and adrenal hypoplasia, are also and double-checking the EDD, and the method by which it was
associated with prolonged pregnancy, probably by a similar but derived. The established margins of error for any ultrasound
as yet unknown underlying mechanism. It is suspected that more scans should be used to interpret the supposed EDD, that is: 7
minor, undefined fetal genetic variations may also influence the days for scans prior to 20 weeks’ gestation; 14 days for scans
onset of labour, though these have also not yet been elucidated. between 20 and 30 weeks; 21 days for scans >30 weeks.
Related to this is the observation that in the setting of prolonged If prolonged pregnancy is confirmed, the next step is to rule
or post-term pregnancy, male fetal gender confers a higher risk of out any obstetric complications that would indicate planned de-
unsuccessful labour induction. livery. Examples of this situation can be divided along the lines
Prolonged pregnancy is also noted to be associated with of maternal conditions and fetal conditions. Such maternal con-
cephalopelvic disproportion. It may be that this association is ditions would commonly include hypertensive disorders and
causative, since if the fetal head does not engage and enter the diabetes. Fetal indications for delivery include prelabour
maternal pelvis, there is reduced physical pressure and disten- amniorrhexis, and suspected fetal compromise. This may be
tion of the lower uterine segment and cervix, with a resultant evidenced by oligohydramnios, reduced fetal movements,
reduction in cervical dilation, prostaglandin formation, and other growth restriction or abnormal fetal cardiotocography.


Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en University Foundation Juan N Corpas de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en mayo 15, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

In addition, the wishes of the patient and her family should be benefits of this approach are too long to detail in this essay, but
taken into account. There are two options to present to the pa- key clinical information which may favour a planned caesarean
tient: planned delivery or expectant management. In modern delivery include a history of previous caesarean delivery, breech
healthcare, the ethical principles of patient autonomy, benefi- presentation, fetal macrosomia, unfavourable cervix, and pro-
cence, non-malifecence and justice may be used to guide profes- jected future childbearing plans. An example of a case where
sional conduct when managing prolonged pregnancy. To address caesarean section might be the preferred mode of delivery offered
these principles individually, firstly one considers patient auton- could be a 42 year old patient with a macrosomic fetus, an
omy. Patients must have the right to accept or decline manage- unfavourable cervix, and with no plans for future childbearing
ment options for themselves, and, in the case of pregnancy, their beyond the index pregnancy. Each case should be carefully
unborn children. They must be allowed sufficient time and sup- considered, and medical staff should aim to individualize care to
port to consider these options and they must be given informa- suit the patient, her family, and the obstetric unit.
tion, including beneficial or detrimental evidence for such
options, in a form and manner which they are able to understand. Expectant management
Patient autonomy is so important that even when a patient’s de-
cision conflicts strongly with best available evidence they must be Women who accept or wish to undergo expectant management
allowed to make that choice for themselves. In the case of pro- should be supported in their decision. They should be advised
longed pregnancy, the risks of expectant management are not that there is no evidence for fetal surveillance as a safeguard
high, equating for example to an increased risk of stillbirth of against adverse outcome. If the patient wishes to undergo
approximately 3e5 per 1000 (0.3e0.5%). Secondly, the ethical spontaneous onset of labour rather than formal induction of la-
principle of beneficence and its related negative form of non- bour, an offer should be made to perform membrane sweeping.
maleficence imply that medical staff should provide manage- This is a digital cervico-vaginal examination that disrupts the
