NAMA: Mustika Irjayani Boru Panjaitan NIM:20170111024044

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NAMA: Mustika irjayani Boru Panjaitan

NIM :20170111024044


1. The linguistic/cultural variation in the curriculum

Linguists and anthropologists argue that the linguistic barrier and the lack of
cross-culture understanding are the primary issues (Burung,1990). In fact, EFL
teachers and other teachers with different disciplines have problem conversing
with their students due to language obstruction (Yembise,et al, 2009;2010).
Language barriers and lack of cultural awareness may bring complications which
are encountered by students and teachers. It is rather challenging and
demanding for Papuans as education should be positioned as a first priority. With
the special autonomy granted by the government of Indonesia, fair opportunity is
offered to Papuans in planning of their own education system which take into
account the socio- cultural aspects of the people (Yembise, 2005).

 The linguistic/cultural variation in the curriculum

according to (Birds 1990), linguistic barriers and lack of cross-cultural
knowledge are the main problems raised by linguists and anthropologists.
according to (Yembise, et al, 2009; 2010) the causes of difficulties in
speaking with students faced by ELF teachers and other teachers with
different disciplines caused by language barriers (Yembise 2005), which
causes complications faced by students and teachers is due to lack of
awareness and knowledge about cultural and language barriers so that this
becomes a challenge and demand for Papuans because education is the
top priority. therefore a fair opportunity is offered to Papuans in planning
their own education system which naturally incorporates socio-cultural
aspects. which is supported by the Indonesian government through
granting special autonomy.

2. The EFL [English as a Foreign Language] Teaching Materials

With regard to the TEFL [Teaching English as a Foreign Language], the teaching
is for the purpose of science and technology or worldwide knowledge, therefore
reading might be considered as the first priority. Unfortunately, all the
instructional materials which have been published are based mostly on contents
that reflect the dominance of certain cultures in the country. These materials
reflect no special attention to the huge variety of different existing cultures in
Papua. The consequences lead to negative image from outsiders that the
Papuans are intellectually weak [Yembise,et al., 2009; 2010]. Mandowen [1990]
comments on the instructional materials to be taught effectively and efficiently if
written by someone from a different cultural and linguistic background. He further
states that such materials oriented to majority cultures have caused
complications for teachers, yet low quality achievement is the final outcome for
this situation.

 The EFL [English as a Foreign Language] Teaching Materials

According to (Yemberde, et al., 2009; 2010), related to TEFL teaching
(teaching English as a foreign language), this teaching is intended for us to
study science and technology throughout the world, therefore reading may
be considered as top priority. unfortunately all the teaching material
displayed is mostly based on content that displays certain cultural
dominance in this country. This results in a negative view from outsiders
that Papuans are intellectually weak According to (Mandowen 1990)
commenting on teaching materials will be taught effectively and efficiently
if written by someone from a different background. He further stated that
complications for teachers were caused by material oriented to the majority
culture. and the final result of this situation is low quality.

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