ment options that both improve outcomes and cause no harm. In interface between the fetal membranes and the lower uterine
the case of planned delivery to avoid prolonged pregnancy, there segment, helping to initiate the biological cascade that leads to
is certainly improved neonatal outcomes: the risk of stillbirth is labour. It is the only proven non-pharmacological method of
avoided. Furthermore, there is no significant increase in maternal reducing the risk of prolonged pregnancy, and reducing the risk
morbidity, as most studies do not demonstrate an increase in the that formal labour induction will be required.
risk of caesarean section with planned delivery. Finally, If the patient wishes to undergo expectant management, the
addressing the ethical principle of justice, management options option of the following surveillance strategies can be proffered,
must take into account the ‘bigger picture’ with respect to fair however, the lack of certain benefit behind each must also be
allocation of health resources. Prolonged pregnancies make up a explained to aid her decision-making.
small burden (10%) of obstetric problems. The methods to
Amniotic fluid volume
manage prolonged pregnancy are already incorporated into
Oligohydramnios is usually viewed as a surrogate marker for
routine obstetric practice, i.e. planned delivery (by labour in-
reduced placental efficiency, though the true mechanisms of
duction or caesarean section) and maternal and fetal surveillance.
amniotic fluid regulation remain poorly understood. With
Utilizing either option must account for the opportunity costs
diminishing placental function, there is selective perfusion of the
incurred through such action. In resource-limited settings, pro-
brain and heart at the expense of other organs, including the
longed pregnancy - with its low overall risks - may feature as a
kidneys. As fetal urine production contributes significantly to
lower priority compared to other higher risk obstetrical problems.
amount of amniotic fluid, a reduction in blood flow to the kid-
neys will decrease urine production and therefore overall amni-
Planned delivery
otic fluid volume. Oligohydramnios complicates pregnancy by
If the woman and her family accept planned delivery as the increasing the risk and severity of umbilical cord compression in
means to manage prolonged pregnancy, the next step is to decide labour and increasing the viscosity and concentrations of any
on the mode of delivery. meconium that is present within the amniotic fluid.
Induction of labour tends to be the default option offered in There is still controversy around the definition for oligohy-
many obstetric units, the details of which are described by an dramnios. Some definitions arbitrarily use an amniotic fluid
institutional protocol that may involve admission to hospital, index (AFI) of <5 cm. Others define it as less than the fifth
cervical preparation with mechanical or pharmacological agents, percentile for the gestational age. The AFI is derived from the
then amniotomy and oxytocin infusion as required. Cervical sum total of four measured pockets amniotic fluid measured in
preparation aims to improve the success of labour induction, and each uterine quadrant with the ultrasound probe perpendicular
where cervical preparation is inadequate, the odds of failed la- to the abdominal wall. An alternative measurement is the
bour induction are increased. Women should be advised that ‘Maximal vertical pocket depth’ (MVPD), which is a single value
cervical preparation may take 24e72 hours, which further pro- assigned to the deepest pocket of fluid seen on ultrasound scan.
longs the pregnancy. Amniotomy is useful for noting the pres- An appropriate cut-off for a normal MVPD may be 2.7 cm, which
ence or absence of meconium staining, but is known to increase has a sensitivity of 50% and specificity of 89.7%. The only
the risk of intrapartum umbilical cord compression and resultant randomized trial comparing the use of MVPD and AFI did not
fetal heart rate abnormalities on CTG. show a difference in perinatal outcomes, but did show an in-
Patients should also be given the opportunity to discuss crease in obstetric intervention rates in those patients in whom
caesarean section as a planned mode of delivery. The risks and AFI was used.


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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Biophysical profile  Fetal kick count chart

The biophysical profile (BPP) is a composite score based on an  Non stress test (cardiotocograph)
ultrasound assessment of the fetus and a non-stress test (car-  Contraction stress test
diotocograph or CTG). The ultrasound component consists of  Ultrasound estimation of amniotic fluid
evaluation of fetal tone, movements, breathing and quantifi-  Biophysical profile
cation of amniotic fluid. Each variable is scored 0 or 2 with no
intermediate score of 1. The four ultrasound variables allow for Economic considerations
a maximum score of 8, and when combined with the CTG
A state transition model has been used to estimate the cost-
contribute to a maximum test result of 10. A maximum score of
effectiveness of four strategies of induction of labour (expectant
8 (without CTG) or 10 (with CTG) is thought to indicate that
management vs induction at three differing postdates gestations).
the fetus is in good condition. If the score is 6, the test should
The analysis showed that all three interventions were more
be repeated in 4e6 hours, with a new score given. A score of 4
effective but more costly than expectant management. However,
or less is an indication for planned delivery. The false-normal
as the interventions reduce the risks of prolonged pregnancy,
test rate has been measured at 1:1000, and is defined as
they are in fact more cost-effective than expectant management,
the stillbirth of a structurally normal fetus following a normal
overall. The interpretation of these findings are similar to cost-
benefit analyses in other studies of labour induction for
Doppler ultrasound of fetal and uteroplacental different obstetrical indications, and suggest that the costs of
circulation labour induction and intrapartum care are relatively fixed for
Despite extensive investigation on the role of Doppler studies in each patient. It is the accrued cost of delay e which relates to
prolonged pregnancy, there is no regimen of tests that consis- increased clinical assessments e that is probably the main
tently identifies which fetuses are most at risk from complica- contributor to the cost difference between the groups.
tions. Umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry has not proved able
to improve the positive predictive value of fetal testing in pro- Intrapartum management
longed pregnancy. Doppler studies of the fetal circulation looking Intrapartum management should include electronic fetal moni-
for changes that may be associated with adverse fetal outcomes toring (EFM) of women who have prolonged pregnancy. This
are inconsistent and are unable to predict adverse fetal outcomes recommendation is based on the fact that EFM is a sensitive
such as: predictor of intrapartum fetal hypoxia and acidosis, for which
 Neonatal encephalopathy fetuses of prolonged pregnancies are known to be at increased
 Urgent operative delivery risk.
 Abnormal fetal heart rate change
 Thick meconium or acidaemia at delivery Conclusion
Finally, more recent studies have been conducted using
Prolonged pregnancy represents a relatively small proportion of
Doppler measurements of umbilical and fetal cerebral blood flow
modern obstetric practice. It is important to tailor management of
to assess for evidence of fetal redistribution of circulation to the
prolonged pregnancy according to the individual circumstances
brain, thought to be a possible marker for fetal adaptive changes
at hand. Routine maternal and fetal assessment forms the basis of
to uteroplacental insufficiency. This index is known as the
clinical decision making, which involves either planned delivery
cerebro-placental ratio (CPR). Measurement of the CPR in the
or expectant management. Due to the low absolute risks with
setting of prolonged pregnancy has not yet been found to identify
either approach, it is important to make decisions that take into
the fetus who will be at risk if they remain in-utero.
account the preferences and expectations of the woman and her
Timing of testing family where possible. A
There is no clear evidence or consensus as to when fetal testing
should begin. Identifying the most appropriate time to begin
testing will depend on weighing up the risk of an adverse FURTHER READING
outcome versus the risk and cost of the intervention. Boulvain M, Irion O, Marcoux S, Fraser W. Sweeping of the mem-
Traditionally, fetal monitoring is commenced at 42 weeks’ branes to prevent post-term pregnancy. Br J Obstetrics Gynaecol
gestation due to the increase in morbidity and mortality after 42 1999 May; 106: 481e5.
weeks. It has been suggested that fetal testing could occur prior Caughey AB, Snegovskikh VV, Norwitz ER. Postterm pregnancy: how
to 42 weeks. This suggestion is based on the fact decreasing can we improve outcomes? Obstetrical Gynecol Surv 2008 Nov.;
uteroplacental function is a continuum over a period of time, 63: 715e24.
rather than any biologic cut-off that occurs at 42 weeks. Indeed, Gatward H, Simpson M, Woodhart L, Stainton MC. Women’s experi-
large studies indicate that the nadir of poor perinatal outcomes ences of being induced for post-date pregnancy. Women & Birth: J
occurs around 41 weeks’ gestation, with steady increases beyond Aust Coll Midwives 2010 Mar.; 23: 3e9.
that gestation. Greve T, Lundbye-Christensen S, Nickelsen CN, Secher NJ. Maternal
The literature is inconsistent regarding the types of tests that and perinatal complications by day of gestation after spontaneous
should be used to monitor the fetus during the postdate period. A labor at 40e42 weeks of gestation. Acta Obstetricia Gynecol Scand
number of tests have been employed over the years including: 2011 Aug.; 90: 852e6.


Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en University Foundation Juan N Corpas de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en mayo 15, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Gulmezoglu AM, Crowther CA, Middleton P, Heatley E. Induction of Morken N-H, Melve KK, Skjaerven R. Recurrence of prolonged and
labour for improving birth outcomes for women at or beyond term. post-term gestational age across generations: maternal and
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006. paternal contribution. BJOG: Int J Obstetrics Gynaecol 2011 Dec.;
Hussain AA, Yakoob MY, Imdad A, Bhutta ZA. Elective induction for 118: 1630e5.
pregnancies at or beyond 41 weeks of gestation and its impact on Norwitz ER, Snegovskikh VV, Caughey AB. Prolonged pregnancy:
stillbirths: a systematic review with meta-analysis. BMC Public when should we intervene? Clin Obstetrics Gynecol 2007 Jun; 50:
Health 2011; 11(suppl 3): S5. 547e57.


Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en University Foundation Juan N Corpas de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en mayo 15, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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